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Does it have the same exposed feeling as shaving or is that just generally how it will feel if there is no hair there?


i don't know what you mean about exposed feeling? with waxing, the hair grows out finer and no stubble so I'm not there scratching myself. urgh.

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i don't know what you mean about exposed feeling? with waxing, the hair grows out finer and no stubble so I'm not there scratching myself. urgh.


That may be what I'm trying to describe. I find that when I'm shaved (any guy reading this just stop reading because this is going to get TMI) I get more moist down there which is slightly uncomfortable. When I did it last night I felt fine but I think the stubbleness is annoying me. Do you wax at home or have it done professionally?

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I use a combination of shaving and a little hair removal cream down there. I am not very wet day to day but when I do get wet, it's more noticeable. Sometimes I wear a little pantyliner.


I only remove hair about once a week. Seems to work.


I've gotten used to it. N shaves his balls for me 1-2 times a week. If he didn't, no way would I shave.

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Well our visa application has been accepted and is in the initial review stage! This is the part that will take 3-5 months so we will hear something between Sept-Nov and then start the next stage. Pretty awesome to see that advancement though!


I contemplated going to first very briefly today. I wouldn't mind it but I can't afford to lose second shift diff right now and with the health reforms coming in they just can't give me a raise to supplement the loss income. Maybe after L moves here or after we are in the clear with the reforms I'll revisit the subject with my boss.


L's mom was talking last night on facebook about grandkids and how ours would be born here so she wouldn't get to see them a lot. I can't believe how vast my opinion of her has changed in almost a year. She went from being this woman I didn't particularly like because of the way she treated L to someone I'm actively happy about creating a bond and relationship with due to recent incidents between her and L, so much so I'm looking forward to one day doing weekly Skype dates with her (even before L moves here). anyway, L bought up the subject today of letting her know if she wanted she could come and stay with us in the weeks leading up to the birth and after, so she can feel like a true grandmother in that fashion. It was a big step for L who was very adament there would be no visitors the first few weeks we had a kid but I think it's his way of trying, his way of saying 'sorry I'm moving 4,000 miles away and you won't be able to see your grandkids a lot. I won't lead my life by what you need but I'm willing to compromise'. I was very proud of him.

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Yay, congrats on the good news!!


I know you talked about going to school to be a US tech. Do you think you might still do that?


Yes, just have to work out the car situation first. I was hoping to start this fall but I don't know if I can get all the financial aide and stuff done by the deadline to enroll in the fall. hopefully I'll start this coming Spring.

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About 2:30 last night a really loud noise woke me up. It sounded like wood splittering, like if you were kicking a door in the sound the wood would make, ya know? Naturally being alone I freaked - it was 2 am! So I got up and went through the house. The sound sounded like it came from the back door but the back door was fine, front door was fine, all the windows were fine... couldn't find the source or any explanation for it. So I grabbed Jasper and shut our bedroom door and locked it (thank you previous tennants for putting locks on all the doors!) When I got up this morning to go to work I noticed the door under the guest bathroom sink (were I keep Jasper's food) was slightly ajar so I wrote it off as the wood sound I heard being Jasper trying to open the door. I get to work and tell my co worker who lives in the same complex and she was like 'oh no, I heard the same noise but it was at 2 am, 30 minutes before you did'. Sooooo yeah. I get home and examine the back door (outside) and notice two dents at the bottom but I couldn't say if they were there or not before last night. I went to Walmart to look for a door wedge and they didn't have any so I'll check Home Depot out tomorrow.

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Stopped by Walmart on the way to my mom's to do laundry and picked up some of those door alarms, were it's the two pieces and when switched on if they become uneven an alarm sounds. I got 8 for $30, enough for both doors and all the windows in the house. At least maybe tonight I can sleep without locking myself in our bedroom with a hammer!


Mom made the good Mac N' Cheese - like the creamy on the stove from scratch kind - def. taking some of that home with me tonight! I stopped by the mechanic, going to be $1,800 (of course it would be the higher number). Found the engine, just have to give him some money at the end of this month (the lump sum so he can get the engine) and then pay off the rest before L arrives in October. Will be working lots of extra hours in my future....

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You need to get a gun!!


Honestly, if we could afford it I would. L wants one but not as a line of home defense, simply to have one and to shoot as a hobby. It's like the thing he is most excited about moving here (aside from me, of course He doesn't think it makes very good home protection which to a degree I agree... if he were here. If he were here I wouldn't even think to put damn door alarm on the doors - weird how simply just having another soul in the house makes you feel safe.

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I'll never understand some parents. Really I won't. Not parents but people. Certain people just really lower your faith in humanity, ya know? There's this girl I went to high school with on facebook and she's a year or 2 older than me I think. She has a child - maybe 3 or 4?. Her and the child's father are just constantly going at it on facebook all the time. Not only that, it's like a badly written soap opera between the two of them. One month they hate each other's guts (the phase they are in now) and 3 months later they are deeply in love, misunderstood lovers, them against the world... it's like a cycle that never ends. Do they even want it to? After so long doesn't that kind of thing BECOME the norm? Literally 4 months ago this girl was bad mouthing her mom because her mom wanted her to sign custody of her child over to her (the grandmother) while the mother got her stuff together and in line, priorities and all. 2 months before that the mother of the child had the father of her child arrested for assault and the reason the grandmother wanted custody was the mother had went back to the father of the child who lives with a bunch of pop heads.


It's jut mind boggling, it really is.

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"Although living beings wish to be free from suffering,

They run straight toward the causes of suffering;

And although they wish for happiness,

Out of ignorance they destroy it like a foe."


i used to find it mind-boggling too.


but then i looked around...at my friends...my family...my co-workers...strangers the world-over...good people...bad people...old people...young people. and they're all the same. they all do this. we all do this. and it's because we don't know any better. my drama doesn't make sense to you...and your drama doesn't make sense to me. but it really should make sense...all of it. because it's the same drama. it's the same struggle. we all want the same things...and we're all pursuing the best we know how. it's crazy. it's neurotic. it's completely insane if one cares to be honest about it. but we do it anyway.


i guess it is a bit mind-boggling. but it's funny when you start to see yourself in others...especially when what you see are the little glimmers of insanity.

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As always, very well said and thought out Sleep. I imagine you'd put some of the best philosphers to thinking.


very true thought. I guess we all do it some degree - the same cycles, although not always bad - or simply unable to let go of certain things. When it's just you however it's destructive but at least your only screwing your own life up, with a child in tow it's like... I don't know. It's mind boggling.

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I was suppose to be off tomorrow but I just picked up an afternoon shift. I was literally at the time clock waiting to clock out and was like 'yes!!!! no work tomorrow!!!' and my phone rings. It's my boss. At 7:30 at night? Oh boy. She asks me do I want to work tomorrow since one of our older ladies (she's in her 70's I think) was out with walking phenmonium (sp) last week and they put her out Monday and Tuesday as well. The girl who was working second in our department needs to go to the other department so someone has to work the shift she was going to work. Since boss knew I was looking for extra hours because of the car situation she called me first. I was literallly stood at the time clock doing a 'F me' dance because I was looking forward to being off! She must have heard my hesitation because she was like, 'B you don't have to if you don't want, someone else can pick it up. You've worked the last 6 days and won't have another day off until Saturday.'


But I took it anyway. I already had an extra day on this pay check so this will sky rockey me past 80 hours into plenty of OT pay. Think about the car, think about the car, think about the car...

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