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The leasing office in my complex was getting rid of a table and my co worker (who lives next door to the leasing office) saw. She knew we didn't have one (she's determined to furnish this house! lol) so she called me to come over and take a look at it. Nice sturdy table so I took it. The matience guys brought it in and put it together for me (huge table) and I've had it less than 24 hours and what does Jasper do?


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He claims it for himself. Crazy cat.

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People who have cats have to realise that they are put in this world to provide health and maintenance for cats. As the cat's 'human' your job is to feed, shelter, groom and entertain them. When you bring new items into their abode they consider them as gifts or offerings and will naturally claim them as part of their empire. Sometimes, if they don't like the offering they will signal their disapproval and you end up having to clear up the results of that disapproval. Sometimes they will graciously allow you exclusive use of it - this is a sop to the absurd idea that humans have that they are in charge.

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What did you eat, OG?


I was running late to work and couldn't bring food last night so I had my first "vending machine dinner". I was dreading it even before I started to eat it. I felt VERY bloated, fat, and awful. Never doing that again.


I work nights in a hospital so nothing is open. I have to be extra good about bringing my own food, which I usually am.

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Fudgie - I had some Spaghetti-O's. Just didn't sit with me.


Pain in the side started getting worse today so I picked up some Azo and Cranberry juice, has helped a ton. However I had this super rich dark chocolate piece of cake - something management passed around - and a balance sandwich and it just didn't agree with my stomach, ended up throwing it back up. In the mean time before that I was a complete witch to L because I didn't feel good...

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11 hour work day blows...


L and I had a nice hour long conversation though while I was on break. We had a tift yesterday - I wasn't feeling well and completely went Mad Cow on him for saying/doing some things - so it was nice to have a relaxing, flowing conversation with him. We talked a lot about what we wanted to do while he was here in October. He wants to take me to Hobby Lobby, half because he wants to see my favorite store in the world to shop in and as a by product show support for my crafting hobby, and he wants to pick me up some stuff since I haven't bought new scrapbook stuff in almost a year now. I'm declining the scrapbook stuff BUT I will pick up the stuff to make my own wreath for Christmas time. We also are going and spending that first weekend he's here with my uncle (L's birthday weekend as well, actually) and on the way home from all that we are going to pick up some fish - for pets, not to eat.


It's not a kitten but neither of us want to get a kitten until L has moved here so he can be a true part of the growing phase. He loves Jasper to pieces - the first thing he says when we Face Time and I'm home is 'Were is Jasper? I want to see Jasper' or simply asking how he's doing - and accepts him as his own but Jasper will always be 'my' cat alone in many ways because L has only ever known him as an adult cat, he wasn't there and watching Jasper grow from a kitten. So we want a kitten that we both were around for during those early years. But since L is only here for 3 weeks, we are settling on getting some Gold Fish to tie us over until he moves here.

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