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My heart really goes out to you, OG. This time last year, I had severe itching that nothing would take away. It would wake me up in the middle of the night, keep me up for hours. It was every day...but at different times. I never did go to a specialist. It finally went away after several months but it still comes back randomly. It's miserable.. I hope you get answers asap!

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Dang - yeah, this is going on the 9th week I think. It's still in the time frame to be pityriasis but who knows.


Pen - I have been. I've taken everything I can think out that I introduced at the time this started in Sept. some days it's not bad, others it's horrible and followed by the swollen lips. I've got two more things to try to see if it's them before my allergy appointment on the 28th.

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It doesn't have to be something that you only started taking since Sept. Unfortunately people can develop allergic reactions over time to things they have had no problems with for years. If it's not anything obvious, it can be quite a daunting task to keep track of all the things you consume, especially if you use a lot of processed foods or are not preparing all your meals from scratch.


Good luck with the appointment

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I was all the sudden allergic to laundry detergent a few years ago. I can't een use scented dryer sheets. I need complete allergen free. I grew up using gain and tide brands just fine and then suddenly I couldn't. Gave me awful rashes. Have you tried changing your detergent? Even hand soap or dish soap or bath soap. Look into that. Not just since any date--try going allergen free on all of that and see if it helps.

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i agree with keeping a journal everyday - things like what you ate, if you used some perfume or bathwash, if you were stressed out, etc... it might help you figure out what is going on.


do you think it's possible jasper has anything to do with it?

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i agree with keeping a journal everyday - things like what you ate, if you used some perfume or bathwash, if you were stressed out, etc... it might help you figure out what is going on.


do you think it's possible jasper has anything to do with it?


Not sure, it came on just so suddenly, which is an indicator it could be pityriasis. Like today the itching was barely there and I'm not broke out all that bad but last thursday I was just covered in it.

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Today was a horrible day, I was just in a terrible mood all day thanks to some of my co workers. What sucks is it isn't even anyone in my immediate department (ie that I work with) but in the other section of our department. I'm just so fed up with the high school behaviour. You have a problem with me or you think I'm not doing something, you come to me. I don't ask you to report why you do x, y, and z - as long as you are doing your job I don't care what you are doing - and I sure as heck am not going to go out of my way to tattle on you. I don't know... unless someone does something that directly effects their job I don't ever get a light bulb that goes 'Hm, should tell our boss about that one'. Who cares? If you're working I don't pay you any mind. Just so tired of it.


I wasn't as itchy or broken out today at least. I'm rewashing everything in allergen free stuff and I bought unscented dish liquid to wash the dishes in, as well as some Dove soap. Give this a few days and see if I see any changes.

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What kind of lotion do you use? Did this just start after you moved into your apt?


I understand about the co-workers. It's hard when teams become fairly divided... The techs can make our lives in customer service so difficult. I actually read an article today when it was slower on how to command respect because I am sick of them walking all over me or thinking they can get away with whatever they want.

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I don't usually use lotion, if I do it's unscented. It started happening over 3 months after I moved in.


I am def. a push over at times. I tend to just put my head down and do my job (because at the end of the day that is what counts, whether I do my job or not) but it's getting to the point were they are affecting me doing that job in an effect way.

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Could there be something in your apartment that is causing this? Like mold or some other allergen? I don't recall you ever having these kinds of symptoms before you moved in.


I'm not sure to be honest, I've had them outside the apartment (at work, at the beach, at my uncle's) so I don't think it's related to the apartment. I've never had this before and it's a little worrying when the doctor goes 'Well it's this but if it comes back go see an allergist'. Ummmm, how is it the first one then??

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Sadly, unless you see an allergist who can maybe do some specific tests, you'll have to keep using the process of elimination to narrow down what causes them and what doesn't. Very frustrating. Esp since you can't total stop using a bunch of household products at once and just use one at a time. It's hard to pin down.

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Ugh I feel for you bc I went through the exact same thing with the exact skin condition. It sucks! I have to be careful now. No powder detergent and no scented dryer sheets. I use oil of olay cranberry soap with no problems and fruit scented antibacterial handsoap with no problem luckily but it's laundry detergent that affects me most.

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I remember being a teenager and having to watch what lotions I used (I couldn't use scented ones) but that seemed to taper off and scented lotions didn't both me for a number of years. I'm still itchy but it's almost like phantom itching. There isn't any spots and it's not the oh my God, I'm going to die unless I can scratch that spot!

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