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I love how I get more cleaning down in 30 minutes before someone comes over than the entire week, lol! But then mom had to push her coming over time back to six so I took a break to eat lunch and talk to L. now I'm being lazy and don't want to finish up the cleaning, lol.

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We rented "21 jump street" with Channing tatum yesterday and we laughed our asses off. I'm not really into him for looks but that movie yesterday cracked me up.


I've wanted to see that. I'm not into his looks at all. My best friend is crazy about him but his type just does nothign for me.

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So my mom and Tyler are spending the night with me because the storm knocked their power off. Tyler kept picking up this one picture I have of L in the living room and saying 'buggie'. I kept saying 'No Tyler, it's L', but he continued to say 'buggie'. Then I have this other picture frame that is multiple pictures on it and they are of our wedding. One of them is a bridal party shot and he directly pointed at L in EVERY single picture and said 'buggie' each time. Looks like L has a name with Tyler - buggie! And I'm BB and my brother is 'mine'.


It's so cute to hear him learn to talk though! When you hand him something he says 'tha u' (thank you). He says this every time you hand him something and it's adorable. I asked him earlier if he wanted any chips and he said 'plea' (please). I asked him a multitide of questions and every answer was 'plea'. Adorable! And if you get up from your seat he'll run and jump in your spot and say 'move' pretty as you please.

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We just had a really bad thunder storm pass through. Ridiculous rain and wind. Jasper of course is in hiding inside the couch as he hates rain and thunder, meanwhile I've shut the AC off and thrown open the living room windows. Sitting here playing around on the computer, watching Hell's Kitchen and sipping a nice hot cup of coffee! I went walking on the main road today and used my pedometer app to keep track for me. Walked 2,334 steps and did 1.155 miles. Not bad for a start! Wanted to get another walk in this afternoon but the thunderstorm kind of side tracked that...


After my walk I had to run my hand under cold water for like a minute to get my wedding ring off. My fingers felt like they were swelling and I could not get it off. Really need to get a new band, L and I both.

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Got our first power bill today - $25. Hahahahaha!!! Awesome! And water was only $6. Could get use to that!


Annie, I called State Farm like you suggusted and yeah, Progressive was extremely too high. For a $20,000 policy ($100,000 damages covered on the house next door, $1,000 medical for anyone injured, and a $1,000 deductile) is only $24.50 a month. We will def. be going with them. I use to have car insurance with them but because of the accident in January they won't touch me right now (poo!).


I'm going to buy a crock pot tomorrow (the ONE essential cooking thing I don't have!).


Settling down now to watch RuPaul's Drag Race!

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cool! that's strange it's still so high, I swear i pay less than $20 a month, but i think that can vary on a lot of things, including how far away the nearest fire station is, material the house is made out of, being a member of a professional organization, etc.....


glad you found this.


my friend found a crockpot at a second hand store for $5. I got mine (a mini crock pot) + george foreman grill on ebay for $17 total.

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Got our first power bill today - $25. Hahahahaha!!! Awesome! And water was only $6. Could get use to that!


Annie, I called State Farm like you suggusted and yeah, Progressive was extremely too high. For a $20,000 policy ($100,000 damages covered on the house next door, $1,000 medical for anyone injured, and a $1,000 deductile) is only $24.50 a month. We will def. be going with them. I use to have car insurance with them but because of the accident in January they won't touch me right now (poo!).


I'm going to buy a crock pot tomorrow (the ONE essential cooking thing I don't have!).


Settling down now to watch RuPaul's Drag Race!


I could get used to that too. Our hydro bill is $132 a month, the Gas bill is $86 a month and the cable bill is $90. We pay $24 a month for water on our shelter bill on the base.

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I could get used to that too. Our hydro bill is $132 a month, the Gas bill is $86 a month and the cable bill is $90. We pay $24 a month for water on our shelter bill on the base.


My mom's power bill is like $200-$300 a month. It's outrageous. I always cut lights out when I walk out of a room and I'll leave the AC on while I'm at work for Jasper but I usually cut it off when I get home and leave it off until the next morning. Guess that helps!

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I refuse to run the central AC because my bill will go up to 300 a month. So during the summer swelter, I told everyone in the house to just run around naked so my bill will stay at about 100. LOL


My son's gf got me a pedometer, I love that little gadget. Sometimes I'm in awe that I actually walked as far as it says I did. However if mine would have told me I was obese, I would have chucked it under one of these moving buses. Just sayin.....lol

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I refuse to run the central AC because my bill will go up to 300 a month. So during the summer swelter, I told everyone in the house to just run around naked so my bill will stay at about 100. LOL


My son's gf got me a pedometer, I love that little gadget. Sometimes I'm in awe that I actually walked as far as it says I did. However if mine would have told me I was obese, I would have chucked it under one of these moving buses. Just sayin.....lol


I feel the same. When the heat was in the 114 area I did leave it on longer than normal simply for Jasper but like right now the AC has been cut off since about 6 PM and I've got the living room cieling fan off and the fan from the bedroom in the living room and I'm comfortably cooled down. And that's even with me leaving a night light and the light over the stove on at night so I can see my way around the place without injuring myself!


Me to! It said I walked like 2,344 steps and I was like really??? hahahah! I'm going to measure my bust, hips and such and input it into the app, it'll track weight loss and such.


Ghettoing a bunch of beef stew receipes together to try one myself. Can't go too wrong with it.


I can't wear my wedding ring any more. My hands swelled the other day and now it takes like 5 minutes to get it off and when it's on it's just really tight. It was already 1/2 a size too small but geez. L told me to go ahead and buy the new band we were looking at. So right now I have my wedding ring on a necklace that I wear and I'm wearing my engagement ring. Which is the perfect size because I can take it on and off with ease.

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