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He was just so cute yesterday talking about breast feeding and how although he wants our kids to have that he doesn't think it's fair to put all that on me (as in being the only one responsible for feeding them while doing that). Reminded me why I fell in love with him.

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While trying to fix the bed covers while on Face Time with L (and partially undressed):


L: "Boobie! Boobie! Boobie! Boobie!"

Me: "Ya know if you keep that up your room mates are going to think you have turrets while you watch porn..."


And THEN the old man has tried to pull the wool over my eyes twice today. First time he was talking about these new jeans he got. I asked to see them and he says, "They're in the wash baby." I was like, "Okay.... wait, you don't do the wash on Saturdays, you do that on Sundays." So he had to get up and show me the new jeans. Then we were talking about something to do with headphones plugging into the laptop and he says, "I can't, my headphones are for the iPhone and they won't work on the Mac because they are 3 pronged." "Really hunny? Because YOU were the one who told me you can use 3 pronged headphones on a none Apple device (btw, your Mac IS an Apple device) by not inserting them all the way."


The old man is slipping in his advanced years.

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Completely. That was completely disrespectful of your friendship with her. Have you said anything besides the comment? You need to put her in her place. Why would she go off out of nowhere like that? Like with that other girl?

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What a day! I worked first today (last day of first until next week!) and today was the day of my 'surprise' house warming shower. I say 'surprise' because well, I knew about it. One of my co workers had to tell me in order to find out what I did and didn't have already (good thing to because someone was going to buy a microwave and I already have one!). So all morning her and my boss were sending me upstairs on random errands so other co workers could sneak in their gifts (since they were having the shower in the actual area I work in). At lunch time boss called me into her office while everyone got everything food wise set up and then they called me back into the main room. I have to say even though I knew it was coming, I still cried a little. Just really thoughtful. Then as I was sitting there my co worker (the one who I actually work with in the same area) started pulling presents out of EVERY WERE! I mean seriously. Behind things, under cabinets... I thought it would never end!


We got a bunch of stuff we didn't have before (and a few multiples of things but having multiples never hurt!) I have to say the best present came from my co worker B (one who lives in the same complex and who told me about the shower) - a brand new tv stand. Love it! I assembled it once I got home tonight and the tv is currently sat on it. Pretty proud of myself on that one.


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So after work I came home and L and I chatted for about an hour. I showed him all the gifts, we talked last minute visa talk, and then I headed to mom's to do some laundry and finish up some last minute visa stuff. My printer is completely out of coloured ink so mom let me use her's to print off 4 pictures we are sending in. I also needed her to sign her affidavit of support and other than tweaking the table of contents and copying my passport, the package is ready to be sealed and sent off tomorrow!


It's a little unreal that after all this research, all this prep, and all this worry, tomorrow we officially start the process of bringing L home.

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Well the stress of preparing the first application is off my shoulders but now the stress of having to wait is here! lol. Never ends!


I did a workout at home tonight. Holy geez was I sweating! I downloaded this app I saw on Pinterest - Nike Training Club I think - and it gives a bunch of 30 minute work out options. Some with weights, some without, differing levels. That 30 minute work out kicked my butt. Just got out of the shower and have some chicken cooking in the oven right now to add to my salad. I apparetnly left my dressing in the work fridge so no dressing on it. Ready to sit back, relax, and watch some Kitchen Nightmares!

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I really need to start working out. I was brushing my teeth the other day and my thigh was jiggling. Jus from brushing my teeth! Wth????


Probably should stop baking so much. Today we had a staff meeting and had bagel sandwiches from one of my favorite places in town. I had 7 corners of them!! (cut in quarters with a variety of meats and toppings). That's almost two! And these bagels are not lacking in size.


Ugh I'm so tired of this!


B didnt you say you did some workouts from Netflix? Or am I thinking of someone else?

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