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Found this awesome app called Pair. It's geared toward LD couples. You can draw together (similar to Draw Something) but its live and you an see each other draw, draw the same thing. They have a few other features but my favorite is Thumbkissing. You touch te screen and a finger print shows on the screen. When your partner's finger touches that same place for more than a second the phone vibrates, or 'kisses'.

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Will be so glad when Friday rolls around... ready for a day off! Ready for work to go back to normal in general really.


I have been looking for a dry erase board for the apartment for a few days and bloody can't find one. They must be popular this time of year! But today while at work I remembered a pin I had pinned to Pinterest agggeeesss ago. It's a home made calendar behind a picture frame and you write on the glass with dry erase markers. So I made one tonight:


image removed


Not too shabby! Going to do a 'To Do' list one as well as a weekly menu so I can plan out my meals each week.

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Working first today. Was scheduled for second but my boss needed my help cleaning out a building before one of our departments move in there. I could use the extra hours tbh. So I'll work first this morning and then have to stay after that shift ends until we get done cleaning the building. Long day ahead.

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I have a migraine.


And sometimes I wish people could understand how hard it is to watch other people get what I want. I really do.


Aww I am sorry love. I know how bad migraines are. *hugs*


I know it sucks to watch people get things we want. Be encouraged though your life is coming together. It takes time, but I believe you will be happy and successful.

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Aww I am sorry love. I know how bad migraines are. *hugs*


I know it sucks to watch people get things we want. Be encouraged though your life is coming together. It takes time, but I believe you will be happy and successful.


Thank you Vic. My boss and I had to clean a whole building by ourselves (it hasn't been used in years and a department is moving over there). So a lot of dusting, vacuming, cleaning supplies mixed with having been up since 4:30 this morning and worked a whole shift was just a recipe in the making for a migraine. That and having my hair up almost all day (but I have to for work).


I hope so. Not feeling up to my username right at this moment.

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Sorry to hear about your migraine. My mom has been having them constantly but I think that they are stress-related because of my grandma.


I know it's hard. Things are really coming together quick for you too, so you are on your way. instead of moving to the UK, you're having L move here to the US, which will be faster, and you're moving out of your mom's place SO soon. I'm excited to see you settle in your new place, have L come over, start your life together in the US, etc. You are getting there! You will make it!

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Thank you Vic. My boss and I had to clean a whole building by ourselves (it hasn't been used in years and a department is moving over there). So a lot of dusting, vacuming, cleaning supplies mixed with having been up since 4:30 this morning and worked a whole shift was just a recipe in the making for a migraine. That and having my hair up almost all day (but I have to for work).


I hope so. Not feeling up to my username right at this moment.


I can not WAIT to see how happy you are in your own place. Really. I think it will do you the world of good. I have faith the both of you will do well. Think of it this way. You just married, you are both young. You are not even in the same place. You can not expect miracles. It takes some years together to get where you want to go. Many people do not get it all together till their 30's and 40's. Really. You are expecting too much of yourself. It is coming honey, your time will come and your ship will come in.

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Therein lies the problem - me on my own. No one to keep me check in, no one to answer to when it comes to emotionally eating or being a procrastinator or a slob.


But it is FREEING! You will have to regulate yourself. It is all a part of maturing. I know it is scary though.

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You can always check in with us, and your mom when you see her. It's a little bit of adjustment when it comes to living alone but you get used to it. I was "on my own" at college for the past 4 years. Roommates, sure, but it's not like we "checked in" with each other. My food/eating habits, work habits, sleep rabbits, etc. were all my own since I had my own private room and was alone most of the time. You definitely do adjust naturally and start to feel more self-reliant. It's a real confidence boost.

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