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I was talking to a co worker about my Nanny, the grandma who passed away this past March and I realized I still think of her as here. I know she's passed and gone (we were even discussing her death, the funeral, and all that drama surrounding it) but for me it still feels like she is here. Not here with me spiritually but I had to catch myself from talking about her in the present tense. I feel like she's still here, still tucked away at her house. I don't feel like she's completely gone and isn't a prescense here anymore... I'm rambling.


I wonder if I feel like this because I haven't been back to her grave since the funeral. With all the visa stuff and then the car breaking down I just haven't been able to make it back up. I'm going to stop by when I go up next Saturday for my best friend's birthday.

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It takes a while to realize they are gone hun. I think because you had not seen her in ages your mind still thinks of her as here. If she had still been part of your every day or every week life it would feel more like she was passed on. Even then though it still takes time. When my grandmother died in my arms I still could not believe she was gone. It took time to process that.

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I think your right Vic. Because she wasn't an evey day thing in my life it still doesn't feel like she's gone, like I could go visit her and she would still be there. It has only been five months since she passed.


It takes time love and it is different for everyone. It has not been that long so the feelings are completely normal. My grandmothers have been gone for years. One has been gone for 33 years and the other 11 years so it is hard for me to remember when I processed that. Now I just remember fond memories and there is only occasional sadness.

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I wonder if I'll feel this way when my mom's mom passes. I'm not remotely close to her, nothing like my dad's mom.


I was not close to my father's mother nowhere near as close as I was to my mother's mother. I still bawled my heart out. I think you will be hurt.

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Strange that you ask that. I was wondering the same thing myself. I've been told that my grandpa (mom's dad) is aging really quickly now and my sister actually said that she's not sure if he'll be around next year. That was shocking, and it left me thinking, "will I feel sad when he is gone?" We're not close, and to be honest, he has always crushed my self-esteem, but I am sure that there will be some kind of grief. With my grandma (dad's mom) I feel sad everyday that she is gone. Not outright grief sad, but... sad. It's always there. I don't know how it's been two years that she's been gone already.


I think that sadness is a very special thing though. It is amazing to have admired/loved someone so much that they impact your life long after they're gone. That's a blessing in disguise.

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I think I'll be sad for my mom because she's so super close to her parents. I hate to see my mom upset. But I've just never really been close to her parents. I have fond memories with them but me and my siblings were obviously not their favorite grandchildren (my aunt's kids were) and even as a kid I noticed that. As an adult I realize no one is perfect but I think that impression as a kid caused me, even then, to distance myself emotionally.


That's a beautiful way to look at it Sherry.

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Such a long day at work... a long day in general. I did not want to get up this morning. Last few days I've been getting up at 4 am and going to bed between 9-10 PM (it's the best sleep pattern for me since my work schedule switches so much between first shift and 11-8 now) but this morning I hit the snooze for 45 minutes before crawling out of bed. I still managed to intercept my co worker before she left for work so I rode with her (conserving the gas in my gas drinking of a car for the 45 min trip to my home town Sat). Work was constant BS. This and that, everyone needing something... I've been fighting off a headache since 6 AM. Since I worked first I didn't go to the gym before work like I did over the weekend but there is a crossfit class tonight at 5 I really want to try to make. Depends on this headache I guess.

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Ahhh! Well, I guess it means I'll be making more money at work. My boss called and said our department was way over budget (didn't say by how much but by the way she was saying the Director was talking, it was A LOT). We are coming over budget because we have SO many people in our department right now! We have 2 on light work duty (who aren't suppose to be in our department but we have things light work duty people can do), plus the 2 normal shifters, and then 3 additional ones. Come to find out 2 of the additional ones (the ones meant to give me and the other girl days off) are clocking in under our department even though they primarily work in the other department. It's just a nightmare. So I'm back on 2nd for the most part - no lost money at least. If anything it's gaining money with second shift diff.

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What is L having surgery for OG?


His retna has started to detach from his left eye. His headaches and blurred vision had been increasing more and more since we got married so he went to a specialist and they determined his has becomes slightly detached (more than likely due to the fall he took down the stairs before our wedding). So they have to stick a needle into his eye and blow a gas bubble so that it reattachs.

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