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lol. I actually had a moment like that myself when I went to put my scrub top on and IT WOULD NOT FIT. It did but it kept riding up a lot (due to the stomach fat). I was like 0.0


My cruxes are still soda and fast food.


I haven't done any from Netflix, no. Do they have that?? I really liked the Nike workout app. Lets you play your music while it's going, shows you how to do the moves....

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Apparently! Just did some googling and added some. I asked Jared if he'd make fun of me and he said no. Id feel really self conscious doing that with him home but my weight is out of control. I have to do something

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I just googles workout videos Netflix streaming. My Netflix app only let's me search by specific titles. I'm gonna try some of the dance ones. I hate doing leg lifts and jumping jacks and stuff that actually feels like exercise. I'd rather move.


really need to stay away from the food and drink section on pinterest. I have more recipes saved than I have meals left in my lifetime.

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I am the biggest klutz in the world. Not only did I wack my head on the corner of a desk today at work but I just about killed myself in my own shower. Half way through I looked up and saw this huge spider in the corner of the ceiling. Naturally I couldn't stop looking at it and nearly jumping out of my skin every time it moved so I got out of the shower to grab the fly swat. Slipped on the bathroom floor (what little there is since our master bathroom is TINY) and once again knocked my head, this time on the sink. For the love of God... I did get the spider though. Although whether it was worth the pounding in my head right now I'm not sure.


I came home from work as well and our coffee table was moved, book case, scrapbook boxes, end tables moved... I was like ?????????? Apparently the guys came to fix our carpet and needed to things around to get to the carpet. So you move things around someone's house and not move them back? Hell no. I thought we'd been burglared! And on top of that they left a light on. Will def. be calling the land lady about this tomorrow!


We also got our first bill today! So sad I got excited about that...

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I over slept for work this morning by an hour - seriously didn't hear the FIRST alarm at all. I just woke up, stretched, opened my eyes and saw light. Why was there light? There shouldn't be light at 5 am. Turn phone over - 7:30 am. Was suppose to be at work at 6:30. Crapppppppppp! Shot my boss a quick text letting her know I was on my way and probably broke a world record in getting ready this morning. Living accross the street has it's perks as well - I was clocked in by 7:45. I took a half day today (I really would have been an extra person there anyway) but I went in to help with the delivery and what not. Left at 9:30 and ran some errands at Walmart, then came home and relaxed a little before L came on.


England played somebody in football - it's the European Championship - so being the awesome wife that I am I didn't ask him to come on the phone when he normaly would after dinner so he could watch the game in peace. Even 4,000 miles away I'm still a football widow. He did come back on the phone after the game was over though. And once he moves here it's football year round between the premier season and MLS.... at least I can get semi on board with this sport!


I also did some cleaning today, really concentrated on our bedroom and our bathroom. Did a full on dusting, wiping everything down, freshening up the bedsheets, etc. I'll work on the living room and kitchen over the weekend that way I don't have to do any cleaning on my day off Monday. Hopefully! I'm currently catching up on over 2 weeks of missed General Hospital while snuggled to Jasper in bed. Possibly an early night for me!

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It's coming slow. I called the mechanic the other day and he still hadn't found an engine. Well, a low mileage engine. I'm fine with putting one with 100,000 miles on it as that's how much was on the current engine when I bought it. Idk, I just got that under handed feeling that I was being given the 'yeah, that's nice' deal because I'm a woman. I'll be so glad when L is here to deal with these types of things... I've had a few people tell me his price is really high so Monday I think I'm going to call around to a few other mechanics and see what they would charge to do an engine switch out.


I know! I'm so bummed I won't have the car then! Let me know if you'll be able to make your way up this way. If not once I have the car I'll just have to make a little trip down there.

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I have had a headache every day this week when I have come home from work. It's ridiculous!


I went by Walmart after work to look at some fish. L and I were talking on my lunch break about when he's here getting some. I've always wanted fish. Correction, I HAD fish as a child but at 3 years old I knew the fish were hungry but didn't know what fish food was so I ripped some paper up to feed them - it obviously killed them and my parents refused to get me any more. We really want to get Jasper a sibling but the sibling breed we have in mind we won't be able to afford right off the bat - so we'll get some fishy siblings for him... in a covered bowl, lol. However walmart's selection was poor to put it mildly so we'll be making a stop at PetSmart when we do get them.

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First house splurge I'm making is some curtains for this blasted bedroom. On a over cast day it's not a problem but when it's bright and sunny like it is now... yeah. I think I'm going to go with a blue, brown, and coral theme for the bedroom to stick with the beachy feel I want. Beachy is so not a word. Oh well. So first chance (and spare dollar) I get I'm buying some blasted coral curtains!

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