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Exactly. It looks like a proper book! It's eerie how new CS's books look. Books shouldn't look like that! Oh yeah, the toilet paper gets to me. It's not even finishing off the roll and not putting any on, what really gets me is you take the time to get a new roll OUT and then just sit it on the back of the toilet or the sink. How long exactly would it take to put the roll on the depenser again?




And when men shave and leave the hair in the sink... >.

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V is good about putting the roll back on, but his roommate isn't. It's a 3 bedroom apartment, so 2 of the guys share a bathroom. The other guy is lazy, so he doesn't. They are both very clean though, neither of them leave shavings around. My brother used to do that at home and it drove me crazy. I'd always have to wash it down. V is a clean guy and always does a lot of the chores. He's very helpful. All of his books are creased, too. Makes them look well loved and used.

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Yes, nothing irratated me more than to have to wash the sink out before I used it with my ex. Ugh. He really did not help me out around the apartment. That's why I'm so thankful for CS, like V he will help out. Even that week in Gatlinburg at the cabin he was great. And it was so perfect. I usually hate to cook (I think it takes too long) but we switched off cooking. I'd cook one night, he would cook the next. I even cooked him Spaghetti one night without burning the cabin down, lol. He did admit to me the other day if there is a dishwasher full of clean dishes, instead of taking them out to put the dirty one in, he'll just stick the dirty one in and rewash everything. I was like oh God yeah, I do the same thing. My thing is laundry. I hate folding, HATE it. So I have a bad habit of leaving the clothes in the dryer past when it comes off, and if I need something from in it, I'll just turn the dryer back on to get the wrinkles out (because I refuse to iron. Thank God CS can iron!)

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I like cooking sometimes, but am very glad V loves to cook and is amazing at it. He made this good pasta with shrimp and tomato in it before and baked salmon on the side. yum! We tend to cook together when we can, because that makes it more enjoyable. I don't like cooking on my own, since it can be long and tedious. I'm bad with laundry. I tend to forget the dryer is done and then they get all wrinkled, so i just turn it on again. I've actually done it 3 times in a row of just keep turning it on because I kept forgetting. lol. V laughs at me for that, but i bug him about how all his clothes are inside out when he hangs them after they are washed because he's too lazy to flip them back right side out. But he's good at keeping things wrinkly free and ironing if he needs to.

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I loved it when CS and I cooked together, it's def a romantic thing a couple can do. CS said something awhile back about he doesn't have a dryer (apparently they are huge on power over there) and said something about a clothes line. I was like, "What?! I haven't hung clothes on a line since I was 7!" Oh well... lol.


I hate dishes. God. I have to have a dishwasher. Have to. I hate washing dishes. I know by the time you get the food off them you might as well just wash them yourselves but.. ugh. If you soak them right after you use them, you don't have to scrub them to put them in the dishwasher.

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Yea, I love all the convenient things we have here. A dryer is one of those awesome things, which is nice to have. I have never hung clothes on a line. I know my grandparents did, grandma occasionally still does, but I have never done it personally. I just put the clothes in the dryer. It's just so easy to do and not as much work.

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Yea, people around here don't use clothes lines, not in smoggy Southern Calif. lol. That'd be pretty gross, unless you live near the beach, but I live an hour away from the beach, so I wouldn't do it. I do like the location of where I live though. I'm pretty spoiled. I live an hour away from everything, the beach, mountains, and desert.

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I wish I lived closer to the beach. I'm about 4 1/2 hours away from it and I love the beach. That's one thing I'll love about England, I'm never more than an hour or so from the beach. Granted it'll be a cold beach but it's the ocean I love. Mountains I'm about 2-3 hours, depending on were you are going in the mountains.

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I LOVE the beach. I guess I'm a typical Southern Calif girl, in that sense. but really, I just like being outside. I am a big outdoors person, always wanting to be outside, hiking, camping, etc. I love it. I've gotten V into it all, too. He hadn't been camping before and we went and he really enjoyed it. You'll be surrounded by the beach in the UK.

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Can you believe I never saw the ocean in real life until I was 18?! Seriously. I was deprieved as a child. I still remember the first time I saw it. Fell in love with it right then. Just the smell and sound, it's quiet but it's not. You can stand on a beach all by yourself and feel utterly alone but at the same time there is this huge vastness there with you. Sorry, lapsed into writer mode there, lol


I was a tomboy growing up so I was always outdoors. Climbing trees, getting dirty. I don't love camping but I have been. I'm not as active as I was when I was younger. I'm hoping once i go to the UK I'll get more active.

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really?? wow. I guess, I follow after my parents who both love being outdoors. We went camping at the beach every summer the whole time I was growing up. I still join them camping many times. There are a few beaches here were you can be alone on the beach, but usually there are always others there too. I take my dog to the dog beach sometimes, which is really fun.


I was a total tomboy, too. I used to climb tress a lot and played sports, was always doing something. I've slowed down and am more 'girly', but am still very active. I go hiking a lot. V and I are trying to see almost all of the waterfalls around this area. We've already hiked to 5 waterfalls, and are planning more hiking trips. It's a lot of fun. I think waterfalls are gorgeous.

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Yeah, and I always liked look at pictures of the ocean growing up. We were upper lower class and living 4 1/2 hours away from the nearest beach, my father never saw it as a place that I had to go. Any traveling I did growing up I did with marching band. Went to Disney with them twice. I have only ever been to Myrtle Beach, my home State's most popular beach really. During the day certain sections are crowded but at night, it's pretty deserted. I love the beach at night as well, right as it's getting dark. You can do some deep thinking. I'd love to live next to the beach one day.


I do some girly things now too but a lot of the tomboy is still there: I hate heels, I wera nothing but flip flops, I wear make up rarely, and I hate dresses. I want my daughter to be girly but at the same time, I'm going to raise her as a tomboy as well. lol, my best friend actually made the comment about a picture of me from when CS and I went to NY. She said, "I saw you in black dress capris wearing tennis shoes. I knew I had failed you as a best friend then." I just laughed. I was like I had a horrible sun burn and my feet hurt: I was not going for stylish, I was going for comfort!

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I cannot imagine living away from oceans and mountains. Where I live, it's all around you and it's fantastic. I never tire of the views and the ability to walk/drive to any random park I want to. I go for comfort much of the time too. Am slowly learning how to be comfortable and look nice I cannot skip mascara and foundation on any given day, though I have finally gotten comfortable enough in my skin to leave the house with no makeup on, in sweats, etc... as a teen-- out of the question.

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God I can. I don't wear it to work because I just sweat it off. Every now and then I'll put foundation on the high points: cheeks, forehead, nose, and chin. Just to give my skin that 'even' look because my cheeks get really red when I move around a lot. Honestly CS has spoiled me. Before him I would have worn makeup every were. Being with him, I may want to get dolled up but I'm like 'meh, he likes me better without out, why bother?"

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My wife is so against it. Ya...


Is the time flying by for you until CS comes or is it dragging? I remember one month before I moved here it seemed like forever (probably single and had too much time then lol).


I have to admit it before CS I really didn't have an opinion about it (circumcision is the norm here obviously) but after doing some research of my own... 0.o I couldn't put my son through that.


The holidays REALLY made it fly by. From when he left in Oct to now seems like barely a month is how fast it went. I always anticipated this last stretch to drag though, no holidays to look forward to or anything. The weeks before he arrives are when we do our most arguing as well (we are just get fed up with the distance and want to SEE each other) so that makes it seem forever as well. Pretty much I'm avoiding looking at all calandars or the countdown on my Droid to make it go by, lol

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Hm. Usually my paycheck deposits Tues night at 10 PM. Never failed to do so. It's not there.... :s


Which is not good because I have zero gas and have to work the next 3 days. I'm hoping it's not a 'because of the new year your first paycheck of the year is a hard check one' which means I wouldn't get it til friday. :s Which also sets back me getting my glasses because I was going to get those tomorrow. Aye ya ya.

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Apparently my future hubby is the kind that reads without bending the spine of the book. I don't know how he does it really.


My H is the same.. he also always picks the second book or third one on the shelf so it doesn't have a dog-earred corner. And he tries very hard to make sure they never get dog-earred or creased along the spine.


However - he seems to have no worry about dust at all. Most of his books have a horrid layer of dust protecting their surface

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