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My feet hurt so much! Thankful my hubby is so amazing and offers foot rubs!


I cooked steak, mashed potatoes, and peas tonight when I got home. L loved it so guess it was good! Going to rest then go ahead and pack for tomorrow. I also need to cut L's hair tonight, poor guy has a permanent cow lick going on.

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I think it's normal to fall into a routine, OG. N and I have not lived with anyone else and we didn't have the honeymoon phase. I like seeing him at home but it's not butterflies. He just hasn't gotten on my nerves... Yet. He's quiet enough, Haha.


Good luck with the haircut!

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The honeymoon is def. over, lol. I had to wake up early this morning to leave for my uncle's house and I was in complete Mad Cow plus Witch mode. EVERYTHING L was doing was ticking me off. Everything. From contradicting everything I said to doing something... it didn't help my hives were back in full force, literally all the way down my legs (to my feet) and all over my arms and chest. Thankfully I still had the prescription for prednisone the doctor wrote me and got that filled and as of now they have disappeared. I have tried to eliminated everything I can think of that would be causing it to be an allergic reaction, so after I finish this medicine (in 12 days) I'm going to make an appointment with a normal doctor to see if some kind of infection or something could be causing it. We eventually became loving again and made up and made it to my uncle's in one piece without killing each other.

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Have you seen an allergy specialist? I know that there's a test they can do to your skin, expose it to small amounts of possible allergens right in the office, so they can narrow things down right there and see if you're allergic to anything.

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Oh my God what a fun night! I've had about five glasses of wine (which I'll be keeping in stock in the house from now on!) and we've been sitting around the bonfire talking. L got up at one point to get something and I heard a loud crashing noise. I joked to my uncle who was sat next to me that he probably tripped over the door jam. L came back about 10inutes later and told me he in fact did not trip over the door but ran into the sliding glass door. OMG. I laughed so hard. I'm still laughing. I know it had to hurt but god the sound of him running into it... Priceless.

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I am so freaking full right now. We left my uncles early this afternoon after a late night of bonfire watching and wine drinking (I did the drinking of the wine). Stopped on the way home and I picked up some Chinese food from my favorite Chinese place in my home town. We got home and watched a few episodes of How I Met Your Mother before getting ready for dinner at Applebee's. I am so stuffed right now. Ugh. I think we are going to finish out this season of HIMYM and then off to be for this old married couple!

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He's pretty much on track now, once he gets past those first few days he's pretty good. I sleep like a normal sane person when he's here and I'm not up until 2 am.


I really liked it. I had a glass the night of our rehersal dinner and liked it so that's the kind of wine we picked up for last night. Mascato I believe it's called. Will def. be picking up some for our anniversary!

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