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Just hung up with L for the last time on Face Time (and therefore the last time I will see him until he walks through arrivals). He'll obviously text me at key points tomorrow (when he leaves the house, when he gets to the train station, when he gets to London) and we will skype for 10 minutes tomorrow but other than that that is our last communication until he board the plane and flies over.

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They are. I mean they car is over 10 years old - almost 15 - not shocking. And the things that are going wrong with it (aside from having to replace the engine) are routine things you would need to fix with having an older car. However when they happen in rapid succession when you have other crap on your plans, it feels like the car does nothing but break down! L doesn't have one. He's owned one before but when he moved to were he is now he is so close to work and other things it made no sense for him to pay car insurance and such.

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They are. I mean they car is over 10 years old - almost 15 - not shocking. And the things that are going wrong with it (aside from having to replace the engine) are routine things you would need to fix with having an older car. However when they happen in rapid succession when you have other crap on your plans, it feels like the car does nothing but break down! L doesn't have one. He's owned one before but when he moved to were he is now he is so close to work and other things it made no sense for him to pay car insurance and such.


Yeah my husband's car is 14 years old. It was our second brand new car in our life. I backed into it hard in the driveway on Wednesday. Apparently I was insane. I have never done that in my life!!! I caused superficial damage to my van but his car seemed ok. Well yesterday he put $25 worth of gas in his car. Today it is empty!!!!! He only drove to work and home and he works 1.5 KM from the house!!! So my guess is the gas tank has a leak. He has to put that baby on a hoist and see what is happening.

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I am pooped. Since the doctor wrote me out for today I decided to do my deep cleaning today - Lord I thought I'd never get done! I have washed and dried clothes all day (since I was rewashing everything). But the house is spotless from top to bottom! Only thing left to do is vacume tomorrow night after work and clean my car out. The hives have completely went away, although I have been keeping an eye on my arms through the day to see if they crept back in.

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Woke up at 7 am with a headache, probably because I left my glasses at work Friday and didn't wear any at all yesterday. I dug out my spare set, took some Tylenol and put some Icy Hot on my neck. 2 hours later headache is presto! Trying to get myself in gear to go clean the car out (which also means vacuming it), taking the car to AutoZone for them to check to make sure one side of the battery thing is connected properly, and going to the store to find my husband's tea. Then I'm off to work, last day for 2 days. L is on the train on his way to London now. I can't believe he will be here tomorrow.


29 more hours.

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We'll come back here, grab something to eat, and then come to the house. With him being up for so long (and me too apparently) we will probably get an early night. No plans for tomorrow except grabbing Chinese with my boss and another co worker, maybe going and seeing my mom for a few hours, depends on how L feels. I work Wed. and Thurs. and then Fri morning we are heading to SC to spend the weekend with my uncle.

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