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Vic - that's basically the reason behind our decision. At the end of the day it was us weighing possibly prolonging the move here if we waited to see the changes vs what option would get us to each other quicker. And moving out in hopefully 59 days wasn't a bad consultation price.


Renny - yes. When we get to the income stage my mon is willing to be a joint sponsor. But since I only miss the income level for 2 people by 1K if we can show L has $3,000 in savings we can actually drop my mom and just use ourselves. The same job, no. But I'm looking into going back to school at the moment.

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Half houses like that tend to be a bit roomy (depending on the house). I am jelly of you, lol. I will be in a small 1 bedroom, tiny kitchen, all that. I think you guys will really enjoy the room that you get and so will Jasper.

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Vic - I'm looking at becoming an ultrasound tech. Looking into it right now.


Fudgie - jelly? Lol, that's an awesome auto correct! My co worker who lives there bought me a post card with a picture of the kitchen on it - I love it! A window right over the sink, what I love.

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I am so exhuasted. Like physically exhuasted. We are having an issue at work and we are having to do everything when we didn't before - it's time consuming. So much so every day someone from first as to stay until 7 or 8 and help second shift out and on the weekends someone has to come in and help first. It's so exhausting - I can't say that enough. Thankfully it's not forever, it's only until the end of this month.


I started painting this thing for the bathroom last night and I'm not like the pattern. It was white, blue, and yellow (striped) - it's this thing that holds my perfumes, lotions, etc - so I painted the stripes dark purple and gray and I'm not fond of it. I'm fond of the colours but I was going to keep certain areas on it white - maybe it's the white that's not jiving with me. I'll fiddle with it some more.

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I over slept for work this morning - MAJORLY over slept, by like 2 hours. I remember the alarm at 9 am waking me up and I remember cutting it off. Apparently after that I put my head back down and the next thing I knew I was waking up. And I instantly had that feeling when you know you've over slept, looked at the clock and yep - 11:17. Was due into work at 11. :s

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So after over sleeping I get all the way home and realize I have the work truck keys in my pocket. *facepalm* Cue the 25 min drive BACK to work just to bring the keys back. I'll be glad when I forget to leave them I can just walk accross the freaking road and take them back...

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You two should take a little gun safety course and learn how to shoot a gun once you're both here. It's actually great fun! I don't own any guns myself (my dad does) and I can't legally hunt right now because you need a license for that, but I like shooting at shooting ranges and practice shooting at targets. That doesn't require any license and you can have someone there show you how to properly use and clean a gun. My favourite are the shotguns. Really, nothing feels anything like it!

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