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what's your exhaust looking like? normal?


using coolant usually isn't good...but if it's getting in your engine and combusting...it's really not good. a friend of mine had a cracked head...was using loads of coolant. ended up throwing in this head sealant. and it worked!! for some months anyway.


hope it's nothing serious. cars suck!!


wanna borrow my work van for your move?

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Quick update.


Well, I'm all moved in!!!


I've been up since about 7 AM this morning and it's been none top until about 4:30. My brother ended up getting called to a job at 10:30 so he wasn't able to help us move so it was just my mom and me (and Tyler, of course). We realized while packing this morning we were not getting this all in one load (if I had my car we could have!) so we ended up making about 2 trips back home to get everything. My car is still on the side of the road but the mechanic is towing it tonight. Mom went behind my back (in a good way) and paid the towing fee. We went this morning (before moving) and poured some water into the engine and found were it was leaking from, my radiatior. Something that holds the fans on to the radaiator had vibrated off and had caused a hole in the radiator so no water was getting to it. But because the car seized up and stuff the mechanic is almost certain I blew a head gasket and motor all together. We can find a cheap used motor so right now we are thinking a bill of about $1,000 but the mechanic is going to look at it once he gets it back to the shop.


Moving with mom was fairly easy tbh. She didn't stress me out (probably because she new how stressed I am about the car to begin with). The one thing that did stress me was Tyler. Lord. I love that child but today was not a good day for him constantly needing attention. I had to change him on the kitchen counter though (no other space in the apartment) and you would know his poo filled diaper would fall poo side onto our kitchen floor. I was like really? Come on Universe!


Mom did buy our microwave for us ($50) so that was sweet of her. She bought a few more odds and ends for us as well. I didn't get a coffee pot - dummy move on my part, lol So now I'm just sat in OUR house (yay!!!) surrounded by a bunch of boxes. First thing is to unpack the bed! Poor Jasper has barely come out of his cage though.

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Hahaha Jasper actually likes his cage right now? Wow!


Can't wait to see pics of the apt! I'm thinking Atlanta june 28-July 1 btw. Braves are in town that weekend and I have to take thurs off work anyway for the dentist so I'm thinking of extending it to the full weekend. I've gotta talk to my boss.

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I'm going to empty a few more boxes tonight, I'll take some pics and PM you them Fudgie - and text them to you, Hers.


Went to work today. Was pretty awesome to take only 5 minutes to walk to work! While there mom and my stepdad dropped their spare car off for me to use. It's leaking antifreeze and a few other things but it'll get me to the grocery store once a week until my car is fixed. Was super nice to be able to drive to Walmart and pick up some antifreeze and drive back home in less than 15 minutes. Awesome. My mom also bought her old couch over to the apartment while I was at work. I'm currently sitting in my living room on it with the blinds open enjoying the last few hours of sunlight.


Had to call the matience guy this morning though. My kitchen window wouldn't lock (and I watch too many crime dramas) plus I didn't have a shower rod to hang my shower curtain on last night. Thankfully the guest bathroom has a tub and shower but the tub is awfully small for this big girl...they fixed both things while I was at work though! I get home though and Jasper is still under the bed covers. Poor baby. I may bring his food and water and stuff into the guest bathroom for now just so it's closer to our bedroom. To my knowledge he hasn't ate, drinked, or went to the bathroom since we moved in.

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I got a lot more unpacked today, cleared the bedroom of boxes anyway. Also cleared the kitchen of the boxes mom bought today with food and more kitchen stuff. I even hung a few things in our bedroom and got all my closet clothes hung.


Jasper is finally adjusting I think. He's flopping down in the middle of the living room and jumping on counters to investigate.

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