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For making one salad, I try to use no more than 1 tablespoon of olive oil, because it is 120 calories a tablespoon. And then as much vinegar as I want - to taste. I also got a sprayer for my olive oil so that helps me from drowning my salad in oil. Although olive oil has a lot of calories, it also is heart healthy. Much more so than bottle dressings, which have a lot of preservatives and stabilizers, etc....


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by the way, i am madly in love with thousand island dressing. full fat! not that half flavored stuff. sigh. not good for you, but for me, i love salad slathered in thousand island dressing. lol.

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^ I love Ranch. Mmmmmmmmm.


Came home and cooked dinner (chicken, asparagus, and black eyed peas). Never cooked asparagus in my life but it was yummy. While having dinner the matience guy stopped by. I had called him earlier in the day about how my washer wasn't putting out cold water (it was only putting out hot). Come to find out when they put it in and hooked it up, they hooked up the cold faucet to the hot place and the hot faucet to the cold. But I have a washer that puts out cold water now though! And he was nice enough to hook up the dryer vent for me since I failed to do it right the first time.


I am off tomorrow as well - yes!!! I have to take the car to the mechanic tomorrow morning about this stupid brake light still and my mom wants me to run to the grocery store with her. Then Thursday, my next day off, I need to go to Athens and change my address on my license (porbably have to sit there for damn 5 hours just to do that) and go to the school and apply and do all that jazz with it.

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Finally made it out of bed to run errands. Paid the internet bill, dropped the rent check off, and grabbed a few things I needed around the house. Got L's mum and Gran birthday cards, filled out my portion, and then while I was already in town went and sent them to L. Also, shallots are expensive. $4 for one? No thank you. Also picked up a peeler (yes, I some how didn't have one before and L was mortified). Falll decorations were out in full swing at the stores. I picked up this tiny $1 scarecrow that sticks into the ground for the front of our place. I don't really decorate for Thanksgiving (or celebrate it to be honest) but I do Fall decorationg. I have an idea for a Halloween wreath I want to do and should be fairly cheap.

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I think we just get so sick of the distance and having to rely on technology to talk to each other and we are just ready to SEE each other in person.. Like the last 5 days L's internet has been shoddy and we really haven't been able to talk properly via video well. And all that causes extra tension and since we are both so ready to see each other we tend to lose our tempers much quicker.

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Well for me walking down never calms my temper. I'm one of those people who needs to get it out right then because if I go for a walk I'm just going to stew over whatever we were arguing about and it's just going to make it that much bigger. I have a hot temper but it flares and burns fairly quickly. L almost never loses his temper - I think I've seen him lose it twice in the almost 3 years I've known him.


For us the increased arguing is almost cathartic in a way I think in that sense that 'normal' couples can have an argument and then have make up sex or just generally make up - we can't, obviously. So when those last 30 days come we know we are nearing the time to when we can do it and we unknowingly lump all that in those last 30 days. It was quite funny the other day he did something and it just got on my nerves (where as normally it wouldn't) and I raised my voice, he rose his and we just looked at each other and were like 'And it starts' and busted out laughing.

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I gave up on mine. If it dies, it dies. I'd rather have another beater Civic than this P.O.S. Today I had to bring some stuff from work to the recyclers. I couldn't get the hatch opened (the lock is boned) so I had to get IN the car and haul everything out through the driver's side door. Actually, I'd rather just have a bike.

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So I took the car to the mechanic. My mom met me there and her and the mechanic stood at the back of the car while I pressed the break and turned the turn signal. This morning I had break lights (whereas last night I didn't) but the right side still wasn't lighting up when I indicated to make a left hand turn. Couple hours later and my entire steering wheel column being taken off, it's the turn switch. Or at this point it's the only thing the mechanic can find that could be causing it. Someone had spliced into the turn signal wiring (it was a preowned car when I bought it) and it apparently had just went bad over time and so because it was faulty it was sending false readings to the brake lights to stay on or go off - so last night I did not have brake lights but this morning I did. All in total $150 (part and labor) which isn't so bad considering the part from the Chevy place alone was $150. He's going to try to have it fixed by tomorrow afternoon and let me pay $100 tomorrow and then my mom give him a blank check when I get paid Thursday for the other $50.


L showed me my anniversary present today as well:


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Moosley the Cow in keeping with our Cow theme since he gave me Daisy the Cow the morning of our wedding. It was so cute at one point Tyler had to be part of the conversation and L brought out Moosley and was mooing and Tyler was just a laughing like crazy. And today for the first time in about 5 days we were able to have an entire hour conversation properly! No internet connection mishap or anything!

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