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Yep, the power is all in your hands, OG.


Helps to keep your goal in mind: by the time you are ready to get pregnant with L, you want to be of a normal weight. Normal weights = better pregnancies and healthier babies even. See, I'm just losing the weight for me (want to be healthy, not get diabeetus, look better overall) but for you, you are getting healthy for yourself as well as your future children. Just keep that mind and have your eyes on the prize and you will get there.


I sometimes try to say to myself "Which is worse, not eating x or sticking my fingertips for the rest of my life?" which does help me.

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Yeah. It's just a constant battle with my love of food. I look back to when I was about 150-160 and I was like I was not fat back then, what was I complaining about, lol. It's just having that mindset that it took 5-6 years to put this weight on, it's not going to go away in a month.

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Glad to hear that your car is done. Now you will have a mode of transportation again and can get around easily. Now that you have a new engine, your car should last you many more years.


I hate blood draws. That reminds me, I need to get a blood draw. Been putting it off for a few months now since my physical.


Hope your mom is doing ok.

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Yeah it'll be nice to have my own car back (not that I'm not grateful to my mom for letting me use her spare one). It'll be easier on her too since she won't have to get up at 3 am to take my stepdad to work.


So I wanted to make some chicken with asian rice, green peas, and mashed potatoes. Chicken and rice (which I've never cooked before) turned out great. Mashed potatoes? Not so much. I made 3 batches and none of htem would do right. I was totally off on my water, mayo, and flake ratio or something. I ended up just throwing on some black eye peas and corn.

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We make ours with mayo too. It may be a southern thing. Idk though! You can't really taste it. It just makes it creamy if you do it right. Jared cooked stroganoff tonight and ran out of sour cream so he used mayo and it was really good! I always have mayo on hand but not bc I like it on sandwiches or anything. But I cook with it a lot.

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We make ours with mayo too. It may be a southern thing. Idk though! You can't really taste it. It just makes it creamy if you do it right. Jared cooked stroganoff tonight and ran out of sour cream so he used mayo and it was really good! I always have mayo on hand but not bc I like it on sandwiches or anything. But I cook with it a lot.


Funnily enough I'm the same way! I don't eat it on sandwhiches (if I do it's barely a light layer on the bread to give it some wetness), but I use it to cook with a lot. L refuses to eat mayo mashed potatoes. Oh well. More mashed potatoes for me along with peanut butter!

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Thank you Vic!


Well I went and got poked this morning for my blood work. *grumble* I hate needles. I hate the anticipation of the stick. The lab lady made it quick and easy though.


It's rainy and grey outside today. The perfect day to lay snuggled in bed with Jasper reading a book which I may just do. I need to straighten up a few things but not a lot. Need to find out when they are spraying for these stupid spiders because I seriously can't take much more of this. At least Jasper is giving me hints to were they are now (although he still refuses to eat them).

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Finished! didn't take nearly as long as it did years ago (probably because I was able to import my IRS stuff instead of having to go back through my tax return myself and inputting information. So that's done. Now just have to apply and get all the transcripts up (won't be able to apply until next month). Slowly coming together.

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