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Oh that is so heartbreaking. That poor woman. I think if I lost Alex I'd lose it, whatever "it" is.


My co-worker is taking her mom's death really hard, but it helps her if we just listen. Sometimes she wants to be alone, sometimes she wants a hug. We're all just trying to help as best as we can, but it's not easy to get back to regular life. She's changed in some ways, and I don't think she ever will be quite the same, and it is sad to see someone so cheerful and vibrant be so wiped out.

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Sprry to hear all this I know you hate funerals but its good you're going for support.


Don't worry about red shoes at a funeral. I'm anti-black at funerals (wore a white dress to my grandmas funeral) and I'm sure it will be fine with red shoes. I am of the belief though about dressing nicely for funerals and weddings--definitely no jeans or t-shirts, out of respect, but that's bc I see things like that as crlebrations and you always dress nicely for a celebration.

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Yeah I'm the same way when it comes to colors at funerals. I still try to have some black on but a little color doesn't make me feel disrespectful. Now no way would I ever show up in jeans and flip flops or even regular trainers.


The funeral is over. It was your typical funeral, the priest spoke more of a mini sermon on religion than about the actually deceased. I don't know, it's one of my pet peeves about funerals and why I don't like them. I held it together until te end of the church service when they wheeled his casket down the aisle and my co worker reched out and broke down in tears. Me, my other co worker, and my boss just lost it. And then after the grave side service we all hugged her. She and I have this thing were when I walk in and see her ill shout 'Batman!' And she'll shout 'Robin' - no idea why, just started one day. When she hugged me she whispered Batman and I lost it again.


Because you can't help but think about being in that same situation, burying your husband and best friend... You just can't help but choke up.

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Poor woman It's going to be rough for her for awhile, that's for sure. My heart goes out to her and her whole family.


My grandma had a catholic ceremony and they didn't sugarcoat things, which I appreciated. They also referred to her a lot as "our sister" and that was comforting. She was 90 years old, but it was still really hard. Suddenly, this person isn't there anymore and it's such a strange feeling.

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My heart just breaks for her. It's one of those nights I'd be snuggled extra close to L if I could...


Yeah the priest at my Nanny's funeral was the priest of the church she had attended for, God, 50-60 years? And I think he mentioned her specifically once or twice? I mean she was a God fearing Christian woman so on the one hand I know she probably would have been fine with it being mostly about religion but it just rubbed me wrong. In all honesty funerals are the reason I'm being cremated.

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I fell asleep after work yesterday - with the intention of sleeping through until 6 am this morning to get a good almost 12 hours sleep - but my bladder woke me up at 9 and I just couldn't fall back asleep. By the time I was getting tired it was 2 hours before my shift. Thankfully we were slammed today because we are getting ready for a mock State visit tomorrow so we were like busting our rumps to get stuff done. I'm sat here having just ate dinner and I'm still pretty awake, going to try to hold off on going to bed as late as I can to right my sleeping pattern, especially since I have to go to the school tomorrow morning and pick up my books, student ID, and parking permit.

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Last day of work and then I'm off for two days, even if those days consist of school and a biopsy! My mom is spending tomorrow night with me so she can go to my biopsy - I'm not nervous but she's like freaking out so I'm letting her come more for her peace of mind than my own.


Still no word on the visa.

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Public Speaking is going to be the biggest hurdle for me this semester by far, it just goes against everything that I am as an introvert.


My sister had her first ultrasound appointment today - she's 8 weeks along and everything looks good, there is a tiny bit of blood in the sac but the doctor said at this point that isn't anything bad. She's gaining weight great (no adverse morning sickness like she had with Tyler) and the baby's heart beat was 171 so looking strong. due Date still looking like Aug. 18th if everything goes right.


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