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Woke up to my upper lip swelled again. :s L put his foot down and told me I had to go to the Allerigst. When I bulked about money he reminded me he got his bonus this month, which I started to refuse again (because I don't want his bonus to go toward my medical bills) but I quickly backed down and agreed to go. I may be the controlling, stubbron one in this marriage but I know when to not push my husband, and this was one of those moments. Really it's super sweet. He could get a few planes for himself with his bonus.

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Ha... anal about birth control. That doesn't sound like the most pleasant form of birth control to me, but whatever floats your boat!


Also, I just started my period. Isn't the syncing up only supposed to happen if you live together?!?

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I took a (negative) test last week to satisfy Jared's worries bc I was convinced the tea as drink tasted like soap and he disagreed. He therefore thought I was pregnant bc of my taste buds being weird. Turns out, after getting a friend to try the tea, I wasn't the only one to think it was soapy. We got a new pitcher and the tea tastes fine.

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I assume i'm pregnant all the time even though i'm not having sex because I get phantom kicks almost daily. It feels exactly like when Hayden started moving but was too small to feel all the time. You'd think i'd be used to it by now but I still catch myself dropping everything when I feel them..

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If it happens, it happens though. The baby definitely wouldn't be unwanted and would have amazing, loving parents...that's truly the foundation of it all. Love doesn't buy diapers but where there's a will there's a way. I commend you though for wanting to wait...I know your maternal instinct is very strong, OG.

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Thank you Dang. We still obviously want kids, we both actively talk about them and aspects of parenthood - like the random question while he was here of who would take our kids if we both died - but the over ridig factor is we just aren't ready. There obviously isn't any perfect time to have a child but it would be highly irresponsible of us to ring one into our situation in the next two years.

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Got up at 8 am today to do my reading retest on the placement test, ended up near perfect score. On the way home they were doing construction so I had to break out the GPS on my iPhone - as I know nothing about Athens - and my phone of course took today to go all screwy. GPS had like a 5 second delay which makes using it impossible if you are the one driving AND navigating, it keeps saying my phone is almost out of storage and in general was starting to act like my old Droid when I was trying to do something. Think it's time to break down and update to IOS 6.


I also think I got the sink unstopped last night! Poured some Drain-O down the drain and used the plunger a few times. Still acting up but there is at least not a puddle of standing water in the bottom of the dishwasher any more!

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