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I love those butterfly earrings. What a great price for them too! Esp since that they are silver, and not nickel. Many cheap earrings are made out of nickel which can cause skin irritation. Silver is the best!


I love earrings. I can't wear them at the moment (I have some scar tissue on my lobe that developed and need to get surgically removed) but I have a pair of "brain earrings" and wear them all the time (when I can!!):


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Sorry to hear about the heartburn.

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Pretty relaxing day off. Been painting a few things, talked to L. Nothing much going on really. My best friend is officially divorced today as well. Tyler is in this mean stage more than he ever has been before. Now he'll go to kick something - anything, even us - and say 'Go!' and will smack our arms and legs. And he's into biting and pinching again. Lord.

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So L and I have made a decision.


As part of preparing for if the visa changes were raised above his income we have been looking into what the process is to move him here. How long it would take, what steps and procedures we would have to do, etc. It's a relatively easy (and I say easy very lightly concerning my government) process in that unlike the UK visa you don't have to pay the lump sum up front. The US process is done in 3 stages: first stage I file a petition to have him come here and at that time we pay $420. That takes makes about 3-6 months and then we do the income stage and pay another fee. Once that's approved (2-5 months) then L will go for his medical test (more $$) and then the interview were they will decide if he gets the visa or not.


And unlike the UK the US allows you to use more evidence to prove the valaidty of the marriage. Such as affidavits. For instance my uncle, his wife, and my best friend can write one that they were at our wedding (in the wedding, actually) and that the night of the wedding went out to dinner with us as a married couple (the affidavits basically atest that that person has spent time with us since we became a married couple). My uncle and his wife can also put in their affidavit that when I visit them once a month they see L and I converse over Face Time. My mom can write one vouching that the last day L was here we spent with her at her house (and as well she can vouch for the fact we Face Time multiple times a week). We couldn't do any of that for the UK visa. On top of that I'm also allowed to show co-mingling of our names in situations which can only strengthen our initial petition. Such as the fact L is listed as the benefactor to my life insurance at work or the fact he's listed on my car insurance.


So we weighed the pros and cons for waiting to see how the UK changes pan out. If we waited until they were announced (which could be any time in June, even at the end of it) and it went against us we would have to wait until after the Sept trip to file the US visa because of the cost of plane ticket, hotel, and food money. If we had to wait until Sept to apply for the US visa that would mean (worse case scenario) he wouldn't be moving here until between May-Sept of next year. If we went ahead now and made the decision for L to move here we could file as early as next month and because you get more $ out of GBP than the other way around, we could still afford to do a trip in Sept. If we decided that then we'd have to make a decision now (this month) and have me moved into an apartment by July (because another form to show our marriage is true is I can overnight him the lease and have him sign it so when I apply for the petiion I can show as evidence his name on the actual lease were I live). And at that point it would make no sense for me to fly to England (and pay more for a plane ticket, a hotel, and spending money) and made more sense for L to fly here and the only money we'd have to use was his plane ticket and whatever we ate in food for that week and a half. And by applying next month, he could (worst case scenario) be here between March-May of next year.


So we've made the decision for L to move here since we can immediately start the process (I'm literally only waiting on a forum and his old passport to be shipped to me, I already have everything else) and money wise it's less. We don't have to fly Jasper (which was $1,300 itself) or wait and hold our breath for the changes to go our way and then they don't and then it's longer apart waiting on the process for here. We will always have the option to move back to the UK - after physically living together for x amount of years we would fall under a different type of UK visa - so that's always a back option if for some reason L doesn't latch on here.


And that's were we are.

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I would really suggest you speak to an immigration lawyer in the US, because I think the process could be significantly more lengthy and complicated than you're envisioning.


My mother is American, married to a European, and when we moved back to the US about 7 years ago they had been married for 25 years, had two children (and the two of us are American, obviously), he had had a green card before, had been working for an American company for 25 years and was being sponsored by his company ... he had several lawyers working on his case and it still took a while for them to approve everything, and a bunch of family members had to write affidavits proving that the marriage was legit (25 years and two kids?!), my parents were interviewed separately, etc etc ...


I know that you've been researching this for a long time and probably know much more about the process than I do, and I really hope it will go as smoothly as you've laid out. I just think you should get some counsel from someone who has a lot of experience doing this (an immigration lawyer). I think it would be very much worth the money.

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We are currently consulating one. The process use to take over a year (they still say 3-6 months for the first phase, 2-5 for the next and a week-a few months for him to get the visa) so they still use the higher end of those time tables just to be on the safe side but most poeple (with a straight forward situation and everything) it takes about 8-10 months now (since about Jan 2010). We are def. more in depth when it comes to the valadity of the marriage and such which ultimately is what takes so long.

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What I've read/heard is not to say "no hit" but just "no" when you take his hands because the child might only hear the word "hit" and think it's ok or at least not understand.


I hadn't thought of that, thank you for that Batya. I'll try that the next time he swats at me. I know he doesn't understand it's wrong but I was sat in the floor with him today and he just slapped the tar out of my face. He thought it was funny and giggled. He's always been a bit of an aggressive child (biting, pinching, slapping) he is just so FULL of energy he can barely contain himself.

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You have my support 100%, OG! As I told you before, I know you guys will make it and can build a happy, healthy home life for you and your future kids, either in the US or the UK. Both ways are possible!

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I think the key word in that sentence is 7 years ago - the process has been significantly changed over the last 2 years. Also that was a different situation, since it was also the USC relocating along with her husband after a considerable period of time. I will certainly be interviewed, and am aware of the questions. To be honest we aren't terribly concerned about this one, especially since the income requirements are also so much lower.


But with that said, we have enlisted an attorney anyway, of only to provide advice.

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The money you bring over will also (almost) double, since the exchange rates from pounds to the US dollar are certainly in your favour.


I love visiting the UK but I always remember feeling a pit in my stomach when I'd go to exchange my US travel money for pounds and it was like "Oh, I have $500!! now it's...like...270 pounds. Crap."

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^ tht def factored in to us just having L move here (and visit here in Sept). With what I have saved up now I can supply the deposit, first months rent, the pet fee, and buy a king sized bed using only my savings with about $400 left over. Then L is sending me $1,800 to get the house started at the beginning of July.

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