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Yeah, if I didn't hate her enough before that, that pushed me over the edge. Last I heard the house was suppose to go into foreclosuer (dad hasn't held a job since I left) and I have no idea were they will go when that happens. Sad that it's even happening, Nanny and Papa built that house from the ground up and it sits on 16 acres of wooded land.

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I am the world's worst of fixing something relatively 'good' for dinner but then going back for seconds even though I'm not hungry and I'm in fact a few bites away from being stuffed.




I don't honestly know, tbh. I think it may go back to my childhood when my dad's girlfriend controlled what we ate and when we ate. Because dad couldn't really hold a job down for more than six months there were some months were we'd come home from school and all we'd be able to have for dinner was Ramen noodles.


Not being fed and not being fed at appropriate times can really mess you up. My dad used to have no food in the house. I mean nada. I would phone him at work and cry and say we needed something to eat and he would tell me, " F off what did you phone me for?!! I AM AT WORK!!!! Go away I am going out to eat lunch now. I make something for supper stop yer *****in." ( that was when he kidnapped us from our mom)

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I had the worst migrain last night, holy cow. It wasn't even a migraine but a major, major tension headache. It hurt so much all I wanted to do was sleep but I couldn't fall asleep because of the pain! I ended up taking one of my Hydrocodones and that finally knocked me out. Woke up at 5 am with that 'ahhhh' feeling you can only get after you've come through a migraine/bad head ache. It's like your jello all over.


I'm off tomorrow (weird work week) and I get to drop my car off at the mechanic at 8:30 am (grumble) and then my mom and I are taking her truck to my home town to clear my best friend's garage out of all my stuff. When my ex and I broke up and I moved away she let me litreally shove almost everything I owned into her garage. Over the last 2 years I've slowly taken stuff out, given stuff away (like the washer and dryer I had... grumble) but they are moving as soon as her house sells so I promised to have it all out ASAP. I can't even remember what's all still in there to be honest. I know my Christmas tree is in there and that's the most important thing to me! Granted it's been hold up in a garage for almost 3 years in a box that isn't taped up.... think it would hurt to spray it down with Raid? I don't want to poison Jasper because I know he will naw on that sucker the day I put it up.

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Spent $40 this morning on replacing the brake light switch. Go to leave mom's and she swore she didn't see any brake lights (of course my phone was on silent and in my purse on the 25 min drive back home so I didn't get those calls until I got home, 25 minutes away from the mechanic). Went and got my neighbour to check with me. I have brake lights but I'm still having the problem with when I go to turn left the right side brake light goes out. Called mechanic back and am going to have to take it up there next Tues or Thursday. Out of curiosity I called AutoZone and they said it sounded like loose wiring. Who knows.

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33 days Renny!


Annie, I agree. What they don't stop and think about is us getting pregnant in October is a ridiculous and would be a irresponsible decision. L wouldnt be here for over half the pregnancy and not to mention he wouldn't have a job upon landing here - great situation to knowingly bring a child into the world, right? As much as we want kids we are starting to look more toward the time we have by ourselves before we start having them.

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I am not sure why ANYONE has to interfere when ANYONE wants to have their kids. That is really up to the people involved.


You'd think! Lol normally I say 'Thats why they made BC'. Of course you get the strangler 'that doesn't always protect you'. Ah yes it does if taken properly. Been on it since I was 15, know how to take it properly!

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As much as we want kids we are starting to look more toward the time we have by ourselves before we start having them.


Glad to read this! It will definitely be nice for the two of you to be able to settle into life physically together after spending the majority of your relationship on separate continents

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As much as we want kids we are starting to look more toward the time we have by ourselves before we start having them.


Glad to read this! It will definitely be nice for the two of you to be able to settle into life physically together after spending the majority of your relationship on separate continents

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