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lol, I completely agree. More importantly, I want my husband there during my pregnancy and, I dunno, the birth? Maybe that's why it bugs me so much. It's like they forget it takes 9 months to have a baby and that my husband is 4,000 miles away. I guess I'm suppose to just pop it out all on my own!

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And technically it's not even his place, or were he's at now won't be were I go. HOPEFULLY when I go over L will be in our house (if the government decides my husband makes enough to support us) and we can stay in the house we'll be living in when I move over. That would be pretty awesome. Worst case (as in I can't move over) we'll get a hotel since he lives with 4 other people.


We were talking the other day about stuff we wanted to do when I come over, were he wanted to take me.

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For some reason, people connect marriage with children. I see it constantly with people who marry..as soon as they're married people immediately ask 'are you gonna have kids?' or 'when's the baby due?'


It's like..while it IS like that for some people..some people haven't even thought about kids..some people are waiting 5 years..some people are waiting 10 years..

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For some reason, people connect marriage with children. I see it constantly with people who marry..as soon as they're married people immediately ask 'are you gonna have kids?' or 'when's the baby due?'


It's like..while it IS like that for some people..some people haven't even thought about kids..some people are waiting 5 years..some people are waiting 10 years..



I hate that question. Even worse, when I told an acquaintance of mine (we'd known each other forever but never been good friends) found out I was pregnant she asked me right away "was it natural?" (I guess because I was 41) and "are you getting married?" I never ask people about child-related decisions or plans mostly because of the fertility issues. Nobody's business. I'm asked fairly often whether I'm planning on having a second child.

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Most people connect marriage with kids. I certainly don't however. I've heard the whole "why bother getting married if you're not going to have kids. It's not a FAMILY if there are no kids" and frankly, I find it offensive. People need to understand that some people (like OG) are waiting to have kids until the best time instead of just HAVING them whenever, and there are even some people like me who aren't having them. The best thing to do is not to ask nosy questions about fertility/babies unless you are closer with the person. It really amazes me sometimes, how distant acquaintances or even strangers think it's okay to ask someone "ARE YOU PREGNANT" or "WHEN ARE THE BABIES GONNA COME" and pat bellies, and all that. It's like boundaries completely fly out the window.

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When I was 8 months pregnant I was exhausted after work and shopping at the market to get something for dinner. This stranger- a teenage girl -stops me and says "can I ask a personal question -how far along are you?" and I said "yes, that's too personal". I hope she learned from that - my reasoning was I didn't want to stop and chat and I also didn't want to hear about whether I looked small or large for my pregnancy stage.

I believe it's awesome to get married whether or not you want children or can have children and I believe a husband and wife are each other's family.


I stopped flying sometime during the second trimester even though we were long distance. Didn't want to take any chances. It was hard being long distance while I was pregnant but I was near my family and friends and really good doctors.

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I hate it when people are like, just have kids now, you can get by. Kids don’t need a lot. It’s so irresponsible. Kids need medical care, they need clothing, they need food, they need happy parents who aren’t stressed about paying for the basics and who are able to put them in the activities and sports they’d like to do. Plus, babies grow fast and before you know it, that child has a lot of needs that require a decent income. Yeah we want kids, but we also want the best possible life for them.

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OG, I have been asked that too, especially when I weighed more in the past.


"No I'm not pregnant I just have a lot of belly fat...and it's round..."


One girl insisted (I was 18 at the time) and she said "Are you SUUUUUURREE your boyfriend didn't knock you up?" and then she POKED my stomach.


Christ lady, I think I know more about what's going on with my body than you do. Step off!

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4 more days of work and I am on a week's vacation! God I can't wait!


I got home today from work and asked mom to use the living room and popped in my pilates DVD and did a work out. I remember why I loved it so much when I lived on my own! Jasper of course would not leave me alone. He kept head butting me while I was doing the exercises or just flopping down next to me - big ol' baby. Grabbing a bite to eat now and then working on the diaper cake for work. Finished the first tier last night but needed a few more supplies to finish it up.

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