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You won't let anyone down, OG. I am a big, big, big slob. Yes, I do clean-up before people come and I try to make an effort overall, but at the end of the day, my room is usually messy. Oh well. But one of the nicer things about being alone is that no one is going to see that room and be disappointed in me or angry at me. It's all my own. It's all about doing things for yourself and making yourself comfortable and getting into a routine that you like.

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Anyway, I turned in the lease papers today so everything is official. I wanted to pay the deposit and get the keys a few days before so like on my way to work I could drop a few boxes here and there off so we don't make multiple trips that move day. I CAN do that, it just means the lease will start when I get the keys. So I'm probably going to start the lease June 1st but not physically move in until June 6th (can't as I have to wait for money L is sending me). But between the 1st-6th I can bring boxes when I come to work and just deposit them in the house.

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I'm buying a bed (but it's coming in a box so easily moved, could do it myself). My sister is giving me back a dresser I had given to her (it's my mom's dresser from when she was a child). She's also giving me her couch when they find one they like. Other than that, nope, no furniture.

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I’m still giggling about “sleep rabbits” LOL


OG, you are going to LOVE it. I think it’s particularly great that you will have time to live on your own before L comes over. There is no better way to truly get to know yourself than to live alone.

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Jared is going out of town for memorial day with some friends. Is it bad that I'm looking forward to it?


We are each taking separate weekendtrips this summer. I am going to Atlanta in mid-July I hope, pending work approval and doctors appointments.

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Not bad at all, hers. Having a little "me" time (with or without travelling) is good for you and your relationship.


I have taken a few "me" hours during the week-long visits that N would spend at my college. Just some time where I would go see a couple friends or play a video game by myself. Feels good! He does the same. When we move in together, I will take "me" time a few times a week even if I don't leave the apartment.

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Migraines = the suck


I hope you're feeling better, OG! I concur with hers and red living alone is awesome! I loved it once my healing process was done. It was just me and my dog and you know he loved it too, lol.


Hers- No I still like some me time. I usually have mine when I workout in the morning. It's nice to just be with and focused on yourself for a change being the givers that we women are.

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So I called the utilities and internet and got the date switched from the 6th of June to the 1st of June. I reworked the money and I can handle moving in on the first instead of the 6th - I'm still not going to be able to move heavy stuff like my dresser until the 6th when mom doesn't have Tyler but everything else I can handle with my car.


The baby talk came up again at work today. Out of no were too. We were all doing our thing and I had my back to 2 co workers and out of the blue one of them (the same one from last time) says, 'OG will be pregnant within a month after her husband moves here.' I ignored it and continued what I was doing but they kept making little remarks like that and I finally half turned and said, 'No, we are waiting 2-3 years until we try'. Do you know what she then asked me? 'Why are you waiting so long? Don't you want kids?' o.o It took everything I had not to break down in an emotional fit right there. I'm actually very proud of myself that I didn't, tbh. It's like she is trying to smack me the red sign that I see from miles away that we can't have kids when we want. I don't need slapping with it, I'm acutely aware of the situation. My womb is screaming in protest but I'm trying to think with my brain, not my womb. It just completely threw me off kilter the rest of the day. And naturally today would be the day I see all 6 pregnant women who work at the hospital. *sigh*

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i think you should try to let those comments roll off your back. easier said than done, i know. just say, 'thanks, we'll let you know when we are pregnant' or whatever. you don't have to justify to them when you are or aren't going to have kids. that's 100% between you and L!!!!

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i know- you just have to let those comments roll off you. and i'm sure when you do get pregnant, people will be butting in to tell you what names they suggest, what names they think are stupid, whether or not you should breastfeed, etc.... basically, all sorts of stuff that is NOT their business. Just practice saying, "when we get pregnant, we promise, you'll be the first to know" and then change the subject.

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God they are already doing that with other mothers. We have 2 women who had babies within 2 weeks apart. They are about a year and a half right now. One is talking clear as day and the other isn't. These women actually told the mother of the baby who isn't talking clearly today something was wrong with her child. 0.0

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