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Me too. It's hard for her to understand why I would be so happy if it comes back lupus but she just hasn't seen me physically dealing with these hives since Sept. my co workers see it day in and day out and L has been there in the middle of the night with me when I break down crying because I'm just so swollen, itchy, and my joints are killing me.

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i still suspect you are having some kind of allergic reaction to the cleaners you work with. you can develop allergies, even after years of working with the same products.


The dermatologist said it can't be an allergic reaction since the hives have lasted more than 3 months - the allergist wouldn't even see me once I said I'd had them for 3 months - and they are coupled with severe joint pain and swelling, plus a low grade fever. That and I've had episodes while not at work (like on our anniversary trip).

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Well if it turns out to be lupus hopefully the medicine for lupus will help with the out breaks. I haven't posted a pic of the hives here because, well, I can barely stand to go out in public IRL when I have an episode, let alone just show them. But this is what I've been dealing with since Sept, day in and day out, all over my body (and this pic was on a good day):


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I've switched everything I can think of - dish soap, regular soap I bath with, shampoo, detergent, I stopped using all scented products (ie lotions, bath gels). That coupled with all the other symptons is why my doctor sent me to have the biopsy done because everythings points to lupus, even my red cheeks which I've had for years.

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I think if the joint pain gets worse (or when it DOES get worse shall I say) I think it will be, yeah. Fact is if this is positive I'll have to get medical insurance. They offer it at work but it's REALLY not the best. Family plan is like almost $300 a month and it really doesn't cover a lot. My boss hurt her ankle almost 3 months ago and she had an MRI done. The MRI cost like $3,800 and she got a bill for $2,000. So I think I'm going to research insurance plans outside the work one to see if it would be better.

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How good was it at covering things? See it's $100 a month for a single person but obviously at some point we would want to add L, and that's when it gets to be $300 if you have more than one person on it. It's almost $150 per pay check with a $1,500 deductible and I believe it only covers 80%.

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it was good overall. though i only had it short term between jobs, and i didn't really use it, apart from one trip to the ER (which cost $200 after insurance).


i don't know much about the other details, if it covered spouses, etc....


have they put you on any steroids yet, or are they still trying to figure out what is wrong? and you said your liver function tests were ok?

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