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I was on Wedding Buzz when it was on Facebook and I was planning the wedding but the board was just so unmoderated. I may complain about our strict rules here but in all honesty I love the structure of it.


Went and saw The Hobbit today with my uncle, his wife and their son, and the newly married couple. It was AWESOME!!! I mean, I knew it was going to be great (it is LOTR) but it just met every expectation I had. We went and saw it in 3D which I at first I wasn't too thrilled about (I hate 3D movies) but I have to say it wasn't so bad with this one. I'd like for us to have a normal DVD of it but I didn't mind the 3D viewing experience in the theatre. And I am so glad I went with my pseudo family instead of going alone, it was so great to see a movie with fellow die-hard LOTR fans. We laughed at everything together and (to me) during one of the more iconic scenes of The Hobbit my uncle and I both reacted like it was touch down in American football, lol. I can't believe we have to wait a YEAR for the next one to come out, although next year L will be here with us.

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I have to go in about 6:30 and do the ordering since my boss is out for the holidays. Doesn't really bother me but then I have to turn around and work 11-7, now that is going to wack my sleep up. Ordering shouldn't take long though, plus making sure all the linen is delivered and we weren't short changed, should be home by 7:30 or 8 at the latest.

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Finishing up my best friend's Christmas gift (just a simple framed picture of her, her boyfriend, and my niece from our wedding) but I'm repainting the frame. My sister said she might be able to bring Tyler by tomorrow which I'm excited for! My mom is coming by as well and I was just going to give her his gifts for him to open next time he's with her but I'd rather see him opening his gifts here, obviously. So hopefully they'll be able to stop by.

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Had such a great time with the bestie and my niece! Little girl loved her gifts from us - I had to open one up as we were waiting for food to come for her to play with - and the best friend and I had a chance to catch up. I owed her because she bought my lunch last time but she wouldn't let me get her's this time so I bought desert, coca-cola cake.... oh my God it was so good. Orgasm good. And I love having a personal tipping calculator in my husband. Waiting on my mom to get here now. I felt fine while we were having dinner but ever since I got back home I'm all stuffy and sleepy. Blah. I need to pop out and pay the power bill before mom comes anyway.

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Checked the mail after paying the power bill and got my MIL's Christmas card plus her gift to me, a 50 Shades of Grey charm;

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So cute! I also received Dang's Christmas card which absolutely made my tear up. I am so lucky to have friends like you Dang, even if we haven't met (yet!). The card just made my day.

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