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Biopsy went okay. At first the doctor didn't even want to do one as most women have slightly elevated ANA's which can read as what they consider a 'false positive' so she had my blood work faxed to her. I also am having a 'good' day today and barely any spots at all and I know unless doctor's see a full blown episode they tend to (honestly) not take this as serious as I do. She came back with my blood work though and immediately said they'd be doing a biopsy, my ANA levels aren't through the roof but they are high enough to cause her worry. So they biopsied a spot on my right hip and a part of my left under arm. The actual biopsy itself was fine, I didn't feel feel a thing once they numbed the areas but the process to numb the areas, holy cow. I literally at one point had my face buried in the pillow and was shouting it hurt so bad when they injected the numbing stuff.


I go back in a week to have the stitches removed (yep, got stitches) and they should have my results back by then. The doctor herself said with the high elevated ANA and the hives and joint pain, she doesn't see how it's not lupus.

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I always forget that we constantly heal, even for those of us who heal in a clinical way, and that sometimes even though we have healed the pain morphs into something else. My husband - who was a Samaritan for years - pointed something out this morning on something I bought up just on a whim to discuss while I was getting ready for work, something that in over 10 years of being a survivor I never put together and neither did my therapist that I saw for five years.


Basically for as long as I can remember I have always had a fear of someone breaking in the house, whatever house I was living in at the time. It really isn't even a fear, that's the wrong word.... More like compulsive thoughts. That's a better way to describe it. And I alway chucked it up to me being digilent about my safety or even part of my OCD. Every night without fail thoughts of what i would do if someone broke into the house go through my mind and ill play the scenario out in my head and everything. the only time i dont do it is when im staying at my Uncle's house or L is with me.


So I had a dream last night about getting robbed and again I thought nothing of it because as always I had been going over

The thoughts the night before. I mentioned it to L just in passing and he was like 'You know why you have those thoughts? Because someone came into your bedroom at one time when they shouldn't have." And it just like all crystallized and made perfect sense. Def gave me food for thought.

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OG do you fear sleeping next to the bedroom door ? I cannot sleep on the side of the bed that's near the door.


No, I'm okay with sleeping on either side or the bed being close to the door. It's really not even a fear but more obsessive thoughts. I never think about it or run the scenario through my head during the day, it's only in the first 30 minutes of going to bed. Which makes sense since 95% of my abuse happened during the middle of the night. But I don't do it when I spend the night at my uncle's house or when I'm around L, probably on some level that has to do with trusting both of them because even when my mom spends the night with me I do it.

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I always forget that L was a Samaritan for years and has a knack for connecting things together like that. Like I said, in over 10 years of being a survivor I never saw the link, although I tend to fight against saying 'I do this because of the abuse' simply because of the way I healed. I hate contributing anything that I do to that because it makes me feel like a victim. L and I have actually never discussed my abuse in detail. He obviously knows it happened, he knows the age range it happened in and all that and it's not something I would shy away from talking about (I tend to be very blunt and open when it comes to that) but I think all that Samaritan training would just go out the window for him if we ever discussed it in detail. I call him my robot and he does have this knack for being able to flip a switch and make a decision or hear something unemotionally but hearing details from a stranger over the phone is a far different matter than sitting next to your wife telling you.

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I just recently made a connection in my life that is 33 years old. I am afraid of certain type of locks on doors. Mainly bathroom doors. If it has a certain type of lock I cannot go in there I get very anxiety ridden. I will usually either leave the bathroom stall unlocked or the actual door to the bathroom I will stick my shoe in the door. Or if my husband is with me I will have him hold the door. It is that or i don't go in the bathroom at all.


What came to me a few days ago was the fact that I was violently raped in the bathroom. That was a daytime attack. It was particularly violent. I was actually blacked out for three hours. The nearest thing I can figure is that that bathroom had had the same kind of lock that I now fear. It is strange I didn't make that connection in the 33 years.

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They say we always continue to heal, even after we think we've done all our healing.


And the more I think about it, the more I can't believe I didn't see the connection. When I fall asleep on the couch or in the recliner I don't have the obsessive compulsive thoughts, I don't do my nightly routine of making sure everything is locked (although to be fair I am a young 20-something woman living on her own right now, any smart woman would do that). It doesn't send fear in me or cause me to panic, it's just something I feel I have to do. I guess I would classify it more as a worry than a fear.

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Working tonight then coming in tomorrow for first shift - fun. I've done 3 lessons in math so far (will probably do another one or two tomorrow after work tomorrow). We weren't assigned to do anything but the teacher said we could start I we wanted so I did. Doesn't hurt to get a jump start.

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It is - sarcastically said.


What the H is up with this weather the last few days? I mean really. Anyone else living in the south experiencing unusually warm weather? Like spring weather in the middle of Jan? I mean I'm loving not having to scrap my car window off in the morning but it's just... odd.


No class work today. My mom and stepdad came over after I got off work to look at my car - been doing this weird stuttering thing whenever I start off - so they filled the transmission fluid as it was low but it's still doing it so at some point I'll take it to Auto Zone to see if it's a lose sensor or something. I did have a surprise though when they came, they bought Tyler! Mom stopped by my BIL's house on the way to pick him up just to surprise me. He finally got to open his Christmas presents from us and while they ran to Walmart to get the fluid I took him down to the playground we have and let him run wild. I swear that kid has so much energy! And he can say my name perfectly!


Straightened up the house after they left, cooked dinner, and am now doing laundry and watching my soap before catching an early night for school in the morning.

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