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Next few days I'll just chill at home, spend some time with L and straighten up. Then Thurs morning I'm meeting the friend I reconnected with for lunch before driving down to my uncle's house. I'll stay there Thurs-mon morning and then drive back and rest Monday before going back to work

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I fell asleep super early last night and woke up at 2:30 am and couldn't go back to sleep. Decided to take my nails off myself instead of having someone else do it. In the middle of that I went to type something and realized a few of my keyboard keys were typing double letters, like if I typed n it would type nb instead of just n. So I texted L and he told me to get a can of air and try that out. So I drove to Walmart at 5 am and picked up a can and a cheap little $10 keyboard just in case. Got home and aired the keyboard out. Seemed to fix the problem for a while but then it went right back to it. And then a few hours later it's working fine again. I dunno.


After getting back from Walmart I cleaned up and then took a nap from like 10-1. L and I Face Timed for a short while, he had a headache and I didn't want him to stay on if his head was hurting. I feel a lot calmer as well having let go of stress and just accepting how things are instead of always banging my head against a wall trying to change them. That's one of my problems really - I'm always trying to fix something even if it shouldn't be fixed and then all the stress comes into play. Really must learn my lesson one of these days.

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I just poured a little bit of nail polish remover in a tiny cup (I used the lid to the remover) kept dipping my finger in and then wiping on a towel for about 5-10 minutes. Then took a nail filer (like the metal kind) and filed it down some more before going in under the edge of the nail and just gently sliding the filer under until the nail popped off. It's not the most pleasant experience lol. It'll take my nails a few days to get rid of like the indentions made from the acrylic nails.


Yeah. Took a while for me to realize it but better late than never!

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L and I were going over the logistics of what we would have to do if the changes go against us (meaning him moving here), things like how soon after I came back from the visit could I move out, how much he would have to send over per month because the process to move here is longer than to move there (go figure). I guess it gives me some comfort for some reason that even if I'm not the one moving that we'll still get a brand new start over in Myrtle at some point. Neither of us want to live here the rest of our lives. Having the goal of Myrtle gives us some control of were we live even if it's not in the county we want.

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I still see you moving over there. Hopefully that works out. I’m sure it will though. Just have faith


I'm trying. We're pretty sure they will set a income threshold, it's just a matter of at what figure. But if they do and puts me out of moving there it just wasn't meant to be.

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when are you planning to get the air ticket over there?


After my visitor visa is approved so end of June/beginning of July. Little later than we wanted but it's safer to wait to make sure I am granted the visitor visa and then buy the ticket at a slightly raised price than buy the ticket now, get denied the visa, and lose the entire ticket price.

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I dreamed about Nanny. It's the first time since her death I've dreamed about her but she wasn't in the dream if that makes sense. For some reason I was walking through the house I grew up in (her house) and came to her room. There was this little side knook in her room because back before it became her room it actually use to be the kitchen. The original part of the house (the back part) was a simple 2 bedroom, living room, and kitchen home Papa and her had built. When mom and my father moved in they sat a double wide in front of that and attached the double wide to the original house and built an attic on top of that. So after that the kitchen became the one that was in the double wide area and the old kitchen became a room. Before she was kicked out of the largest room of the house by my dad's girlfriend it was our room growing up, a sewing room... but in the end it was her room. Anyway. Were the kitchen windows use to be there was a space between there and the bottom of the attic's stairs that we used for storage. In my dream I walked into it and was shifting through a box and stumbled accross something... I really can't even remember... but whatever it was it made me miss her in the dream and I started crying. I woke up and as crazy as it sounds, I felt her. Maybe it was that dreamy state between waking up and sleep but I keenly felt her prescene in my tiny, dark room. Not a over powering prescene but just that warm, comforting feeling I always had as a child when I was around her. I haven't felt that in years tbh or even since she died I haven't felt it...

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It may have been her ghost comforting you if you believe in them. I truly believe in them and that they are around us. We had one at our old place even the dog saw it. I had some freaky things happen.


I do believe in them. Or at least after a person dies their spirit remains for loved ones. It really was a comforting feeling rather than a 'something is in here with me' feeling - I've had that before! - and it only lasted for a few minutes. But it wasn't like it was here and then left suddenly, it was like a slow, gentle pull away.


What did you have happen?

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We think the ghost stayed at the end of the hall around and in the bathroom. First example was I was playing fetch with my dog throwing a ball down the hall. I threw it and he stopped dead in his tracks, fell, yelped, and then limped back like something had hit him or tripped him. Second would be my dog would sit in the bathroom while I was taking a bath and he would look all around the ceiling or stare at a point in the ceiling like he could see something. Third would be I was sitting in the tub when I felt something grab my leg. Like a hand grabbing me. My husband also felt the presence mostly in the middle of the night when he use the bathroom he could feel and hear things he said.

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