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I was on craigslist the other day looking at ads people place for items they want or need. One ad said her teenage daughter's prom was coming up and she needed a size 5 dress for her. I had 3 prom dresses from 10+ years ago in my closet that were probably a size 7 at most. I wrote her and told her she was welcome to them. I ended up giving her all 3 dresses for free. The mom said shed send me a pic of her daughter on prom night.


I still think prom is a special time but it's like Halloween now and gives a lot of girls an excuse to look at skanky as possible. But not all girls of course. I don't like a lot of the dresses out there these days for that reason


My cousin posted pics of her prom this weekend and she looked beautiful and like she was going to prom. Her dress was ankle length and sophisticated and I was happy for that.

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I went to two proms because my high school boyfriend was one year older (and at a different high school). I wore Gunne Sax dresses (now Jessica McLintock I think) to both which was different than the more typical sexy or bridesmaid-ey dresses. Had a great time at both and also partying after.

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I never saw a knee length prom dress till a few years ago. It just wasn't done at my school I guess. Homecoming but not prom. I think prom should be elegant moreso than homecoming but I think that's not so common a belief noe.

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I went 3 proms - my junior, my senior, and my ex's senior (we went to different HS's). I graduated in 2006 so not long ago (although feels like forever ago!) and I think knee length dresses were just starting then. I can recall a few knee length dresses but most of the dresses I remember (and in the pictures I just flipped through) were long. My junior one I wore a dress from David's Bridal (does a huge prom sale every year) that was purple and spaghetti strapped, floor length. For my senior prom I wore a 2 piece technically - the top part was black with light blue trim at the top (was corset) and then there was the full length skirt. For my ex's prom is was a full length, criss-crossed back red dress.


I think short dresses can work for prom, but it's the TYPE of short dress. It has to still have those 'prom' elements to it - glittzy, sophisticated - vs. a mid thigh silk, hip hugging dress. The latter isn't prom to me. The style this year was just... apparently animal print was huge this year with prom. Go figure. I remember my senior year they put a strict dress code at prom - no thigh high splits, couldn't be too low cut, no open back. I remember one girl having to literally sew the split in her dress (it came to mid thigh) so that it closed right at her knee. But yeah, girls were doing skanky back then too.


Like this would be okay short prom:

link removed


and This just owuld be so wrong:

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what do they need to know from your bank statements? Yikes!


That I can afford to fund the trip (or have the funds to support myself once over there and not rely on pubic funds) and it will help with showing I have ties back here to come back to, such as the same bills for Car insurance, Netflix, and 2 credit cards that come out like clock work each month. It gives support to that I have bills that will continue to come out and that I must return in order to pay them TO come out.


That sounds nightmarish!


Do you have to highlight wedding expenses or something?


Nope (I only have to show 6 months so from Dec on back) but I have to explain any irregular deposits into the account (not in accordance with my own income). So like when I send L money and he send it back to me at the end of the month, it's a large sum and I have to explain were it came from. Just easier to break out high lighters and go yellow is for anything I transfer from my paycheck account, pink is anything I send L, and blue are my automated bills each month.

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So, any irregular deposits (aside from income) would be looked closely at? That's odd. For example, if you got money gifts, they would frown upon that and not use that to calculate if you can afford to live there?


Yes, they would be looked closely at. Well this isn't for me to live there - this is for me to visit there in Sept. They wouldn't frown upon it but any income not of my own I need to explain what it was, especially a large sum.

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hahahaha! No idea if I'm suppose to but it makes it easier for the ECO at least in reading this bloody bank statements. I have 3 bank accounts so it's going to be a lot of statements but the only one I have a debit card linked to is filled with random purchases throughout the month (obviously) but anything like that I didn't high light, I just high lighted were my pay checks deposited or a corresponding date I transferred them over into another account, anything L sent me and I sent him, and my monthly bills that never change.

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ENA is great. I'm so glad I found you guys back in early 2010.


I know I am at college, but sometimes I find myself getting lonely and ENA helps, even if it's just giving my 2 cents to someone I don't really know. N is away in my homestate, my family is in my homestate, my friends are mostly in my homestate. My college friends are all cramming for their senior projects and everyone looks like the living dead (myself included). So I have been spending a lot of time alone. Thank you ENA for keeping me sane.

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I've been here 4 1/2 years now and I go back and forth. Some days, it's a god send or just fun and interesting. Other times, I think it's dangerous bc you can take too much what people say to heart. It's why I rarely post on my journal anymore bc it's too easy to just stay in the mess of things and forget to find a solution bc you're too busy analyzing every detail.

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I've been here 4 1/2 years now and I go back and forth. Some days, it's a god send or just fun and interesting. Other times, I think it's dangerous bc you can take too much what people say to heart. It's why I rarely post on my journal anymore bc it's too easy to just stay in the mess of things and forget to find a solution bc you're too busy analyzing every detail.


I absolutely agree. It can also be dangerous for relationships because people's advice can make you over analyze EVERY SINGLE DETAIL..or make you see something that's honestly not a big deal as a MAJOR red flag.. It can make you seriously unconfident in your relationship. That's why on certain things I just won't mention it here..or i'll message yall on FB..or just keep it to myself.

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^ funny man


Since L and I are both members we made an agreement at the beginning of our relationship not to discuss our relationship problems on the board. If and when we have a problem and I need to talk to someone I turn to a select few members for advice, be it Facebook messaging or texting. But I agree with you Dang, some of the friendships I have on here are closer than ones I have IRL.

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