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^that's great! You'll make an awesome mom.


Kids are wonderful =)


Aw, thanks Sidehop. I hope I do.


They are, they are def. little miracles.



Well, I got the car! Took it to a mechanic, couldn't find anything wrong it and it drove perfectly so, I put the down payment on it. Once I get the insurance on it this Friday or next Friday I'll be able to drive it off the lot. I'm so stoked! It's been so long since I had my own car...

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Just dont let that brohter of yours total it while he's learning x


Yeah, he ain't driving it. Don't care what mom says and I don't care if it becomes his once I move over there.


Well I have been up since 8 AM this morning. Feels weird since I'm normally a night owl. But mom and I went and got the car insured (learned apparently your deposit does NOT count as your first month's payment like it did with my old insurance -.-) so I have to turn right around the 13th of next and pay. Geez... then we went and picked the car up from the dealer. Felt so great to be driving MY car.


Then once we got it home I was fiddling around inside, getting use to the stuff and I went to press the hazard light button and nothing. I was like, okay, no biggie. Then for some reason I went to turn the turn signal on and nothing. Uh oh... that's not good. Mom and I take it to the mechanic on our road and after a few minutes they get the turn signals to working again. But then he pops the hood and Lord and behold, my water pump needs changing. Like badly. The entire time I'm standing there I'm thinking FML.


So after $80 (which I borrowed from mom) the water pump is fixed. I'm going to South Carolina tomorrow for my best friend's birthday dinner so I'm stoked to take my car on it's first 'real' trip. And to see my best friend, of course.

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Just got in from celebrating my best friend's 22nd birthday. Had such a great time, I wish I didn't live an hour away from her. Me, her, her 'boyfriend', and her family went out to eat at Red Lobster. God the food was so good. She and I ended up having a Strawberry Daq. and I'm such a light weight when it comes to drinking. Just that one glass had me giggling like crazy.


Before we went into the resturant she forbid anyone of us to talk to the waiter and tell him it was her birthday (they bring a cake out and sing to you if it is). I got sneaky and as she was busy with her daughter grabbed the nearest waiter and told them it was, so yeah. She got sung to. Woman knew who did it too. The entire time they are signing she is sitting accross from me giving me the tipsy evil eye.


She also got her third tattoo tonight and it really made me want one. I know I want one on my right shoulder but I'm not getting that done until after the wedding (CS nor I want one visible when I wear my dress) but I'm thinking I want a small one somewhere that can be hidden. I dunno.

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I have been battling a headache on the verge of turning into a migrain all night. Ugggghhhhh. I hate when this crap happens!


This is the one aspect of pregnancy I am not looking forward to. I won't be able to take anything stronger than Tylenol and most of the time the only thing that gets rid of my migrains is Excedrin or BC powders. I'm gonna drive poor CS bonkers with all the neck rubs. 0.0


My sister is... yeah. My sister and I are polar opposites of each other. Literally. From our style in clothes, our out looks on life, to how we act. I'm of the nature that I'll put everyone before myself, she has to have everything revolve around her. A few days ago her and me got into it on facebook. Well, not me and her. Her husband posted something very nasty to CS and while my fiance is the most laid back person I know, it pissed me off to no end. So words were exchanged, people were blocked.


Couple days later she texts me and apologizes. I'm like, I'm not the one you need to be apologizing too. In the end we 'made up' if that's what you can say we did.


So yesterday while I'm at work she texts me and asks me if I'm coming over this morning with our grandparents to see her. I was already starting to get a headache at work and knew it wasn't going to be an easy one. I told her if I felt like it due to the headache and I was sniffling a bit. If I had anything I didn't need to bring it in on my premature nephew. Never heard anything back from her. Got home later from work with my headache throbbing and mom asks me did CS tell me I couldn't talk to her. I was like * * * ?


Apparently my sister in all brilliance took me being sick and not wanting to bring it in on her and Tyler as 'CS won't let OG come because he doesn't want her talking to me.' Riiiight.....


Thankfully my mom knows me well enough to know a) no man is ever going to tell me what I can and can't do and b) it sounded extremely out of character for CS. Like polar opposite how he is. But still. This is what I have had to live with my entire life! She blows things out of porpotion, pitches a fit, and then wonders why no ones takes her seriously. Mom says she still has growing to do (she just turned 19) and I'm like, thank God I'll be living in England and not close by when she does. So then I hopped on the phone and told my sister point blank I had a life of my own. I work a full time job. I can't just drop everything to come help with my nephew. I don't mind helping her but when I don't feel good no, I'm not doing it. She was the one that got knocked up at 18, not me. She didn't have much to say after that because she knew I was right.


I may compromise a lot and put others happiness before my own in many situations, but I won't keep my mouth shut when something like that happens.

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Is finally OFF!!!


After six days I'm off tomorrow. YAY!!! There's an employee apprectiation pizza party tomorrow but I doubt I'll go. Not unless my paycheck deposits in my bank account tonight anyway. I don't have the gas to drive 30 mins just for some free pizza.


Tomorrow is also one whole month until CS arrives in Atlanta!!!! I'm so excited. I'm just ready to see him again. We are going to forgo doing anything in Atlanta (I think you kind of scared him there Hers and just check out of the Atlanta hotel that Sat. morning and drive on up to Anderson and spend the day doing 'normal' couple stuff. Go see a movie, walk around the mall, meet my best friend, maybe dinner. A relaxed day none the less.

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I just asked my best friend who is seperated from her husband (and getting a divorced soon) if she would ever marry again and she said absolutely not. It really made me sad for some reason.


I mean, I know she had a rough marriage with her ex. They had just gotten back together after a huge break when she found out she was pregnant in 2008. In Nov. 2008 her great grandma offered them her house under on condition: they get married. On top of that his religious mother was pushing them to get married and before I knew it, she called me one day in Dec. 2008 to tell me they were getting married. I was happy for her, I was. But from the second she told me I asked her over and over again to make sure they weren't getting married just because she was pregnant and for the house. She promised me they weren't. Even on the day of her wedding as her MOH I was asking her. So, they got married in Jan. 2009 and my gorgeous niece was born March 2009.


The problems started early on. He wouldn't help her with the baby, she had to make him bath her, feed her, even hold her. So of course their marriage started to crumble under that strain among other things. Everything came to a head on their one year anniversary. He didn't make a single plan, she was upset, a fight lead to words, and before long he had moved out into his own apartment. She of course mourned the relationship, went through all the hang ups, and thankfully is on the other side now. She is 'dating' a great guy. I say 'dating' because she is still legally married and to my knowledge it's more of a FWB situation. He is nice to her though, shows her affection where her husband wouldn't, helps with my niece. When I went up for her birthday I was amazed to watch him with my niece. She never had to ask him to hold her or do anything with her, if anything he held her more than I did!


I know she isn't in love with the new guy. I know she likes him and enjoys the affection. But when I asked her that tonight and she said that it really made me sad. As her best friend I want her to be happy, I want her to fall in love, I want her to have that family unit she always dreamed of. I hate that she is letting one bad relationship ruin her whole outlook on life. I know I can't change her mind or make her think any differently, just as her best friend I always want the best for her.


Yeah, just needed to ramble away there for a while....

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