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I walked over to my co worker's apartment to see how her doctor appointment went. She's 65 and weighs about 10 pounds more than I do. The doctor told her he wanted her to lose some weight as the extra weight wasn't doing good on her heart, told her what to cut back on, to get more exercise. She knows I struggle with losing weight so she suggusted we start walking around our apartment complex together (if it's not like 100 degrees later in the evening) and I'm pretty stoked for it, looking forward to it.

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It is. It'll be nice when L is here and we can push each other, being 4,000 miles apart is hard. I know he worries about losing me due to the weight but in all honesty I worry the same for him. Probably more so because I have no excuese not to go jogging or running (other than this big girl can't!) - he can't do either because of his ankle which limits what type of cardio he can do.

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i hear you. it is hard. are you tracking your food intake? that helps me a lot, when i try, that is. link removed has a free place where you can enter your food. try to shoot for around 1500 calories a day. and measure your food too. ie - get out the measuring cup or the measuring spoon. not just estimating it with your eyes.

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i know - i find it stressful too, but it is very helpful. probably more helpful than exericse in some ways. when you think about it - you can eat a candy bar in about 30 seconds, but it can take an hour at the gym to burn off those calories! so best not to have eaten the candy bar in the first place.... or at least be aware that you did.

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How is my nephew turning TWO this coming Monday??? Still seems like yesterday he was born and I touched that itty, bitty foot through the incubator. He's come so far since then... I'm not able to go to his birthday party Sunday (work) but I am off his actual birthday. Trying to sweet talk my mom into coming and spending the night with him so I can at least see him on his birthday.

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I am off for two days! YES!!! Stopped by my co worker's house to drop off some Avon stuff she ordered and sat with her for an hour. By the time I left it was dark so she stood between the houses and watched me walk to the house and go in. Tyler had his birthday party today (I couldn't go because of work) but I doubt I could have handled it anyway. My mom has this friend who has 3 kids. The friend herself isn't bad but the kids... God. One of them REFUSED to leave me and L when we were doing pictures of just us on our wedding day. I mean refused. She tagged behind the photographers, just kind of stood there... they are just super loud and really disrespectful sometimes. Of course today was no different so I'm not too sad I missed the party.


Mom is coming by for a few hours tomorrow (tyler's actual birthday) so I'll still get to see him. I can't believe he started life out this way:

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And is now here :

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Happy 2nd Birthday Munchkin!

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I think on some deep level he knows my ear is bothering me, because he in fact keeps trying to lick that ear. However as much as I apprectiate the love I don't even like it when he licks my face and I'm fine, what in the world makes my son think licking my ear is going to be different? It's just like with L. He knows what incites Mad Cow moments and yet he STILL does those said things.


He is. I have to say, my sister and BIL did well!

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aww, that's cute - he's trying to make you feel better. cats know when you are upset. my cat, the one i had to give up because i was too allergic - the day my doctor told me i had to give him up, i came home, sat on the couch and cried and cried. he crawled into my lap (he NEVER EVER liked to sit in laps), he curled up and purred as loud as he could. i felt like he was trying to take away my sadness. i had teardrops raining down on him and he wouldn't move. i tried to push him out of my lap, but he just curled up there again. he was a sweet boy.

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