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Yeah mine is going up $50 or more (physio bills will increase my rate) as well. Alex’s went up $30 because his car is more expensive to repair and insure. I don’t even know what we pay for home insurance at this point. We get a bill once a year and pay a lump sum.

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Best way to wash a floor? Coca-Cola and a big dog.


That's how we roll.


We just mopped our floor the other day for the first time since moving in in august. Sheila does a good job of it most of the time. Its the one chore she has.

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I don't see Jasper being as constructive as Sheila is, lol.


Today was the last day we had to do linen in house. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This 8 day stretch (plus all that) has just about killed me. I need to concentrate on getting this visa started and I'm just so exhausted when I come home at night I just have no energy to do it. I've even been going to bed before midnight and getting up at 5-7 am every day this week. It's scary. I picked up a 4 hour shift tomorrow to help the new linen service set up and everything. After that I'm off for the weekend. Very well earned time off!


I bought the bedding for our bed today - dark blue and black. I didn't think $50 for king size wasn't bad, not when it has 8 pieces in the set. I also bought a bunch of cleaning supplies for the house because I'm a dork like that.

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Yeah real hardwood is insanely expensive. They have them here because the PMQ's (married quarters ) were built in the 1950's or 40's or there abouts, so it is all the original stuff in the houses like the hardwood floors and crown molding.

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Whew, what a day!


I got up at 5 am today to work a short 4 hour shift at work. The new linen was coming in and we needed to take out all the old and everything. We were hoping to be done by 11 but I didn't leave work until 12:15. Came home, talked to L for a bit, ate, and napped for about an hour and a half before getting ready for my little brother's graduation. He looked so handsome in his cap and gown (and sooo much like our dad). We did pictures at the house before the ceremony because my sister and BIL had to work tonight but wanted to go to the graduation. So my sister rode with me and my mom and brother rode to the high school by themselves. It didn't start until 8 (why I don't know, I was graduated and everything by 1 PM at mine) but we had to be there 2 hours before that because my brother had to be there early. Long wait in that hot sun! But he walked, the last of us 3 to graduate and the first male in our family to graduate in about 50 years. A huge accomplishment for him and I'm so proud of him! I def. cried when they called his name and he walked accross the stage to receive his diploma.


Now he's headed to the beach for 5 days with a bunch of friends (little bugger even got more money than I did at my graduation!) and this is one pooped sister!

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It's so hot here today. Blah! I gave away all my shorts when I thought I was moving to England so I need to invest in some more as all I have are long pants or capris. And sometimes you just need a pair of shorts! i've been packing today though. Got a lot packed and in mom's storage unit, made some room in this tiny hovel for right now. It's a tip though so i need to clean it up before I do any more packing. Working on all the paperwork tonight as well for L's visa. Awaiting affidavits from family members right now but we have everything else

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Upset, no. It's an adjustment for anything if you have planned something for so long and then you have to do a complete 180 and plan something totally different, you know? Would I have liked to live in England? Sure, I would have said that before I even met L. But him moving here is what is best for us at this present time. As my uncle told me (and really the clarifying moment for me) was when he asked me 'What's more important? The prospect of maybe moving to England or being with your husband in the quickest way possible?'


I didn't even have to think about the answer when he framed it that way, tbh.


Besides, we will always have the possibility of moving there in a few years if we really wanted to. And him moving here isn't the worst situation. We've both agreed living in THIS town forever is not an option (we really want to move to Myrtle Beach). And I love the ocean so it's a win-win for us whatever route we decide to take.

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