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I woke up at the ungodly hour of 630 to be at a meeting at work by 7 on C-diff infection. We have insurance enrollment (or to opt out) as well so I just hung around for 30 minutes until that started. I opted out of dental since I've done all I can until next year with it. I kept vision (only $6 a month) and my short term and long term disability, critical illness coverage, and the additional $150,000 life insurance I have on me. The medical is just a joke really.

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For me it is, lol. when I work first I get up at 6 am but I'm off today. But because I missed the meeting Friday because I was moving the 7 am meeting today was my last chance to go.


Well I don't have medical right now. With the car and everything just can't afford the $100 a month. With the company we have though when L arrives (if it's before the next enrollment date) him arriving is considered a life change (getting married, having a baby) and it allows you to enroll right then rather than wait until the next period. The more I look over it it's not THAT bad, it's just still mind boggling.

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$100/month for insurance is really quite a good deal (well, depends on what coverage you're getting of course, you have to look carefully into that). My annual premium for insurance is about $6000 dollars - that's $500 or so a month. I think you should try to enroll as soon as it's financially feasible. Or, can you qualify for Medicaid or other state or federal programs? I hear there are a bunch of ways you can get cheap health care but you need to hunt down programs and kind of work the system. It's just, if you even had an unplanned pregnancy which sounds relatively benign, it would cost so much to get treated.


Honestly, if you don't have dependents/people whom you are supporting financially, I don't think any high amount of life insurance makes sense. A $25,000 policy to pay for funeral costs and to pay off your debt is a good idea, but no more than that. If you have children or a spouse who cannot work, that's a different story. Just seems like an area where you could save a few $ without hurting yourself.

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Its ridiculous in that there is a $500 deductible and after that's met they only pay 80%. For me who only goes to the doctor once a year (if I'm out of multiple days) that's just ludacris. It's not so bad because they have a flexiable spending account for the deductible. With pregnancy you can get on Medicaid (it's what my best friend was on when she had my niece).


The life insurance - I have more than $25,000 in debt alone. I only pay $3 a month for the extra $150,000 (on top of the $30,000 my work automatically would pay out). While we don't have kids now we will (hopefully) and if something were to happen to me and financially it was better for L to move the kids back to Englan, I'd want him to be able to do that without worry of paying it.

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Oh insurance. Blah! Alex makes too much now to qualify for the provincial medical services plan, so we need to find something for him. I'm still covered until August and I am under the service plan because I make peanuts, but I figure I had better get on some kind of a plan as well. I just hate to think about it :S

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Tell me about it... B will no longer be covered by his parents' insurance once his next birthday comes, and he takes a vital medication that is over $500 a month with no insurance. Not only that, but because his employer is such a small non-profit, it doesn't offer insurance for him to participate in. So we're going to have to pay an arm and a leg for insurance to avoid paying two arms and two legs for his meds. Early adulthood is a lot more difficult than they make it look on "Friends"!

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OG, not sure with your income, but can you qualify for Medicaid? Or is that only for when you have kids?


A lot of insurances are like that, where there is a deductible and then the insurance pays 80% and you pay the rest.


Firiel, I feel your pain there. If I didn't have insurance, I would be shelling out over $500/mo for meds. With insurance, I still shell out about $125/mo (copays). Yikes.

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To my knowledge it is only for when you have kids or your under 18. I was on it until I hit 18 I know. However simply because you have kids doesn't mean it will pay for everything (I believe, been a while since I heard anything about it). I know my cousin (who has 3 kids) works for the State and got it but because he had a job they didn't pay 100% but he also didn't have to fork out 100% either.

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Such a long day. I was suppose to work tomorrow and be off Monday but my boss needs me to work Monday so I'm going in tomorrow long enough to help with the delivery and then coming back on. L and I sat down Wednesday and went over what we have thus far for his visa (only missing 2 or 3 pieces of paper) so that when my best friend's affidavit arrives here I can drop the package in the mail that day. We went over all the info we had put on the paperwork to make sure it was right and went through the instructions and checked off what we did and didn't have. I'm going to work on the cover letter and table of contents before he gets home tomorrow. So excited!


My co worker who lives in the same complex took me to show me were the post office in town is (I have never been past my job in this city so unless it's on the strip that I use to drive to work on, I have no idea were it is at). Grabbed a change of address form and I need to pick my mail box key up from the leasing office tomorrow. We also stopped at a few thrift stores and I have to say they had some really nice furniture for cheap! There was a blue recliner (not leather) for $125 - def will be hitting the stores back up once we get the car taken care of!


I came back to the house, worked out to a DVD (about killed myself, Lord) and then made spaghetti for dinner. Also made my first batch of sweet tea. Doesn't taste like mom's but it's drinkable!

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Good for you for working out and for cooking a meal for yourself.


Not sure if things are walkable to in your area, but on the days you are off, taking a walk in the neighborhood or up the street to check out stuff in your town, can be a great way to get exercise in, and have it be "fun".


BTW, you can do an address change online at the USPS website. No need to go to the post office and fill out a form.

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