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And wouldn't you know it Dang I have hives again? Pretty sure Im allergic to ibuprofen with te amount I take.


I'm at the airport. Only got lost once and still lanagrd to only end up 10 mins from it when I got off an exit, lol. I'm glad I left earlier than I intended - it just poured rain once I hit Atlanta, so much so at one point I was doing 20 mph on the four lane highway because I just couldn't see!

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My stomach is in knots. He lands in 10 minutes but might take 40 more to go through immigration.


Awwww I am excited for you love!!!!!


I am sad though because my husband flies out to Alberta for a month and a half on Saturday. That was the day we were going back to our hometown for Thanksgiving ( our Thanksgiving is the coming weekend)

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Try Naproxen instead. IBUprofen stays in your system forever, but Naproxen is temporary and it doesn't affect your liver (unless you're dumb about it). I find that IBUprofen doesn't really work for me anymore because I used to take it so much. Now I take 1 Naproxen and I'm good. SUCH a nice change from constantly having a headache.

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Oh what an amazing 24 hours!


I originally wasn't going to leave to head to Atlanta until noon but with the rain we were getting at the house plus what the weather was fore casting for Atlanta, I left about 10:45 instead and am pretty glad I did. It was POURING on the way to the airport, so much so on the four lane highway (which is normally 55 MPH) I was having to go 20 MPH and I still couldn't see the road all that well. I ended up getting lost, but only because I stopped using my GPS and was following the signs and didn't trust the signs. Go figure, right? I only ended up 10 minutes away from the airport though and managed to find parking relatively easily. I ended up there an hour early but it ended up being a good thing because I had to recharge the phone for the drive back.


I have to say the new international terminal is pretty awesome. Spacious, has room for you to sit down and wait (and places to charge phones!) and since the international travelers aren't grouped with the domestic ones they come out so much faster. L was able to text me when he had landed (which was a bumpy landing due to the amount of rain) and he made it through immigration without a hitch. After the car ride back through Atlanta (which consisted of just as much rain as the drive down) we grabbed something to eat and came back to the house. L got to see the apartment in true fashion and loved it (it's bigger than he was anticipating!) and settled in nicely. Jasper came out after a time and had warmed up to L nicely, even sleeping in between us last night.


We got up this morning and had McDonald's breakfast (as is our tradition the first morning he is here) and then went to my mom's for a bit. She enjoyed the time and we had fun as well. Now we are back home and L is watching 24 on Netflix while I fiddle around online. We are thinking of popping Lord of the Rings in and ordering pizza tonight.

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When is your vacation?


I hope you guys enjoyed breaking your way too long spell.


Well I'm on semi-vacation now - I was off yesterday and today, then I work Wed and Thurs then I'm off Fri, Sat, and Sun. But I officially start having the complete time off on the 13th through to the 22nd.


hahahaha, oh yes.

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And finding pet peeves about each other has already started, lol


L's first two: Don't walk on the mulch outside the house, don't throw toenail clippings just any were.

Mine: Don't flick your overly long toe nails onto each other at night, and don't keep saying 'what' from the other room when you can't hear me.


Ah, marriage.

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We were all talking at work today how exhausting marriage is with stuff like that!


Jared says "huh?" a lot. I hate that sound! It's not a word, it's a sound. I hate it! Or he'll talk to me when the water is running , knowing full well I can't hear him, and then will get mad at me when I can't hear him.


I can't do long toenails. So so so gross. Ugh. Jared has to keep his trimmed often bc he'll let them get out of control. So I have to remind him to cut his bc they look so gross (ge has very pretty feet otherwise). Bu he also has to remind me to shave my armpits so....

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Is L being good about the toilet seat? Lol.


I am not married but living with N and it's been just over a month in our tiny apartment and I can say aside from 1 time that he didn't do the dishes when he said he would (I was NOT happy!), I haven't found anything annoying yet. He clips his nails in the bathroom in the garbage with the door closed.


I am sure something will come up in the future but for right now, he's very good. I am laying in bed, checking ENA and he is cooking us African food to eat.


OG I can't wait for your own culinary adventures with L!

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So ready for this day of work to be over! It felt weird going to work yesterday and leaving L at the house knowing when i got off he would be there. I'm use to comin home and him being in bed (on the thee side of the world, obviously) so it was really nice to be able to end work, come home, an see him. He's kind of got me into How I Met Your Mother. It's funny, I admit. We did watch the presidential debate last night as well.


After today I'm off until Monday, thankfully. We are leaving for my uncle's house in the morning, about 9ish. I'm so ready to have Japanese. I can already taste the shrimp sauce....

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