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Everyone is posting prom pictures - be it their own or friend's little siblings - and some of them were even took at the exact same place mine were, the town square (so Southern, I know). I realized it had been 6 years since my senior prom and that caused me to go 0.0. Has it really been SIX years already?! I guess I shouldn't be too shocked, 2016 will be my 10 year HS reunion (which it's up in the air on whether I'll be able to go) but still.


It's also 6 months exactly since we got married... no way does it feel like 6 months since October. At all. I feel so much better since we made this decision to do the trip. Lighter, some what less stressed... it's a firm, positive thing to look to instead of just dark and negative changes that could alter how we want to live our lives. We aren't telling anyone IRL until the ticket is booked (which means my MIL doesn't even know she's meeting me in Sept yet!). I also have to apply for a Family Vistior Visa (thanks to that stupid sale of wine to a minor charge) so it's like a mini thing for the BIG visa we will have to do. Not too much and not anything that will cause me not to be able to apply, I basically just have to show my ties back here (which will be mostly employment). My best friend doesn't even know yet.

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You know, looking back, I think the Universe knew what it was doing when it botched our Feb trip. Not saying it should ALWAYS make it's entent that abrutly damn known but I concede that on that one, It made the right decision and at the perfect time.


So excited, finally, again. I did just tell mom but I kind of needed her in the loop because someone needs to drop me off at Chamblee - I am not paying $140 for parking for a week at the airport. She was perfectly fine with driving me to Chamblee - pretty sure she knocked her head - and even picking me up when I fly in, as long as she has someone to go with her since I won't be landing until about 6 PMish. She said, 'So you'll be here for another Christmas?' to which I gently had to put her down and say I'll still be working come Christmas, since I had it off last year I will work it this year (that and the holiday $$). Even if I weren't, I wouldn't have went to the family Christmas. I've been with L for 2 Christmases and barely spoke to him last Christmas because of having to travel.

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do you really need a family visitor visa? or is that just for the paper trail? i mean, you can just go over there without getting any sort of visa if it is for a week long trip.


For an average person, yes, but I have an unspent conviction for when I had a sale of wine to a minor back in '09 on my record. You have to claim all convictions for up to 5 years (after 5 years you don't have to claim it as it's considered 'spent'). The UKBA strongly suggusts anyone with a criminal record to get whatever visa they need before going - in my case the Family vistior visa. The family visitor visa will also help with the 'who are you here to see?' 'My husband.' 'Is he a UK citizen?' 'Yep' line of questioning and MAYBE stop me from being detained and asked a million questions. If I already have the visa (which means their government has already approved my trip because I'll have to disclose why I'm going, who I'm staying with) the IO probably won't make a huge deal about it.

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You might find you do not care one bit about a HS reunion if you live that far away. I moved accross the country from where I graduated and my 10th and 25th came and went and I did not care one bit. My 30th is coming up in 2 years and I could still care less. Living that far away you will barely be involved in the lives of these people. Your new life will over take all that was your old life for the most part.

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You might find you do not care one bit about a HS reunion if you live that far away. I moved accross the country from where I graduated and my 10th and 25th came and went and I did not care one bit. My 30th is coming up in 2 years and I could still care less. Living that far away you will barely be involved in the lives of these people. Your new life will over take all that was your old life for the most part.


I'm already not involved in the lives of over half the people I went to school with - it's more of seeing and spending time with the few I am still involved with and will continue to be once I move over (as the list is small and close friends). So small in fact the only reason I'd go is if my best friend went - if she doesn't go there is no reason for me to.

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You will find you will be building a new life when you go there pretty fast. Working and having babies and just living life. There won't be too much time for the past. That was my experience at least moving almost 2000 miles from where I was.

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I'm sure I will, but building a new life doesn't mean not continuing a friendship with my best friend, not with today's technology of keeping up with our lives on facebook or being able to still text like we are in the same country on iPhones. Some of the past will be let go but some will certainly not - and that friendship is one of them. Even if it ends up being the ONLY one that survives, it will. It's survived and mutated since we were 14 years old.

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