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I have been working on my bouquet today and I have to say I'm about ready to beat my head up against the wall. I't s too long-I couldn't get the stupid length cut with the wire cutters and CS thought I was going to take a finger off with them while we were on webcam-and I need a better holder than scoth tape (I knew I should have picked up those crosage pins at WalMart). Mom said she can cut the stems (how she can and I couldn't I'll never know). I'm just tired and I need a bloody nap before I even touch that cursed bouquet again.

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Oh my.. you look gorgeous.. it's a beautiful dress (really glad it lived up to the way it looked on the website) and the waistline is perfect. And I agree.. very grecian .. when you have your wedding glow on (as every bride somehow gets on the day) it will look perfect.

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I have been working on my bouquet today and I have to say I'm about ready to beat my head up against the wall. I't s too long-I couldn't get the stupid length cut with the wire cutters and CS thought I was going to take a finger off with them while we were on webcam-and I need a better holder than scoth tape (I knew I should have picked up those crosage pins at WalMart). Mom said she can cut the stems (how she can and I couldn't I'll never know). I'm just tired and I need a bloody nap before I even touch that cursed bouquet again.


Can you sew the stems together with needle and thread and then put the tape around them?

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Oh I remember struggling with fake flowers. I made my corsage, hair clips, and my dates boutenniere (can never spell that word) and yup, nearly took a thumb off trying to trim everything down. Hot glue was involved but in the end, they were awesome and I am sad that I don't have them anymore. Make sure to always hang on to your bouquet! Don't worry, the cutting can be done. What you could do once the stems are the right length is tape them together, and then cover the whole stem section with a fabric sleeve-- maybe even something that matches the detail on your dress, or a certain colour you want to feature.

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Oh my.. you look gorgeous.. it's a beautiful dress (really glad it lived up to the way it looked on the website) and the waistline is perfect. And I agree.. very grecian .. when you have your wedding glow on (as every bride somehow gets on the day) it will look perfect.


Thank you Indigo! I'm just happy to have it out of the way and ready to go! lol All I have left is getting the lengerie, the cake, and the cake topper.


Can you sew the stems together with needle and thread and then put the tape around them?



Oh I remember struggling with fake flowers. I made my corsage, hair clips, and my dates boutenniere (can never spell that word) and yup, nearly took a thumb off trying to trim everything down. Hot glue was involved but in the end, they were awesome and I am sad that I don't have them anymore. Make sure to always hang on to your bouquet! Don't worry, the cutting can be done. What you could do once the stems are the right length is tape them together, and then cover the whole stem section with a fabric sleeve-- maybe even something that matches the detail on your dress, or a certain colour you want to feature.


Keeping them bunched up long enough to get the ribbon wrapped really wasn't the problem. I just put tape around them, lol. What's getting me is the ribbon is begin a pain and the aren't the right length, at all. I feel asleep for like the last six hours (:s) so I'll get my mom to cute them tomorrow. It's like a batch of flowers but they are connected at the bottom. I want them detached from that bottom part which is what is making it too long but I couldn't get it. Mom said I wasn't cutting it in the right spot.. I dunno.

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Thanks Sweetpea!


36 days til CS arrives!!! Which means 38 until we are married!


Things I still have left to do before he arrives/until the wedding:


[x] Order lingerie (which because of what it is, will hopefully double as going under my wedding dress)

[x] Flowers for the cake

[x] The cake (CS, please remind me to email the lady today about the flavor and icing)

[x] redo trial run on hair

[x] get CS's Valentine's Day gift


And there are probably other stuff I"m not remembering, lol. I'm just ready to be married to this man!

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I'm getting CS something small. He really didn't want anything but it's V-day, our first as a couple. Last year we were both sick on V-Day (go figure that's the day I realized I was falling for him as well, lol). I told him all I wanted was a card. I always want cards. Something to put away in a memory box to look at later in life and be able to say hey, this was from so and so event.

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Oh! I was in Walmart last night and I swear, there was this woman who was so tan she was orange. I'm standing there looking at her going... why? Why do you want to look orange in the winter? 0.o


Speaking of which, reminds me I need to lay in a tanning bed a few times a week to get rid of my tan lines from NY since I'm wearing a strapless dress.

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Well last Valentines day I got him a sweatshirt with the logo of his favorite sports team on it. He loves that sweatshirt and wears it all the time. I want to get him something he'll really enjoy, but am drawing a blank. His birthday is also super close to it and I kind of combine both into one gift, which I feel bad about, but he always tells me to do that because he knows I don't have that much money to spend. I'll make him a good dinner again on his birthday, but I still need to think of a gift. Ugh, guys are hard to buy for..

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God they are. CS loves gadgets, like Ipads and everything. They are SO expensive so I normally have to get him little gifts. He probably won't ever wear what I'm getting him but he can at least try it for the HM and if he doesn't he can shove it in a drawer and we will never speak of it again, lol. He also LOVES planes, so I know at some point, for Christmas or his birthday once I move over, one day, I'd love to get him flying lessons or something. I can get him that for the rest of his life and he'd love it, lol

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I was hoping there was a aviation mueseum in Atlanta but no, which is odd since it's Delta's main hub (would not know that if it weren't for CS). I was just looking into CS's Christmas gift for this Christmas. I was wanting to get it as a second gift for V-Day but it's more than I thought. So I'll def. save it for Christmas or his birthday since I'm going over there for his birthday for a week.

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I love cards too.. I've kept every note he's ever written me in a time capsule box. (For our first anniversay we put a time capsule together - it had our only copy of our wedding video.. old cards and notes - and a book each that I bought from this stationary store that we filled out for each other - you know with like 50 questions about our r'ship and partners and preferences and where we saw ourselves in the future and our dreams and hopes etc). Going to open it on the 10 yr anniversary and watch the video etc.


I'm really annoyed at all these occasions being bombarded at me. Esp V-day which is just commercial bs*** (I used to really like it but now it just feels like pressure).. and trying to think of cool presents for everything has me floored. I might suggest a "card only" policy for v-day. I dont even think I'll bother with dinner reservations (everything is overpriced and the v-day thing seems silly to me now).

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Awww, the time capsule is so sweet! I have a box in my closet I started for CS. Obviously because of the distance it doesn't have much but it has the birthday card he sent me last year and his Christmas cards. I think it's also a great thing for kids to look back on when they are older (past the teenager stage) and see how their parents use to be.


I have to admit, I find V Day very commercial. I dont' like huge gifts on V Day unless it's a special one (like a 5 year V Day or something). We will combine our future V Day and wedding gifts since we are getting married 2 days after V Day. I'd just prefer a card and a batch of flowers every year, simple. It's silly to only show you love someone ONE day a year. I mean, it's a nice way to stop and really think about that person but it's like Christmas... people spend WAY more than they should. I'm just getting him something small since I wasn't able to get him anything for Christmas last year.

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Well I told CS what I was planning on getting him this Christmas. To be fair, I was going to need his input anyway so I didn't screw it up. Meh. I can still surprise him on Valentine's Day and his birthday. This is what I'm getting him for Christmas:


link removed


When I asked him to have one of his shirts he gave me the one like this he had of his favorite football team. when I mentioned when I moved there he would be able to wear it himself again he made the comment no, it was bit worn and faded. I figured then I would buy him a new one (and of couse when he had worn it for x amount of years I'd get it as a night shirt, lol).


He seemed to like it. We also got a lot done with planning out the HM and what not today.


ugh. I am tired though. I'm going to wait til CS goes to bed though (poor guy has had a headache all day so we called an early night tonight). I'm going to turn the computer off and read some of my book while Jasper is curled at the foot of my bed. I love afternoons like this when it's chilly and you are snuggled under the covers reading... I wonder if I'll work tomorrow. We are under a Winter Storm Warning tonight and tomorrow. They are calling for snow again and if it weren't for the fact it snowed on Chrismtas Day, I'd say yeah right but idk, it could happen! We'll see though.

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We are still under this winter storm warning. Hopefully it won't be so bad so I can go to work tomorrow, really can't afford to miss a day at this point, you know? I mean, an extra day would be NICE but still. With not getting as much as I wanted from that Christmas pay (thank you taxes for eating it up) I need every dollar to get done what I need to get done.


I"m super bored tonight. Ugh. I could straighten my room but I'm just not in the mood. It needs it though. I think I'm just going to lay here and read and maybe drift off soon. If I get up early enough tomorrow I'll straighten up before I go to work (if I do).

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