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I think being introvert doesn't help, tbh. It'll be much easier when L is physically here riding my butt day in and day out. Plus I won't mind cooking. I love cooking when it's for a group of people but just myself? Not so much.


hahah! I've been thinking the same thing actually.

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Lean Pockets are on sale now too at Walmart, like $1.40 something, my boss has been buying them like crazy. I'm still working on controlling my portion sizes - today has kind of been shoddy - but it's a forever work in progress. I'm watching money right now until the turn of the month so once the new month starts and I run to the grocery store it'll get better, right now I'm just making whatever I have in the cupboards until then. Right now my abs are killing me. Haven't hurt me all day but since I got home I've notcied they are sore from the pilates yesterday. Not all the time but when I go to use them - oh yeah. I'm about to break out the mat and do another workout.


I painted today at work (so not in my job description, lol). We have this back area in my department (were they use to cremate people, actually) and everyone uses it to store their junk basically. We were in there fixing up some stuff and came accross these old lockers and pull carts. We had one of the guys move the lockers for us out into our area so we could start using them and we really needed some new pull carts. However these were horribly dirty and in need of a good paint job. So me and the supervisor went to matience and asked for a paint brush and we dug up some paint in the 'dead people room' as I've nick named the old cremate room and started painting the carts today. Hopefully we will finish those up tomorrow as well as cleaning out the lockers and I'm going to give them a fresh coat of blue paint! At one point in painting I knelt down and it wasn't until about two minutes later that I realized I was still knelt and wasn't having any balance or breathing problems - another small victory!

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I tried running tonight but made myself sick. Could barely go half of what I've been doing. Probably should've left the oreos alone earlier. Though I wasn't sure if it was that or if it was the Stromboli I made for dinner.

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Have you taken any nights off since you started?


For some reason I got hiccups during the middle of my pilates so that was a bit weird. Hard to concentrate on breathing and moving limbs when I'm hiccuping every five seconds. I plowed through though. My abs are killing me though. I may stick with the arms and stretching ones tomorrow (20 minutes) and not do the abs or butt/thigh and give that area a rest for the day. I can feel is so much that even if I go to raise up in bed my abs clench.


Oh, I'll text you the address to the resturant tomorrow.

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My poor Munchkin! They had to take Tyler to the hospital today - he pulled my sister's straightener down right after she had used it and before she could grab it I guess he clamped it onto his foot. It was a 2nd degree burn and already blistering when she sent me a picture of it. It also caused me to realize that in a few short weeks he will be two - TWO!

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Ditto, red! I'm pretty far from everyone I believe.


Sorry to hear about your nephew. That's gotta be hurting him pretty good.


I so badly want to workout again I'm going crazy but I'm fearful. I'm not doing it until I see the doctor tomorrow and he gives me the green light.

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One day I'll make it to your area Sherry - or your always welcome to take a Southern trip.


For a second degree burn Tyler was acting like nothing happened. After the doctor bandaged him up he was running around and his normal wild self - the resilience of children amazes me still sometimes.

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Work first tomorrow and it is the last of a 10 day stretch. Woohooo! I finished painting up everything at work today - managed to paint my hair in the process, go figure. After work I came home and chatted with L, then went to my mom's to wash clothes. Tyler was there and as always, a complete doll. His foot isn't even phasing him, you can see it wrapped up in this picture:


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And this picture just melts my heart. Until we have sons he's the little boy who has my heart completely. and even when we do have sons he'll still have his own special place in Aunt B's heart.


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While I was watching Tyler mom asked me how I was on food. I told her I was eating whatever I had in the cabinets until the turn of the month. So behind my back while I was watching Tyler she went through her cupboards and freezer and ended up giving me literally about 3-4 grocery bags full of food. I had to stop her because she just kept putting stuff in there! While I was there I picked up the wedding dress from the failed Feb wedding, going to try to sell it here in town to help toward the massive car repair bill. Been meaning to for a while but just dragging my feet.

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It's so hot. F. I've lives in the South my whole life and it just keeps getting hotter and hotter. It got so hot yesterday in my mom's car that my iPhone went into emergency mode because it was too hot!


I'm leaving work early by about 30 mins to run to Walmart. My only pair of flip flops broke yesterday (boooo!) and I need another pair. I never pay more than $3 so it should be good. L's been in a loving mood today, sending me sweet texts and all. I love when he's in this kind of mood.

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It's so hot. F. I've lives in the South my whole life and it just keeps getting hotter and hotter. It got so hot yesterday in my mom's car that my iPhone went into emergency mode because it was too hot!


I'm leaving work early by about 30 mins to run to Walmart. My only pair of flip flops broke yesterday (boooo!) and I need another pair. I never pay more than $3 so it should be good. L's been in a loving mood today, sending me sweet texts and all. I love when he's in this kind of mood.


OG, yikes about it being so hot out there.


Do you have A/C in your apt, that you can run, if it gets too hot?

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It's going to feel like 105 with the humidity where I live but the actual temp is 100 for the next 3 days. It's awful.


It was only 100 yesterday..[only?!!] lol, it was 106 on Tuesday and 104 on Wednesday...the heat index was up to 109-113 though. o.o

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