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I'm not a good cook either, and this recipe is always a hit (and makes me look talented!). The only thing difficult is knowing when it is done cooking. It took me a couple of times to get it right, but luckily it tastes great a little undercooked too:


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Have a slight headache today. Not sure if it's from lack of sleep or the ear infection but I'm just feeling blah. Getting an early night tonight anyway since I have to work first tomorrow morning. then I'm off Tuesday again but not off after that until next Tuesday. Long week.


71 days until L arrives....


I finally managed to find something to help with my wolf biting. I've slightly started it back up again but I haven't been using the Vitamin E the last few nights so probably why.

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I do it constantly. Currently making myself wear nail polish as an attempt to stop putting my fingers in my mouth. The polish throws the texture off for me an it's not as pleasing. Not that I enjoy the taste but it makes me realize what I'm doing

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Went to bed at 7 hoping to finally get a full nights rest through until 5 am. Of course that didn't happen. I woke up at midnight feeling slightly sick to my stomach and with neighbours talking loudly and having their car headlights shine into our bedroom window (our bedroom is at the front of the house). Figured I was up anyway so might as well have a snack to calm my stomach and straighten up a bit before work. Catching up on The Bachelorette now.

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Once again have a headache. Blah.


Got the dryer vent put on the dryer. I was sat there trying to twist the clamp with my finger and after about 15 minutes of fighting with it realized I could use a screw driver. lol. Cleaned both dryer and washer off and let the washer run for a cycle to get the inside clean. Had a slight leakage problem with the washer but I think I fixed it.


My boss is out sick until Wednesday so even though I'm off tomorrow I have to go in before 9 am and do the linen order for Wednesday. So that plus this headache, i'm catching an early night.

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Hope you are feeling better soon. Lack of sleep with definitely bring and keep a headache going.


I thought about you earlier. I sent my coworker to get some Subway and of course I was being good with my sandwich but all I could think about was how good it would have been with the chipotle. Grrr It's the OG special. hahaha

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I was reading an article today about a woman who her and her husband have been trying to get pregnant for 10 years now (she's in her mid 30's I believe). They finally got pregnant only for her to find out she had cancer.. She made the decision to abort and tackle the cancer and when asked why after they had been trying for so long did she go that route her response was, "My husband and I have wanted a child for so long. It's all we have talked and dreamed about for the last 10 years. As much as I want to be the mother of his children before that I have an obligation as his wife to do everything in my power to make sure we spend the next 50 years together. We can try again hopefully one day or adopt or foster but there's only one of me."


It took me by surprise really my feelings on the subject. I can remember before we got engaged L and I having that discussion (about what I would want in that situation, what he would want) and he being totally honest with me on his stance which was opposite of mine. But in reading the article, I can't help but realize how that view has shifted to align with L's. I don't know if it's because I am his wife now (and not just merely speculating about the future but I am legally and spiritually his wife) or what but I can understand were he was coming from (and still does) on that stand point. And I agree with him.


We are constantly changing creatures.

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House all clean! I'll mop the floors tomorrow when I get off work. It's already 6 and I still have to eat dinner, shower, and settle down to go to bed.


My stepdad told my mom he would be L's joint sponsor. Great news (means we know 100% we can meet the income requirement) but I don't have to like the fact I'm indebted to him yet again.


On that note it's 69 days until L lands - now that I can get super on board with. We had a small tift today because he's sort-of-kind-of-not-but-yes ignoring his gran lately. She wasn't too thrilled about the news of him moving here. He's the blonde eyed boy and her favorite so she didn't take it well and he didn't take how she reacted to the news well. I can understand it but from as wife I can see past the immediate pain of being dissapointed in her reaction to the fact these next 8 months are going to be some of the last he gets to see her. He may be dissapointed that she wasn't supportive now but later it won't be so easy to just pop over to see her. And I guess my nanny's death plays a part in me feeling that for him. I don't regret not seeing her in those last fragile months (years, really) but there's still that tugging feeling because she was my favorite grand parent.

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