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How does a red-blooded American woman not like FOOTBALL (I kid, lol)


...sorry to interrupt...carry on.


lol. Seriously, I can't find the ball half the time, they stop every 30 seconds, and they were too much padding. I'm just not a sport person. Only sport I ever got into was marching band.

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I don't care for many sports either, but football is a HUGE part of my life now. Never used to be until I met my husband, and he's a huge Chargers fan. Over the past five years or so, I've learned so much about the game, and now I probably know more than he does lol. Now, during football season, my life revolves around the games. I love it so much. I know it's not for everyone though. There's a lot of people I can't talk to about it because they don't understand how the game is played.

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lol. Seriously, I can't find the ball half the time, they stop every 30 seconds, and they were too much padding. I'm just not a sport person. Only sport I ever got into was marching band.


But sports are fun! lol. I played volleyball all through high school and loved it. Though I had to stop after having my last surgery, otherwise I'd still play competitively.


My family is really big into American football and I think they have now gotten my boyfriend more into it. oh no.. but he still loves football(soccer) more than any other sport. If I had bugged him during the world cup, he would have been very angry with me. lol. don't bother a man during his game. I am somewhat into American football. I grew up around it and know a lot about it, but I'm not super into it. I just watch it with them sometimes. They have to wear a lot of padding in order to not get injured. Have you seen how hard they hit each other? It's a high contact sport.

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I can def. Respect the sport, no problem at all but I just cant get in to it. They stop too much abd i cant keep up with the ball... I was in the marching band in HS and I loathed it then but i still cheer3d my school on, lol. And i love heart warming movies like Remember the Titans, Blind Side, and We are Marshall, I just don't get the game.


I played football (soccer) growing up, so I'm comfortable with that. Sweetpea, if my birthday fell during the world cup I would be screwed, lol. CS Loves football (soccer). He will video tape any game and watch it, even if its not his fav team. Like today. I asked if we could talk at four. He said 10 past four okay and i was like yeah, why? Because a football game was on. I just rolled ky eyes. Lol

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I played football (soccer) growing up, so I'm comfortable with that. Sweetpea, if my birthday fell during the world cup I would be screwed, lol. CS Loves football (soccer). He will video tape any game and watch it, even if its not his fav team. Like today. I asked if we could talk at four. He said 10 past four okay and i was like yeah, why? Because a football game was on. I just rolled ky eyes. Lol


I played football(soccer) as a kid, too. Played for 8 years and loved it, but I don't like watching it on tv. I enjoy playing sports, but not so much watching them. I remember texting my boyfriend during the world cup and didn't hear back from him until commercials went on. lol. That was the only time I got a response. ugh. Early on when we were dating he actually missed a game just to see me and be with me. Though that doesn't really happen anymore since we've been together for a while now. lol.

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Yeah, CS use to miss games for me too, or watch them but they be on mute whiel we were on the phone.


Well, my wedding dress arrived today. I knew XXXL sounded too damn large. It fits except the bust area. super big, even with a bra on. My mom suggusted alterations, I said I was not paying the extra money. So I'm going to exchange the dress for a XXL and hope like hell it can be zipped. The XXXL in the waist fit perfectly, so my fear is while I"ll be able to get it to fit int he bust, I WILL have to work my butt off at the gym to make sure it zips.



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Jewelry? Sort of. I know I want to wear the St. Christopher necklace CS gave, and some simple earrings, maybe Pearl. My mom has a pearl bracelet I wore for my junior prom as well, I may wear it.


Yup.. I think keeping it simple and elegant is perfect for that dress..

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Yeah, CS use to miss games for me too, or watch them but they be on mute whiel we were on the phone.


Well, my wedding dress arrived today. I knew XXXL sounded too damn large. It fits except the bust area. super big, even with a bra on. My mom suggusted alterations, I said I was not paying the extra money. So I'm going to exchange the dress for a XXL and hope like hell it can be zipped. The XXXL in the waist fit perfectly, so my fear is while I"ll be able to get it to fit int he bust, I WILL have to work my butt off at the gym to make sure it zips.




Yea, after a year of dating, my boyfriend kind of stopped missing games for me... boo. lol.


I think alterations would be better than exchanging. If it fits well in the waist now, the next size smaller I think would be too tight. Alterations don't tend to be super expensive and if you add it all up with shipping costs, I think it'll be very similar. Plus if you get it altered, then you know for sure it fits you well.

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Anyone in the family that can sew??


I know spending a cent more than planned is annoying and awful - but imagine if you exchange it for the next size smaller and it doesn't fit? What are you going to do? And how panicked are you going to feel? That's the last thing you need.. have a call around and find out how much alternations will cost - it might be much cheaper than you expect. Bugger - so annoyed that it fits perfectly except that one area. Also, ask your friends if they or their mothers can sew reasonably well. Both me and my mum would be able to fix that bust for you.. surely there must be people over there that can do the same?

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I have family members that can sew and would def. be able to fix the hem line but not the bust. I found a local alteration shop, I'm going to call them on my lunch break today at work and see what time they close. Maybe I can get in there before they close today or they can give me a rough estimate of what they would charge for it. I'm pretty much going to go the alteration route, as you guys said, the next size down will probably not fit in the waist area (my waist size is 38, the waist size on the next dress size down was 35) and that's 3 inches I'm just no comfortable with.


Hers made a very good point of not telling them it's my wedding dress though, as people tend to jack up prices once they hear that word. Sad but true.


Good God I'm up early. I have to work the 8-4 shift today. Wonderful. At least I don't have to clean day rooms. And I'm off the next two days I know, hopefully Sunday as well. Three days off in a row would be AWESOME!!!

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Well the number I had wasn't an alteration shop (thank you Google) but a friend at work knew someone. I gave them a call and stopped by after work. For alterating the bodice and hemming the front of the dress (because this dress is retarded and is longer in the front than even the back o.0) she's going to charge me $40, $`15 for the hem, $25 for the bust. Not too bad.


I have got to eat before I journal any more, I'm starving!

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Oh what I LONG day! Worked from 8-4, then went to the alteration woman, went to Wal-Mart to check the balance of my bank, got some cat food, and then come home. Ugh.


This thing with the bank has me baffled. Well, not the bank but the place we reserved our HM hotel from. I reserved it and it gave me a confirmation number but it still has not come out of the bank account. :s The lady at the bank said it could be the kind of place were they won't charge the money until after you check out which I think is stupid because wouldn't you want the money before we came?! I dunno, I'm calling them tonight or tomorrow to see. If they aren't going to take it out I'm moving everything that comes out of that account over to my other account so I don't confused.


I also made an appt. at the vision place to get my glasses next week. Wed. at noon, before work. Wonderful.

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Hmm, whenever I've reserved hotels I've been billed at check-out. They get the card info at the time of reservation, as a guarantee, but only bill once the service has been rendered, i/e once you've stayed. So it seems pretty standard to me.


If you gave them one card though, you have to make sure to keep enough money in that account for when the charge does go through (unless you call and give them a different card number). So I wouldn't empty the account if they're going to charge you on that account in February.

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It's always been the opposite with me, I reserve a hotel they take the money out then. Weird.


Oh yeah, the money for the hotels will stay in that account but like when my paycheck deposits into that account (since it's the main one) I'll transfer everything BUT the amount of the hotels to the other account to make sure I don't accdientally go into the hotel money. I can balance a checkbook but that gets too dang complicated to keep everything when it's all coming out of one account and x amount of money is staying in for over another month.


And I'll swtich all my bills to the new account card so nothing comes out of the account with the hotel money except when I transfer my paycheck from it.

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