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I can tell I'm coming down off the dosage of steroid, I'm having frequent tension headaches again. Oh well. Only 3 more days on the steroid and then we'll see how the Zyrtec and Zanta works. I've had this odd sensation in my right knee lately (today I noticed it about 3 different times) and the best way I can describe it is it feels like warm water running over my knee. Not from my thigh down to my knee but just the area of my knee and it only lasts for MAYBE 10 seconds. I seriously had to stop today at work and go 'Did I just pee myself?!' because that's exactly how it feels, just like warm liquid was running down your leg but only one section. Odd.

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Still deader than normal, lol. Then again I'm battling yet another headache, blah.


Awwwww I know what you mean. I had a migraine for 7 days in a row but I was developing a sinus infection. I stopped it in it's tracks once I realized that is what it was. And now I am good.


I hope yours goes away.

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Have a few sips of wine for me, lol!


She's in the SCA - an organization were they dress up in period clothes (think Renasiance Fair but far more awesome) - and she does scribal work, basically making scrolls identical to what they looked like back then. She's super talented. She did a scroll for our wedding as a present.


I am so excited, especially since I have people to go with!

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You know I'm not a huge fan of chocolate? I really have to be in the mood for it and most of the time I only like it as desert when eating out. L loves it though, like loves it just as much as a woman would.


Thanks! It'll be nice to see them again since the last time I saw them was when we went down for L's birthday weekend while he was here.

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