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Our next enrollment isn't until June, and even then when I enroll (if this is Lupus) the insurance company won't cover a pre existing condition until you've had the insurance for a year. One of my co worker's is going through that right now. Aside from the Dermatologist my normal doctor is income based so I only pay $40 a visit and that includes all labs and tests run.

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I do and I don't tbh. I do because it'll be a reason for these hives and I don't because... Well, obviously.


I was pretty happy when the nurse mentioned my weight lost! I had been telling L I felt like I was losing weight and just over all better and looks like the feeling was right. I've had fast food 2 or 3 times this month, maybe? I started a new rule were I'm not allowed to bring fast food back to the house and eat it, if I'm going to have fast food it has to be at that place (like if I were to meet my bestie for lunch). Mostly because she is the only person I go out and eat with so it curbs my fast food addiction.

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I completely understand. Before my sister was finally diagnosed with lyme disease, she was hoping against hope for a proper diagnosis to put an end to the guessing and wondering.


That's awesome OG! I don't care if I lose weight this month, I just don't want to gain 5 lbs over christmas!

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The guessing and wondering are what really kill you.


Since I've started properly watching portion sizing and amount of times I eat (coupled with a fairly active job) I find myself not wanting large, greasy fast foods.


So glad today's work is over... I slept poorly last night (like finally fell asleep at 12-12:30 and back up at 4:30) and had to take over a new department from a co worker who wasn't doing it properly. Boss told me to take half a day tomorrow so I could leave early for my uncle's since I forgot it was the weekend before Christmas so all the crazies will be out driving.

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Do I really want to lug all my crafting stuff to my uncle's? That's usually when I get the most stuff done but I just don't feel like it this time. I have a million things in the works but I need to organize my projects before continuing with them... blah. I'll just take the time to catch up on our blog.

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Yeah it's not as long a process (normally) for here, it's just long stretches of not hearing anything. Doesn't help we applied right before they got slammed with applications and are so back logged they are having to send applications to process to other officers outside were they normally are processed. Should have just listened to my husband in January when he broached the subject of him moving here, shouldn't have dug my heels in and been all Mad Cow and stubborn.... I'm in a grumpy mood tonight.

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^ you crack me up so much! My best friend texted me at 5 am this mornig asking what area of the world was the last to enter the 21st. I was like probably Pacific time zone but they are already pass it. The horrible wind we are getting ha her worried (coupled with her being a 2012 believer).


I on the other hand just have to make it to 11...

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Well I made it to my uncle's, no thanks to the murderous wind that tried to take my tiny Monte Carlo off the road God knows how many times! I mean really, this wind is ridiculous. You can't even breath when out in it because it's so cold and strong it just takes your breath away. My uncle and I chit chatted for a while (his wife is at work) and then L called me after his dinner date with his mum. It started off with him and I talking but before I knew it him and my uncle were talking shop about Star Trek while I surfed facebook. Most wives might get annoyed but honestly, I loved it. I love the fact that these two great guys, both who mean so much to me, get along so well and genuinely have common interests they can discuss. I'm not sat there goading their conversation on, both of them carry it on with no problem.


I'm currently waiting on his wife to come home from work (uncle had to go to bed, works third) with one of their dogs passed out on my feet. He looks just like Her's Saul, and good God he is heavy...

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Had so much fun at the art place! Was so proud to support her and the amazing stuff she does! Was not thrilled at someone letting their 6 year old just run around though and just standing there chit chatting while they did so. Parent people. After the show we went and ate at Golden Coral which was soooo good. I normally don't like buffet style food but good God it was so good, and I was still good and didn't over eat. However while we were eating my emotions kind of took a major dive. It wasn't anything any one in my party said or did... it's hard to explain.


On a day to day bases us being long distance doesn't bother me. I don't feel like I'm missing out anything or overall sadness, I'm just kind of in different to it. I obviously miss my husband every second of every day but day to day there's almost a wall up and I just don't let myself go to the dark emotions you can feel when you are 4,000 miles away from your SO. But when I get around other couples - not just other people, but couples - that wall takes a crumble and those dark emotions that I normally can keep down come bubbling up, and that's what happened at dinner tonight. I was sat there at one point and realized I was essentially a married 7th wheel. There was my uncle and his wife, their friends who were just married this past weekend, my uncle's son and his grandfather (okay, not a couple but they were off on their own), and then me. And I don't know but my emotions just took a nose dive and I really didn't interact a lot while we ate, I just sat to myself and ate. At one point I went to the bathroom and as pathetic as it sounds, I sat and cried for about five minutes.


No idea why I was crying but I just needed to get it out. After that I pulled myself together, made sure you couldn't tell I had been crying, and went back to the party. And then something funny happened as we were getting in the car and the wall slowly started rebuilding and now I feel fine, just had a small moment of weakness. It's hard to understand I guess, and it only ever effects me when I'm around couples because I observe them you can't help but notice the small things they do that you can't with your SO - holding hands, leaning accross the car to kiss, leaning your head on their shoulder when you are sleepy, having that one person to turn to during dinner while everyone else is talking.... but that's part of being long distance, knowing you have all that but it's not there with you.


Taken but alone.

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