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He has a set of blood clots collecting on his left eye lid and it's causing it to weigh it down. I'll try to find a pic and post to show it. If he's looking right at you his right eye is wide open but the left lid will droop because of the spot on the lid. If they don't take it off he will eventually lose sight in that eye. It's risky because they have to put him under pretty heavily to do it.

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Well there have been many surgeries on even younger babies, so that can be comforting to know that all of those went well. It's just hard to watch because they are so young and you want to protect them. I remember carrying a baby into the OR to have surgery when I was working in the ORs and it broke my heart knowing what she would go through in a small amount of time.

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I know, I'm only his aunt and I want to just wrap him up and take everything away, I can't even imagine what my sister is going through. He has already under went one surgery before when he was a month or two. His PDA didn't close when he was born (since he was born two months early) and they had to surgically close his so he could use his lungs to breath. So at least he has some experience with surgery.

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He should do fine! I think he's a trooper. It's just hard to watch though. I don't like watching loved ones go for surgery. I know I can handle it and have been through several myself, but don't want to see others go through it. It was so hard seeing my cousin go through surgery after they found a tumor. I just wanted to take her and run. lol. but she had to get it done for her own well-being.

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Ok before I forget I wanted to share this with you OG.


The following is a good reason why one should never think about ena too much and take ambien at the same time. I had the most random dream about you. You, CS, me and my grandson were in Canada. I was dating an ex boyfriend of yours, I guess in my dream he lives there. You were vacationing with CS and I was traveling to Canada to visit with your ex who I was now dating. You and CS took my grandson to play in some snow and I took your ex to a therapist (physical) because he had an injury to his arm (there was a long scar on his arm) and he said he felt better once he had his physical therapy. I remember in my dream liking him but not enough to want to move to Canada and then I thought to myself, I couldn't possibly leave this guy in Canada thinking we have a long distance relationship and not really follow through because what would the people of ena think of me?


Laugh all you like. I'm still asking myself what the heck was on my mind when I went to sleep last night. Oh and in my dream, CS's real name was Ian.

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Yeah, it was so epic. I was totally thinking god, everyone here is gonna flame me if I come back here and say im in a ldr with him even though my heart isn't in it.


Sigh.......Remember kids, drink warm milk if you want to sleep and stay off the ambien.

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God I have wedding on the brain last night! I seriously had 3 or 4 different dreams about our wedding day and each was different in some way. I can't really remember them but the whole thing about them all was I was super afraid to be late or I was running late. I do remember a specific detail to one. For SOME reason I was getting the cake out of the car and it fell and ruined. :s My first thought? "God, I can't WAIT to vent to the girls on ENA about this!" lol. Then, somehow, in the dream I came up with the idea of going to Wal-Mart and getting one of those small versions of cakes (like they give to babies as the birthday cake they can dive into) and putting the cake topper on it and that being our wedding cake!


Aye. What a night... by the time I woke up today I would have sworn I had been married 4 times already!

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I almost had a dead cat this morning. -.-


As I was web camming with CS Jasper decided to try to chew on this black elastic thing that is wrapped around the webcam wire. As he was the web cam went dead. Luckily, he apparenlty only momentarily shortened it because it eventually did start working again after I unplugged it and plugged it back in a few times. Very lucky cat that it started working....

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^^not sure how much more i can give him, lol. At least i know im as prepared for motherhood as I can be with the little rascal.


CS went and played poker today. Never knew he knew how, lol. That's what i lov3 about our relationship, we are constantly still learning things about each other. I told him he had.to teach me how to play on our HM. He said sure, he could do that and still love me (he refuses to teach me how to drive over there, lol) we also took a positive step in fixing our one problem today. Like really took the step and not either of us saying we would work on it and not. Suck because its a problem only when we are in our LDR.


Annnnd another woman is pregnant at work. Thank you universe for slapping me in the face again. I get the message loud nd clear. No baby for us for another three years. Got ya loud and clear.

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Awwww don't worry OG. Kids are the on the way. It's not like the Universe has a finite number of children to be born and if you wait 3 years, it will say "SORRY OG NO MORE LEFT!" They will come. Just think, it's good to wait because when you DO have them, they will be in the UK and you'll be able to utilize the UK's resources, like healthcare. You will be financially ready and as well as ready on other levels and your kids will be better off because of it!

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I know. Intelluctlly I know we are doing the right thing and I was even the one that suggusted we wait 6 months-a year after I find a job (not when I move but from when I find a job) to build a nest egg up so I can be out the full first six months. But when what you want the most in the world is continually thrown at you and it seems like everyone else has or is getting what you want, for a few moments you just wanna say 'F you universe', lol. I know we have plenty of time to try for kids and will one day. And as much as we want them, if I were to get pregnant now, it would just be horrible. No way could I move over there before we have planned which would mean CS wouldn't be there during the pregnancy or birth... so in a way I'm glad we aren't or don't have plans to any time soon but still.


I bought my wedding bouquet tonight. A simple batch of $3 yellow daisies from Wal-Mart. I actually didn't know the leaves came off til my sister took them off so I actually need one or two more batches to make the bouquet look right (looks too small right now). Probably pick that up while I'm in town tomorrow picking up my wedding dress from the alteration lady. I also got the ribbon to wrap the bouquet in.

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My wedding dress! I look so horrible, ugh. I over slept a little and then had to help mom get Tyler in the car so we could pick the dress up. Now I just gotta get the lingerie that I want to double as the undergarments and if it looks right, I'll be done with my stuff!

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Very grecian goddess, and I love the waist detail. It's super flattering to your shape If I may, I suggest straps. I think it would balance your top half out better just because you have a bigger bust. I wore a strapless dress for NYE and felt cute, but looking at pics now I see that I looked top heavy, especially in white. I'd hate for you to look back at your wedding pics and not LOVE what you see.

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Very grecian goddess, and I love the waist detail. It's super flattering to your shape If I may, I suggest straps. I think it would balance your top half out better just because you have a bigger bust. I wore a strapless dress for NYE and felt cute, but looking at pics now I see that I looked top heavy, especially in white. I'd hate for you to look back at your wedding pics and not LOVE what you see.


I bought that up to the alteration lady because I looked top heavy to myself and she said I looked top heavy because the dress was a little low (she altered the bust but it's still like not very snug because she couldn't go into the beadwork to make it even more snug). She said what I can do is get that booby tape and pin whatever undergarment I'm going to use to the inside fabric and that will hold the top part up more. Were it's resting in the pic is not were it is suppose to rest but the bra I had on didn't want to coperate, at all, lol


CS also went, "You are wearing you hair down for the wedding, right?" I was like yeah. He says, "Good. You don't look right with it up in that dress."

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