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Exactly. It looks like a proper book! It's eerie how new CS's books look. Books shouldn't look like that! Oh yeah, the toilet paper gets to me. It's not even finishing off the roll and not putting any on, what really gets me is you take the time to get a new roll OUT and then just sit it on the back of the toilet or the sink. How long exactly would it take to put the roll on the depenser again?




And when men shave and leave the hair in the sink... >.


I shed a lot of hair in the shower though.. and don't always get rid of it. My bad, I know. My H says its like finding a kitten in the shower..

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My H is the same.. he also always picks the second book or third one on the shelf so it doesn't have a dog-earred corner. And he tries very hard to make sure they never get dog-earred or creased along the spine.


However - he seems to have no worry about dust at all. Most of his books have a horrid layer of dust protecting their surface


Dog-ear corners do bother me, I have to admit. None of the pages of my books have dog ears, I always make sure to have a book mark when I'm reading, even if I have to have a make shift one of like a torn piece of paper, lol


lol, mine are never dusty. I read 3 or 4 series of books (I love fantasy. Lord of the Rings is mine and CS's favorite book and will be a bedtime story for my kids like it was for me) so I'll start on one series, finish it, and go to the next. By the time I come around to the first series again there is a small layer of dust because of all the books I have had to read to get back there but it never stays on for long, lol



Well I called work to find out what the H was going on about my check. They switched banks so the secretary told me it could mean a delay in those of us with direct deposit getting our checks. Um, well geez, thanks for the warning. Of course she still said it could be Friday before it deposits. Hmmmm, does not help me still. I did call one of the HM hotels as CS suggusted, they said they would not take it out of the bank, it would come out when we checked in, it was more of a 'reserving a room' thing. Once we checked in that morning it would come out then. So against my better judgement, I'm going to use a little bit of the HM hotel money to get some gas, at least enough to get me through until my check decides to deposit. I'll have to cancel the eye exam for today and let the alteration lady know it could be next week or this weekend before I get a chance to pick it up.


Thank you work for screwing up my week plans.

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I took a picture of our cat that looks like yours the other day, I was like oh I need to post this up for OG! I'll post it up later tonight (if I don't forget).


Ah! I do want to see! Jasper is currently passed out at the bottom of my bed after having a wild night running through the house.... >.

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I do some girly things now too but a lot of the tomboy is still there: I hate heels, I wera nothing but flip flops, I wear make up rarely, and I hate dresses. I want my daughter to be girly but at the same time, I'm going to raise her as a tomboy as well. lol, my best friend actually made the comment about a picture of me from when CS and I went to NY. She said, "I saw you in black dress capris wearing tennis shoes. I knew I had failed you as a best friend then." I just laughed. I was like I had a horrible sun burn and my feet hurt: I was not going for stylish, I was going for comfort!


I like to think I am more "girly", but truthfully I don't know. lol. I'm not into dresses, make-up, hate high heels, don't like shopping, etc. I think my mother is disappointed about that last one, as she doesn't get a shopping partner, but she can go with my cousin or one of her sisters. I like to be comfortable, so my daily wear tends to be jeans and a comfy shirt. I only wear a little bit of make-up, usually powder foundation to even out my skin and maybe mascara. I've been wearing less and less make-up as time goes on. I just figure, V loves me no matter what and I would rather spend those extra minutes with him than to spend them putting on make-up.


I love the picture ideas by the way. My friend has one very similar to the first picture and and had the same color theme, too.


I really don't know either way about circumcizion, about what we would do for our son. V is uncut, but has said he kind of wants his son to be circumsized. I can see why people would go either way and for some baby boys, they do need it because of UTIs or other problems. It's a simple procedure to cut a small amount of skin vs waiting to get that done as an adult and it is much more painful and a much longer recovery. I'm really undecided. The decreased risk of penile cancer and all of that is a small percentage, so not sure if it would ever be worth it. I hate seeing kids get poked and prodded, but I know it can be necessary at times. We'll just figure it out when the time comes.

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Yeah, i hate shopping. CS would argue otherwise but its the truth, lol. At work ill wear a little foundation but my skin is the type if I don't wash it off that night, I break out horribly. Like right now. Ugh. I'll shop with my best friend but i rarely get anything. I just loath the whole trying on clothes.


I'll be wearing these small gold heels (what i wore when I was moh to my best friend) but for that pick, I'm s/ipping into a pair of red heels. I want our pic slightly different though.


I really had no opinion on it until I met CS. He is uncut and I know he doesn't want his sons to he different. For me, its about giving them the choice. If later in life they want to get cut they can make that decision, not us. I understand in some situations its medically better and some for religious reasons but I feel more comfortable leaving that up to the individual children.

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That's why I wear powder foundation. It's light on the skin and won't really clog my pores if I forget to wash it off. I rarely shop and only shop when I need clothes. I wear clothes until they are worn out and then am 'forced' to go shopping. lol. Otherwise I just get clothes as gifts and wear those. Then there is no shopping involved.


I asked V about that, with the kid being different than him if the boy is circumsized, but he still kind of likes the idea of going through with it. We are both kind of on the fence about it. I know if you don't have it done for the baby it's highly unlikely the guy will ever get it done as an adult. If you see what the male has to go through to get that done as an adult, no way. No one would do that voluntarily. V looked into it once to get it done as an adult, but then backed off the idea. The recovery time is very long and the pain is horrific. A friend of his did it as an adult and it was bad.

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I dont understand why anyone would want to fundamentally mutilate a male baby. There are NO definative reasons for doing so. Plenty of doctors express opinions, but there are no facts to support it.


There are statistics... The numbers are pretty small though, for the differences between the two. The lessened chance for getting certain cancers or conditions is only about 4 to 5% or so. I can't really remember it offhand. Having it done can really reduce the chance of a boy getting a UTI and that has a big statistical difference, but I don't know if that would be enough of a push to do it. I just don't know yet..


It's a personal decision. I don't mind what people do, either way.

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Theres an old saying, there are lies, damn lies, then there are statistics. If we chop the testicles off you cant get testicular cancer, that dosent make it diserable. As for UTIs, well anyone can get one, you just have to keeo yourself clean, and lets be honest, you should be doing that anyway.


My children wont be going anywhere near a knife.

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Sidehop- awwww, he does look like jasper! I'm kind of sad i nutured jasper now, i want jasper babies.


Sweetpea- I know for me at least I was reading stories of adult men who got it done and i just kept thinking oh my god, the pain babies must go through! And they cant tell us. Idk. It's tye norm here but I know in the UK its not.

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Oddly enough that's how CS describes jasper, lol. And its true really. But jasper is THE most loving cat. Let him sit in your lap and pet him and he is content for hours. And if he.isn't getting attention, he will bug the crap out of you til you give it to him. I literally have a three year old child, lol.


CS isnt much of a cat person either but jasper has.grown on him.

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Oddly enough that's how CS describes jasper, lol. And its true really. But jasper is THE most loving cat. Let him sit in your lap and pet him and he is content for hours. And if he.isn't getting attention, he will bug the crap out of you til you give it to him. I literally have a three year old child, lol.


CS isnt much of a cat person either but jasper has.grown on him.


That's my puppy. My mother calls her a toddler. She's 3 and is always wanting attention. She brings me toys all the time to play and will cry if you ignore her for too long. lol.


I'm not a cat person myself. I like running with my dog.

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That's my puppy. My mother calls her a toddler. She's 3 and is always wanting attention. She brings me toys all the time to play and will cry if you ignore her for too long. lol.


I'm not a cat person myself. I like running with my dog.


I don't run so cats suit me, hahaha



Well my check deposited tonight at ten. There were A LOT of pissed off employees about this whole thing. Apparnelty the higher ups knew about it since Aug and decided to not let us hard working folks know about it until they posted a memo this morning. That was gracious of them to post a memo. >.


So I worked Christmas Eve and Christmas Day for about 60 extra dollars. Well. That won't happen next year I can promise you!


I'm SO tired of being sick as well. I'm coughing and it's finally breaking up but I'm just sick of not feeling 100%. It's been a week since I went to the gym and I can tell. I'm going tomorrow after work, no matter what, even if I have to do the treadmil at a walk in order not to go into a coughing fit. I have to remember to get the new access code though or I won't get in after hours.


I also saw old people having sex in the nursing home tonight. Kid you not. I was leaving one hall from another and have no idea what compelled me to look over into the room but when I did, pretty as you please saw a woman resident giving... well, you can imagine what she was doing to a male resident. I literally just stopped in my tracks with my mouth hanging open. The nurse happened to be walking by and looked to see what got my attention and was like, "Yeah." I was like, "Are they suppose to be doing that?!" She said sadly, they could. They were consenting adults, as long as they were of sound mind if they closed the door and went at it like rabbits she couldn't stop them. I was shocked. Just another reason CS is not allowed to put me in a home one day...

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usually women outlive men, so it would be CS in the home... There are actually a lot of STDs among the elderly in assisted living homes or other similar places. My friend works as a care giver at an assisted living home and has to give medication to a lot of the residents, many of whom have STDs. We were talking about starting a program there about sex education for them. It's not like anyone can stop them, but they should know more about what they can get from such acts, but sadly many don't.

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You would think they already KNOW about it, you know? I remember a Scrubs episode about it, they couldn't figure out how two residents in two different nursing homes had the same strain of STD. I never thought it really happened though until night. I'm sure I was scarred for life with what I saw, like when that woman resident flashed me that time. 0.o

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Well sex ed in the past isn't like it is now-a-days. It's more in depth now, plus they didn't know all that much about it before, always learning new things. I saw that episode, it was funny. Old people still have sex, they're human. lol. it just seems a little odd to the younger people.

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I know, I was like 'well, good to know things still work even at that point, lol"



Mom just told me Tyler had his stress test today for his surgery on the 25th, they gave him the all go. Said his heart and everything looked perfect. Still a risky surgery though. Mom and I will be heading down to be there.

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