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Yay for meet ups! I hope you adjust to our heat Vic.


No Internet at home since Sat - this is getting ridiculous.


I think it is the humidity. It is a killer for my asthma. It feels like an elephant sitting on my chest. The base commander here does not allow the ac setting below 75, For me that is a killer, ya know? It is already 76 in the room and it is only morning. At home my ac is set at 69.

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Yea the humidity is deadly here. I was in Atlanta this last weekend and it was 107 on Saturday! It was scorching but the humidity wasn't bad like it is at home. It can really mess with you if you aren't used to it. I hope you feel better!

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Yeah it was 114 over this weekend. I keep my ac set at 79 an had to wear a jacket and long pj bottoms in the house yesterday after I got home.


Interesting how people's bodies are programmed to run hot or cold depending on their region they live in. My ex was from FL and would keep the AC at like 80 and in the winter keep it even higher. I felt like I was dying from sweat. I would lay in bed and get drenched in sweat and then get all PO'ed because he turned it up running up our bill. I'm so happy my husband is from a colder climate because I'd rather be cold than hot.

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Not particularly drastic with the number differences - his area gets a few high days throughout the summer that ard around our 80's mark - but the humidity is going to be an adjustment. However on another forum we are (specifically for the visa stuff) there are a ton of Brits living in the South and they've all said after a few years they adjusted to it. The thing with our humidity down here is its never the same intensity. 10 years ago we had humidity but never this bad, so even for us born and raised in the South it's an adjustment every summer.

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Sweet Jesus thank you. I have been without it since Saturday. There was suppose to be an 'outage' - apparently there was one - but the REAL problem was someone logged someone else's email and password into my router (the person who use to live here) and since it's a closed account it wasn't giving me any internet. It took 10 reps to find this out - TEN! And this last rep was awesome. She apparently checks everything and found it when the other 9 kept saying 'you are in an outage'. She's sending a tech guy tomorrow though because the margins or something isn't looking right but holy cow she's awesome! She will def. be getting a good rating on her survey!

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It really ticks me off when you have a problem and the rep keeps saying "it's a problem with your computer". Every time I hear that I say "thanks very much" and call back and get someone else. Eventually you will get someone who fixes the problem and it is almost always the cable company at fault.

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Oh I have been harrassing the crap out of some internet reps the last four days. A day or two I can understand, but 4 days was just too much. And I wasn't calling just one time a day, I was calling them like 5 times every day. We had a bad storm Sunday night but my issue started LAST Thursday... ah! So thankful for that rep and being awesome.

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Nice relaxing day off!


Slept in til 9:30 and got up and made some pancakes for breakfast. Since then I've been just goofing around on facebook and watching old seasons of Hell's Kitchen. I'm pretty sure I have another ingrown toe nail (same toe, same side that I had the one cut out in Feb). Gah. Dont know if I mentioned this but I also have an ear infection. My right ear kept hurting and itching and I went to the employee nurse and she looked in it and said it was beat red. So I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow at 4 to see to it. $40 down the drain!

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I'll have to but it won't be able to until after the car is taken care of. I'll have to take a few days off work to get it done and with the car I can't afford to miss any work right now. It's the way my toenails grow. They don't grow in a square shape, they grow round and as they grow out the ends grow into the toe bed. Most times I can cut them out myself but every now and then one gets so deep it's just beyond cutting out.

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OG with regards to your ear infection - you can normally buy the anti biotic ear drops over the counter cheaper than a prescription (well at least over here so I assume it would be similar there), try and keep your ears dry when you shower/bath and keep it warm/dont let too much wind get into your ears if you can help it.

Sorry to hear about the ear infection, they really suck. oh also, take some anti inflamitories, may help reduce swelling, I do that when I cant get to a doctor or only have a mild infection.

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Normally its the same here Butterfly but I've been feeling like my sinus' are acting up, so I'm wondering if the two are linked. And the meds the doctor gives for sinus is much better than over the counter. I'll def keep them dry though, never thought of that. I haven't even put my head phones in that ear since she told me. thankfully I'm not getting any throbbing or anything with it, it just does the itchy thing and is sore sometimes if I touch that ear.

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