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I was feeling very naustalgic so I was reading through some of the very old emails between me and CS, like before we were even dating. It's so sweet to look back and know what was coming and be able to remember how you felt then. I remember when he would say something ubber sweet or romantic, I'd blush and then my mom would ask me what I was blushing for, lol

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You think 25°F is cold, my uncle used to be stationed down in Antarctica for scientific research and said the temperature can reach -80°F I'm like F-that!!!


A friend of mine came down from Alaska one year and was 32°F or so; according to them it's VERY warm lol.

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I was at work tonight and after cleaning a dayroom one of the CNAs asked me to spray some good smelling stuff in a residents room. I didn't know why until I walked in. This particular resident is dying. I can't remember if she had a stroke or not months ago but she has been slowly deteriating for months now. Last week I heard she wouldn't even eat anymore, couldn't really. I walked in to her room tonight and you could just smell death. I know that's weird to say and I have never smelled it before but I knew what it was the second I walked in. And she looked so pitiful. She wasn't moving, barley breathing... I'll be surprised if she's still there tomorrow, I really will be. It's very sad because she use to be so vibrant, sitting in the day room singing "Jesus Loves Me" at the top of her lungs in an off pitch voice. I hope she finds peace soon.


I also went to the gym after work. Proud of myself for that one. Working a 7 hour shift I still went to the gym for 30 mins. Woohoo!


I also told CS I was getting him a V-Day present today. He does not like the idea of not knowing what I'm getting (since it's a SURPRISE) and I know he's going to spend the next 48 days trying to work it out of me. He already tried. He tried pulling the 'Oh no! You are getting me THAT!!' pretending to know thinking I'd fall for it and tell him what I was getting him. I may have blonde moments but come on... Fudgie knows though, hahaha.

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Oooo what chain is it, if I may ask?


I love the Hilton and the Hampton Inn. Those are my favourites! I always try to stay there. I used to like the Holiday Inn and honestly, I'm fine staying there too (I'm not picky) but after I did a LONG road trip with my dad and he INSISTED on staying there (because they always ensured free wi-fi)...gah I got tired of them.


Stay away from Days Inn at all costs. I never liked staying in them...they felt kind of dirty. Ironically, that's where I lost my V to my ex which wasn't bad but the hotel room looked like it was from the 1960s and not in a "cool vintage" kind of way, haha.

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Super 8 is were we are staying. We stayed at this same hotel the night CS arrived in town and honestly, for $60, it was an AMAZING room. King size bed, microwave, couch, coffe table, desk, tv... it was a great deal. So we decided to stay with them again and get the same style room. I just paid for the Atlanta nights (17th-24th) and the main website had a special, stay more then 3 nights and they took 20% off. So we only paid like $330 for our entire HM week!


I just can't spend $100 on a room that all I need it for is to sleep, watch tv, and shower. I just can't. I refuse. I'm a cheap skate, hahaha

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Ah yes Super 8. We have that in our area. It's quite good and WOW, that is a deal! That's totally awesome.

I don't know but do they have free wifi? That's like my number 1 criteria when it comes to hotels, lol. It sounds like they come well equipped though.

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Stay away from Days Inn at all costs. I never liked staying in them...they felt kind of dirty. Ironically, that's where I lost my V to my ex which wasn't bad but the hotel room looked like it was from the 1960s and not in a "cool vintage" kind of way, haha.


LOL. weird that is where it happened for me, too. Though the one we were in wasn't all that bad. It was recently updated, considering it is near a popular area and they want more business. It's only 75 bucks a night, so it's not a bad price either.


Super 8 tends to always be very cheap. I haven't stayed in one before, but know of other people who have and they liked it. It should be a nice honeymoon.

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Yeah, with this special it came out to be $40 per night. Even just for that one night in Oct we paid $60. I have a friend who will stay in $100 hotels for one night. I just cant. No way does sleeping, showering, and watch tv cost that much.


We did pay $100 for the one night we stayed in my hometown back in Oct but that was bc we didn't reserve it-I didn't, I can see CS correcting me now-and it was a sat during the local college home game. Should have thought qbout that. A game weekend jacked the price up by $30. But we had to stay somewhere.

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I would not stay at a hotel that costs over $100. My boyfriend and I are too cheap and we like to find deals. If it is under $100, then it's pretty good, but it depends on the area, too. We found a great hotel for under $100 in an awesome spot near the beach, which is almost unheard of. It's hard to get a nice hotel room for cheap in popular areas. Plus Southern Calif is not cheap in general, so finding a good price can be a challenge. $40 a night is a great price! The cheapest I've seen is around $50 a night, but the place looks pretty "sketchy"/bad, so we didn't want to go there. lol.

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Haha, I'm picky I would stay at hotel that costs more than $100 because usually that means it's a very nice hotel. I would just split the costs with my bf. But I think the cheapest hotel I stayed at was like $67 and that was a comfort inn. It was okay. My dad always gets us hotels that are close to $300-500 a night. Talk about too expensive. For my honeymoon I'd probably want to splurge a bit on everything. lol. I think it would be doable because more than likely I'm having tiny ceremony(with only parents viewing) or just having a private ceremony with me and him, and then a party with all of our families later.

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Hi OG..


Just joined today and came accross your post. Have you been checked for celiac's disease... a friend of mine suffered migraines her whole life until her 50's when she was finally diagnosed and once she went gluten free she never had another migraine.. except when she ate gluten..


Cheers and good luck..

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