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So proud of L! He downloaded the couch to 5k app and went running this afternoon. His ankle didn't even bother him all that much afterward. If it doesn't chuck it down outside after work my neighbour and I are going to go walking when I get off. Finally dropped below 220 this morning although it's all water weight.

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Walked with a co worker after my shift today. 2,211 steps (1.049 miles). Not bad! We felt great after it too. Not out of breath but we worked up a good sweat. It felt so good as well weather wise walking this late in the day. There was a slight breeze which took of some of the humidity. I easily could have went another mile but this was her first time out (she's in her 60's) so we set the goal of one mile for tonight.

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Walked with my co worker again after work today, thankfully the rain held off long enough for us to walk! 2,840 steps today, 1.346 miles. The hill at the back of our hospital was a lot harder to walk today than it was yesterday! I need to run some errands in the morning but after that I'm going to try to go for a walk/jog early in the day (they are calling for rain so who knows if I can).


I loath that we are having to ask my stepfather for help with the visa. Loath it. Not so much it but how my mom is acting with it. I understand he didn't HAVE to let me use their spare car (which is putting them in a bind) or he doesn't HAVE to say he'll help us with the visa but... I don't know. I am thankful - because without this aide we couldn't afford for L to move here - but there's only so far you can be thankful to the man who molested you, ya know?

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Finanacially. To sponsor an immigrant you have to show you make 125% over the poverty line for your household size. For me and L I literally miss that by about $2,000 (it's a little over $18,000 for a household of 2). The wonderful thing about our immigration system is you can then use a joint sponsor who is considered to be just as equal in making sure the immigrant doesn't draw on public funds (food stamps, welfare, etc). My stepdad is the only one who makes anything above and beyond what is required. For a household of 4 (him, my mom, my brother, and L) he has to make $27,000- he's made that already this year.

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So sore, so ready for my 2 weeks vacation in October, even if they aren't back to back.


75 days until L lands. He's taken the next 2 days off to watch cricket. *rolls eyes* I take the mick out of him a lot when it comes to cricket and football but it really doesn't bother me. It's something he loves and enjoys and he never says anything about me spending hours scrap booking (or spending the $$$ on scrap booking). I hadn't bought anything to scrap book with since November and today he goes 'I can probably find $50 for you to get you some stuff'. Such a sweetie, I told him no of course. But I was taking the mick out of him today about taking 2 days off to watch sports. It was half true and half joking, one of those things were you realize something but it's not THAT big of a deal. And then do you know the man bought on a Mad Cow moment on purpose because I hadn't went Mad Cow in a while? 0.o I think he honestly missed Mad Cow!

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My director called me into her office today and asked me how the process to get L here was going. I explained everything to her and she asked me was there anything she could do to help. I told her how I was having to look for a part time job (if I can get a part time job I will more than cover the sponsor requirement and not have to use my stepfather) and when I said that she just kind of nodded and said, 'Well instead of doing that we will bump your hours back up to were they were.' Due to something happening (something within the country that I don't want to say because it could lead to a political debate) the hospital has cut back majorly in anticipation of it. One way they did this was by knocking 4 hours off each employee's pay period. So were as I was getting 76 hours every 2 weeks, I've only been getting 71. It alone won't give me enough to be a sole sponsor but it's more income monthly. The fact that that was her first response (and this was a hospital wide budget cut), just made me realize how awesome my bosses are. Truly. I know I work hard and am a dependable employee (and therefore I get nice rewards like my boss being fine with me taking 2 weeks off in October) but they really are the best bosses I have ever had.


On top of that L booked his hotel and bus ticket. We kept going back and forth about whether to have him take the train up on the day of and fly in at 7 PM or take the bus up the day before and stay in the hotel. Money is tight but after we get the car paid off we have some wiggle room. I was going to use some of it to get some new clothes but I'd much rather put it toward the hotel and bus and know he's there within walking distance to the airport.

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there's the hotel. I've also stayed at hostels in london, that is cheap(er) and another option.


good to hear you'll get some more hours again, fingers crossed!!


i know, there are government cutbacks everywhere, my field is greatly affected as well..... (sorry, not trying to political rant!!)

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