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I had blood work drawn yesterday as part of my yearly physical with my job. I went up to the nurse today to have her check my TB test (negative, of course!) and as soon as I walked into the room and she saw it was me she told me I needed to go to the doctor. Apparently my TSH levels (which I guess govern or show your tyroid - not sure that's spelled right, the computer is screaming at me that it's not) were through the roof. The range is suppose to be 0.3 - 4.8 and mine was 7.4. So I called the doctor and have a appointment with him tomorrow at 11, my mom is going to go with me. Once she told me how high it was and what it essentially is and means, I just kind of burst into tears sat in her office. No idea why. Combination of stressing over money and then to just be hit with that out of left field... ya know I expected to one day get the talk of 'you have high blood pressure' because it runs in the family or 'you have heart disease' because it too runs in the family. thyroid problem? Completely out of left field.


But it could be nothing. The test could have been wanky. Last year the test said I was low in protein but everyone's came back with that (something was off with whatever they used in the lab) but only mine thus far has come back with a high TSH level.

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Sorry to hear about the thyroid issues, OG. But don't lose hope! Thyroid medication is usually pretty cheap; even without insurance, it can be less than $30 a month. Also, getting on thyroid medication should speed up your weight loss and help you feel better and more energetic. I was also on medication for hypothyroidism for about a year... and then, I went off it, got tested again, and I was fine. I guess it's not always a permanent thing.

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Is there some way to control the issue without meds? Just wondering.


Typically, hyperthyroidism is associated with weight loss and hypothyroidism is associated with weight gain. You might want to watch what you are eating even more closely as you get on the meds to decrease your thyroid levels.

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For hypo or hyper thyroidism? Generally, people who have hypothyroidism who go on meds lose weight. Of course, every person is different, but hyperthyroidism is associated with increased metabolism, and increased weight loss. But that might be countered by increased appetite. So weight gain can come from that. Of course, these are issues to discuss with your doctor and maybe nutritionist, hopefully that is covered by your insurance. If you're going on meds that are going to alter your metabolism, you might want to start a food journal to be extra vigilant.

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Yeah, with hypothyroidism, the medication typically causes weight loss because the extra thyroid boosts the metabolism. It can be the opposite with treatment for hyperthyroidism because it's going to decrease your metabolism. My mom lost weight after getting on meds for hypothyroidism.


Did they test you for graves disease? And make sure to ask about the side effects of getting pregnant while on the meds.

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If you have a high TSH, you have hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid. It seems like it should be the opposite, but the reason for this is that your body knows it's not getting enough thyroid action so it produces more TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) in order to try to boost production (to no avail). Even though I was already thin when I went on hypothyroidism meds, I still lost about seven pounds while on the medication without even trying. Like annie said, most people have to take medication for the rest of their lives, but mine cleared itself up after a year or so, oddly enough.

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Well nothing to report really, lol. I went to the doctor and they drew some more blood (ouchie, again). They will rerun the TSH test plus the more in depth thyroid panels so I won't get the results back until tomorrow or Monday at the latest. I hate waiting. She did a external exam and said my thyroid felt enlarged but she didn't feel any nodules of any kind.


No, no testing for graves' disease. The blood work at my job was simply an over view.

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Neither. The doctor wouldn't even talk medication until the new blood tests come back to confirm the blood work from my job. It could have just been an odd reading. But it they do confirm it (barring nothing else shows up) it should be hypothyroidism since my number was high.

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Good luck. But yeah, if it is hypothyroidism, then it will make sense to lose weight on the meds. I hope you are ok though! Do be sure to ask about pregnancy. To the best of my knowledge, once you start them, you can never stop. I guess it depends on what treatment you get. Keep us posted!

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Oh I def will since that's a huge thing for us. I did ask my employee nurse how the thyroid affected fertility (she was one of the ones who told me she had problems with her's and actually had to have her's removed at my age) but with all things it's varies greatly. For her it took a little longer to get pregnant (two years). There will be more in depth questions with the doctor if/when he has to put me on medication.


I really don't have many of the symptons of hypothyroidism but the doctor said again, not all cases have the exact symptons. Some people have one or two, half, or all of them.

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Gosh I learn something new everyday. High TSH = hypothyroidism. Wacky.


Yeah, let us know how it turns out. Does the hospital have a decent insurance plan for its workers?


Yeah, it seemed weird to L and me too but I did some reading up on it (tried not to do the OMG-I-have-this type of reading from the net!) but apparently when you have hypothyroidism it really relates to the TSH levels in a way. The thyroid itself isn't producing enough thyroid hormones (there for not working enough) so the pituitary gland works over time to pump MORE TSH levels to trigger the thyroid to make more itself. So high levels of TSH means the thyroid gland isn't working enough and low means it's working too much.


It does and doesn't in a way. It's not so bad itself but you can only enroll in the insurance during opening enrollment (once a year) or you have a life changing event (such as birth of a child, get married).

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Car is in my possession! It felt so weird getting behind the wheel of it because I had become use to driving mom's. It literally felt like I was getting in it for the very first time again. It runs amazing though! The check engine light is on but the mechanic told me to bring it back by next week and they'd run a test to see why it's on (even though everything is running properly, including my temperature gauge!) After picking up the car I went with my mom and sister to get Tyler's hair cut. He was not happy about it:

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But he looks so handsome!

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I need to pluck my eyebrows, bad!

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