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That's exactly what I said we're going to do I was looking at lock boxes and the new generation are biometric and require fingerprints - which for $150 I thought ws an excellent level of security. No little ones can ever get in there that way.

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A lock box to keep the guns in is a great idea. Much safer than regular locks (although you should probably have locks on the guns anyway while in the box, you can get them for free in the states at a lot of schools). It's also nice because you can conceal them more easily from outsiders.


Another thing you need to do is you need to store the ammo away from the guns. Never lock the ammo inside of the lockbox with the guns. If someone broke into the lockbox (either an older child or a robber or it just was open) then you really don't want to have the ammo and the guns together. What my dad does is he keeps all the guns (well most, he has about 10) in a lockbox but the ammo is kept waaaaaay in another room, in their boxes, in a special closet. Ammo by itself is harmless just as long as you keep it up high in a closet and in the back.

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You two should take a little gun safety course and learn how to shoot a gun once you're both here. It's actually great fun! I don't own any guns myself (my dad does) and I can't legally hunt right now because you need a license for that, but I like shooting at shooting ranges and practice shooting at targets. That doesn't require any license and you can have someone there show you how to properly use and clean a gun. My favourite are the shotguns. Really, nothing feels anything like it!


Yeah, L was telling me about a free class to take. I've shot a few off in my day (hellllooooo, I'm Southern, lol).

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Oh agreed & another suggestion that I made Honestly I want a gun more as a hobby, I don't like the home invasion scenario, because I think it inflames more than it resolves. If there's a bugler in my house he can take what he wants and get out. The stuff I can replace, a fmaily member I cant.

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Another thing you need to do is you need to store the ammo away from the guns. Never lock the ammo inside of the lockbox with the guns. If someone broke into the lockbox (either an older child or a robber or it just was open) then you really don't want to have the ammo and the guns together. What my dad does is he keeps all the guns (well most, he has about 10) in a lockbox but the ammo is kept waaaaaay in another room, in their boxes, in a special closet. Ammo by itself is harmless just as long as you keep it up high in a closet and in the back.


Yep, that's what L was saying. Gun in one room, ammon in another.


My dad had a gun cabinet - like the great, massive bloody kind that required a key (although it easily could have been pick locked) so I've been around them my whole life.

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Yeah, L was telling me about a free class to take. I've shot a few off in my day (hellllooooo, I'm Southern, lol).


Lol, that's awesome! What have you shot?


My dad has a .20 (I think) calibur handgun, then I've shot a couple of shotguns, but my favourite is the 20 gauge, single barrel. Then a pellet gun to get rid of big rats and the like trying to eat the house!

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Lol, that's awesome! What have you shot?


My dad has a .20 (I think) calibur handgun, then I've shot a couple of shotguns, but my favourite is the 20 gauge, single barrel. Then a pellet gun to get rid of big rats and the like trying to eat the house!


I've shot a shot gun once (didn't particularly like the recoil on it, tbh). I can't remember the other ones dad use to have. He had a few with a long barrell (I didn't shot those though) and a bunch of smaller ones you could shoot with one hand, a few of those I did shoot.

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Oh agreed & another suggestion that I made Honestly I want a gun more as a hobby, I don't like the home invasion scenario, because I think it inflames more than it resolves. If there's a bugler in my house he can take what he wants and get out. The stuff I can replace, a fmaily member I cant.


Yeah, that's what my dad has guns for - hobby mostly. I think there is an element of protection. In my state, if someone breaks into your house (when it's locked of course) and seems like they have intent to hurt you (grey area here), you are legally allowed to shoot them inside your home and shoot to kill too. So if they die, you're not responsible at all.


Personally, I would definitely like to get my own couple of guns for protection as well as small animal management but only when I'm a bit older and more settled. Home invasion is rare but a gun doesn't help much unless it's RIGHT under your pillow or something. (and I am NOT sleeping with a gun under there). My family was friends with a family that was affected by home invasion and several people died. I don't know if they had guns but they didn't have time to use them anyway. Luckily, that sort of stuff is really rare.


Ideally, I hope that in the future, a good security system and 1-2 large dogs with scary barks will keep someone away!

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I've shot a shot gun once (didn't particularly like the recoil on it, tbh). I can't remember the other ones dad use to have. He had a few with a long barrell (I didn't shot those though) and a bunch of smaller ones you could shoot with one hand, a few of those I did shoot.


Yeah, my dad has a double-barrel that has a kick-back that is particularly strong, so my shoulder is bruised when I am done. The 20 gauge I use for target practice does have a bit of a kick-back but you don't notice it too much. I think that's my favourite because I can hold it steady and shoot better with it.

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Yeah Jasper wouldn't make a good guard kitty... he'd just roll onto his back and let them pet him....


Lol, yeah he probably would. It's okay, my 2 goldens at home aren't good.


N has a German Shepard mix at home. She is kind of fat. Now, her bark is really scary and low and loud but then when you actually come in and pet her, she gets "bashful" and whizzes on the floor sometimes because she's so excited.

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Final long day, now I'm off for 2 days!!!


I walked over to the apartments I'm looking at on a 15 min break. Talked to the land lord, viewing an apartment (actually the leasing office is one of the apartments so it was furnished and what not but you get the general feel). I took pictures and video for L. He's happy with it, I'm happy with it. Right now they are having 1/2 a month's rent off for June (not sure if they will continue that through July). We'd like to get in under the 1/2 month off deal but money wise it just isn't going to work. We'd be better off waiting the extra month.

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