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5 days until L lands.


His flight (well the same route he will be coming) arrived in Atlanta an hour before they were suppose to today. That's really unheard of because coming from England to here you fly against the jet stream, so while you may arrive early when flying from here to there, it's almost unheard of to arrive early going from there to here, especially when your plane is 10 minutes late from taking off. I think it's just an error on whoever logged the information but I've decided not to do my test that morning L arrives. He's worried I'll just be so stressed from the test, getting it done, talking to whoever, and then getting on the road and the 1 hour and 40 minute drive from the school to Atlanta that I might wreck (or have a huge psoriasis out break). So I'm gong to call the school tomorrow and see what other dates I could take it. Means I can sleep in at least!

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yay!!!!! very exciting!!


Say - have you tried lying out in the sun? I've heard some "research rumors" that UV radiation might help with psoriasis. not telling you to go out to tanning salons and turn into snookie, but it's worth a shot to have a bit of UV and see if that helps. i'm not a medical doctor though.

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yay!!!!! very exciting!!


Say - have you tried lying out in the sun? I've heard some "research rumors" that UV radiation might help with psoriasis. not telling you to go out to tanning salons and turn into snookie, but it's worth a shot to have a bit of UV and see if that helps. i'm not a medical doctor though.


I haven't, no. I did read that for some people the sun helps them (although for others it makes it worse?) It sucks when you have something that effects everyone differently! Even foods can set it off. I had finally cleared up and then I went into work today and became stressed thanks to my co workers and now I have some spots again, although this time it tends to be concentrated on my upper legs and not my arms like it has been. I also have chub rub thanks to that gap in my scrub pants. At least I hope it's chub rub, psoriasis there would not be pleasant...

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Still dealing with a psoriasis outbreak. Not sure how it's an outbreak when it lasts for days, ha. I'm just trying not to let it bother me. I tried to stay out in the sun about 15 minutes today while running errands - even wore a tank top since I had started to break out on my shoulder and chest. I just lathered up with lotion since nothing has changed this morning.

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I am so damn tired right now. I slept all afternoon yesterday and woke up about 8 pm last night. I was on first today so I just decided to stay up. ugh. Then I found out the car wouldn't crank and THEN I had to yell at Paypal for a good 2 hours while at work. L was sending me money and for some reason Paypal thought it was fraudulent (even though it's the same amount as the previous 4 months) and stopped the transaction then some how refunded it which meant they were going to physically take money out of my bank account to send back to him. It was just a cluster bomb. I ended up having to stop the refund transaction through my bank ($35) and am now waiting for the money L sent to bounce back to my paypal so I can send it to my bank account. Just completely screwed up.


I got off work early since it was so slow and my mom and stepdad came and sure enough, my battery was dead. $125 later the new battery is in and I even have air in my tires. I wanted to vacume the car out before Monday but eh... I have a house to get straightened.

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He (should) arrived in Atlanta at 2:30 PM on Monday. The flight he is taking has been landing early almost all week (even up to an hour early) so I'm going to shoot to be at the airport by 2 just in case (like today it's due to land at 2 instead of 2:30). That way even if he does land half an hour early it gives me time to find international parking and make my way to arrivals while he is taxing to the airport and then goes through security. He leaves for Heathrow airport tomorrow at about 5:30 my time (he's taking the train up) and should be at Heathrow by 3 (my time).


So I woke up this morning at 2 AM covered in psoriasis, even on my neck and face. I felt super flushed and nothing was relieving the itchness or making it go away. For some reason I was lefting through psoriasis pictures on google and stumbled accross one that looked identical to mine. Now since I was told I had this I've never had it like the pictures on google depict it. Mine has never had scaly centers and when rubbed or accidentlly scratched they raise up and if they are close together come together to create a bigger spot. So off to the ER I went. Good news - don't have psoriasis. The doctor could not understand for his life why the other doctor said I had it as even the early pictures of the rash (still have those pictures on my phone, like the one I sent you Hers) clearly don't show a scaly white center and aren't a centralized location. What I do have is hives (which is what the picture I found said it was). He even googled it on my iPhone to show me the differing stages of them and it was identical to what I've been having, both when they aren't touched and if I rub them.


So I'm highy allergic to something. We went back to when all this originally started (11th of Sept) and the only things 'new' I introduced was I cooked with Rosemary and I washed the bed sheets in lavander detergent, Walmart brand. So I'm going to cut both of those completely out and see how I do this week. I bought some detergent I know I'm not allergic to (mom used it while I lived there) and I'm shelfing the Rosemary for now. The doctor also said hives CAN be caused by stress and asked me how I was on that front. I told him well not so well considering I thought I had a life long disease combined with a car falling apart, Paypal screwing me over and worried about my husband making it here. He gave me a prescription for prednizone (sp) and told me to continue to take the antihistamine medication they gave me last time. And I am currently rewashing EVERYTHING in this house, including clothes that were already clean.

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