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You guys, B asked me how to send me a video through text and I told her same way you do a pic (assuming it was saved on her phone) and she asked me does that mean a screenshot.


Totally gonna tease he about that for years to come. Years! She finally realized she could just send a link from the website...


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She just left for her stress test. Her cardiac enzymes came back negative once, waiting on the second round of those.


OG, I wish you lived near me so my doctors and our cardiologists could take care of her. Make sure she lets them know anytime she's having any little twinge of chest pain/shoulder pain/back pain...some people even get nauseated when they have severe coronary artery disease. Keep us updated, I hope everything is okay.

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I'll FB message that to you Dang.


Not 2 toddlers Annie, just my nephew. Who is as energetic as 2 toddlers!


Well she's home now and resting. My aunt is staying the weekend with her and I'm sticking around for a few more hours myself. My boss called me while I was at the hospital and told me to take the weekend off and check on her and she was giving me some of her PTO days so I wouldn't lose any $$$. I don't know many bosses that would do that for an employee with no questions. She really is amazing. I called her at 3 AM this morning and told her what was going on and she simply said, 'Don't worry about work, we'll find someone to cover for you'. And this was the WORST day this could have happened since another employee's car broke down, one is out with a swollen ankle, one is out until the 3rd due to medical reasons, and another just never showed up! We are just dropping like flies.


I will say that my brother, sister, and I really made it past a huge barrier today. Normally we can do nothing but go at each other's throats (even in the most emotionally charged situations) but today was completely not like us. My mom texted me at 1 am that my brother was driving her to the hospital. So until I got the call that they were admitting her at 3 something I was fielding calls between her, myself, and my sister. My sister didn't say anything when I called her but 'we are on our way'. And the entire day we were working as one smooth machine. We didn't bicker, we didn't take snips at each other.... I DID have a small break down on the drive to the hospital this morning (a 30 min drive for me). Idk. I just was one of those moments were it hit me that my support system (my husband) was 4,000 miles away and right in that moment I needed him here and driving that car. It was just kind of like a slap in the face to remind me we are apart. But I compossed myself once I got to the ER.


Can I just say my nephew looked adorable?! They obviously had to wake him up (he was with my sister and her BIL) and he had the cutest bed head ever. And they were letting him run around the deserted area of the hospital because he didn't react well to seeing mom hooked up to all the machines and stuff. They finally moved her into a semi private room and my sister, BIL, brother, and nephew went back to my mom's house. My aunt and I stayed in the room with my mom. About 7 am I stretched out along the wall on the floor with a spare pillow and passed out. I tend to snore when I'm SUPER tired and they all made fun of my snoring when I woke up! They eventually found a reclining chair for me to rest in thank God. Hospital food is horrendous as well, btw.


The end result is she is just super stressed. My sister and BIL are rearranging their word schedules so mom only has Tyler on day a week for a while and slowly build up to a max of 2-3 days a week.


I'm sending this with a cute picture of Munchkin.


image removed

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No. My aunt is staying the weekend with her - my brother is there as well and my stepdad will be home. I'm going over there for dinner after L and I talk tomorrow. I'm going to talk to L when we talk later but I think I'm going to have mom drive me back home and let them have the car back. It's only a few weeks until I get my car back and I know her having to get up at 2 am to drive my stepdad to work or getting up at weird hours is not helping this situation. I can easily walk to work or catch a ride with my co worker and she would be more than willing to take me to the store for groceries and stuff. I've got to run it by L first though.

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True. She then posted that she was on the HCG diet so who knows. I know that's the one my best friend was on and lost a ton of weight - went from like 180 to 130 in a few months but she admitted to me she practically starved herself while on it as well. However you can tell she's gaining the weight back after being off it for a while - although I personally think she looks better with a little extra.

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Who is on the hcg diet, OG?


Part of the hcg diet is eating less than like 1000 calories a day, so it's not a wonder the weight will come off that quickly. The trick is keeping it off, which almost no one does.


Best to eat right, exercise, get good habits so you'll lose AND keep it off. Most people on hcg diet feel like they are just very tired and hungry all the time (not a wonder). A diet that is hard and makes you miserable is a diet that you can't stick with so it won't work.

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A girl I went to HS with. She's had two kids and weighs about the same I do, if not more (she hadn't lost her baby weight from the first baby when she got pregnant with the second). I mean I can understand the allure of it but I guess even with all my back sliding I want to be able to one day say I did it myself and I did it the healthy way.

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You will get there, I'm sure. The vast majority people who can look back and say "I did it!" are those who lost via a healthy way (diet/exercise, or surgery in some cases) and they are the ones who keep it off.


I'm giving myself about 10 months and if I don't see noticeable weight loss by now, I'm preparing for bariatric surgery (already qualify under my insurance and know a dr who will do it) and I'll do that. I don't want to go past the age of 25 weighing what I do, so something is gonna get done about it.

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