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So while I was at work today I kept feeling like there was water in my ear (same ear I had the infection in). Then a few hours later it started doing the itching thing again so I went to the employee nurse. My ear is STILL red! She even checked my thonsils and was like yep, still red and enlarged. And of COURSE I call the doctor and they will charge me $40 to see me again. Ugh! However the doctor is going to call in a prescription without seeing me for omixycilan (sp) and if it's still red after that I'll have to go back. At least I'm getting medication I suppose...

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So I go to pick up my prescription for amoxicillin (thank you Google for correcting me, I think!) - I can't have it, I'm ALLERGIC to penicilan. Why on Earth would the doctor call an order in for it if I'm allergic to it??


Then I call my mom (just to double check to make sure I am allergic) and yep, entire family is. But she says she can take that and it won't cause her to have a reaction. And of course by the time I get there the doctor's office is closed. >.

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Well I called them and they have an on call doctor. Called and whoever answered is going to page the on call doctor, if they don't call back within 15 minutes I'm suppose to call them back.


I love my mother's thinking though. Her and my sibings are allergic to penicilan but can take amoxicillin (they just can't take PURE penicilan apparently). She also said some other penicilan like thing - sulfican or something? - and I'm just like mom, simply because you guys can doesn't mean I can. SMH


So far it's not bothering me (like I feel perfectly fine!) but I don't like the idea of having this ear infection and having NO symptons and it not being treated.

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are you sure you have an ear infection? did they do a swab? do you use q-tips? maybe that is irritating your ear canal?


i am allergic to amoxicillin. out of an abundance of caution, the doctor should not prescribe me any other penicillin-derivatives, even though i've never had a reaction to penicillin.


I'm also allergic to Sulfa. it's an older antibiotic, and it and its related antibiotics often have "sulf" in the name. So when a doctor prescribes me something with "sulf," i make sure to look it up first to make sure he didn't just give me something that might be harmful.

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Well the last few days it's been doing the itching thing again and I honestly thought nothing of it. This morning it felt like water was in my ear and it kept itching so I went to the employee nurse (the one who originally looked at it and said 'yeah, you have an ear infection') and she said it was still red as could be. I don't use q-tips and since having the first infection haven't been using headphones in that ear. She even checked my tonsils (when I went to the doctor they were red and enlarged) and the employee nurse said they were still red and enlarged.


I walked up to the counter and the pharmastic was like 'why did you doctor prescribe this? Our system flagged you as being allergic to penicillin'. I was like 'Do I LOOK like a doctor??' It honestly never occurred to me to check it out. Now though I remember that's why they prescribed me the z-pack to begin with.

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Z pack is a really good antibiotic and if you are still having issues, Im wondering if it's something other than an infection going on.


This was my thought as well. However right now I can't afford the $40 visit until the turn of the month so just have to hope it's still an ear infection. She mentioned my tonsils being enlarged and my first thought was 'oh God, I'm going to have to have them taken out'. Of course I would go there, lol. But if after this new prescription the redness in my ear doesn't go away I'm to go back to the doctor. They did test me for strep when I went so I know it's not that. I mean, I feel utterly fine. Some ear aching every now and then but fine.

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I have enlarged tonsils all the time. It sometimes makes it hard to breathe when I am very ill but the dr said it's normal for me because they've been this way for a while. Actually, I think they swelled up when I had mono and went down a bit but never went down all the way. I will probably not need them out unless I got an infection in the future. Just wanted to let you know that in some cases, some people just have tonsils that are a bit bigger but are no cause for worry. Deep breath! It will be okay! I hope the antibiotics work!

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Went and picked my prescription up from Walmart this morning. The doctor called in Bactrim, giant horse pills. lol!


My co worker (and neighbour)'s daughter had a storage unit she no longer wanted to spend the $50 a month on and had a washer/dryer. So my co worker came and got my house key yesterday while I was at work and her and her son moved them into the house. She wouldn't take any money (of course). I need to clean them up a bit and attach the dryer vent to the dryer but other than that, I have cleaning power!


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YAY! It's always cool when people do such nice things. Maybe you can bake them a cake or something.


Oh mama, you've never tasted my baking skills before.


I def. plan on doing something for her, even if it's just buying her breakfast a few times a week for a while!

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Oh mama, you've never tasted my baking skills before.


I def. plan on doing something for her, even if it's just buying her breakfast a few times a week for a while!


Well if that means you are bad at baking then perhaps I should send you a cookbook as a house warming gift.

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