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Work was.... yeah. So glad I'm off tomorrow. The guy who delivers our clean linen twice a week (Modays and Wednesdays) did NOT deliver last night. 0.0 As a hospital we HAVE to have clean linen and can't just 'run out' of fitted sheets or blankets or towels. So we had to take everything from what we had picked up that moring and wash it PLUS what we had picked up all weekend long. F. I'm exhausted right now. We have been trying to break the contract with this guy because he's not sending enough linen (says one thing on the sheet but it's never the actual amount we get, sending us dirty linen) but the higher ups are dragging their feet. Hopefully THIS pushes them to realize how unreliable he is.


We are also doing a bunch of Relay for Life stuff at work and one thing we do is auctioning gift baskets off. Each department has to come up with a theme and then buy stuff for that theme, then the baskets are auctioned off to all the employees and the money earned goes to Relay for Life. We were rattling our brain this morning trying to figure out a theme - we had one, Toes in the Sand (beach theme) but someone already had that. Drat. So I thought of a New Arrivals basket (we have like 10 pregnant women PLUS a bunch of people who are about to be grandparents or just became grandparents). Just a bunch of gender neutral stuff we can get like baby shampoo, powder, bottles, neutral clothes, recieving blankets, wipes, etc. I'm going to make a diaper cake. My first one so I'm excited about it. I haven't felt the urge to craft in a few months and this has really got me going again. Something like this, maybe a zoo theme since that can be gender neutral:


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Alanon groups do the basket thing every October for our district. It's called "Christmas in October". Last year our group did a candy basket, and the year before, we did a car care basket, but the basket was actually a bucket so they could wash their cars. We had all kinds of stuff in there. Tire cleaner, rain x fluid, wax, special car washing towels, a tire pressure gauge.


This year I want to suggest a dog care basket. Have a bottle of dog shampoo, maybe a leash, a dog brush, a dog blanket, maybe a cute bowl set.


I've made a diaper cake before. Super annoying but def cute!

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Went to the female doctor because I thought I might have an infection - yep. BV again. Ugh.


L and I are both in mushy, missing each other moods and we were tentavely looking at this one bedroom flat for him to move into at the end of the month (because the raising of the income is always at the back of our mind because it could mean me not being able to move htere and him having to move here which means longer apart) but when he called someone and had JUST viewed the flat that morning and accepted it - we both put our hands up and were like 'that's fate telling us again to butt the F out of it's plans, what will be, will be'.

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Sorry to hear about your BV, OG. Can your OB-GYN recommend some ways for you to stop getting recurrent infections? There must be something you can do.


Here are some ideas:


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Looks like some probiotics may be able to help.

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^ The link just goes to a sign in page.


Well I go to the local health department, she basiclaly told me all the stuff I know not to do: don't wipe back to front, make sure any toys are clean before insertion, etc. I'm just going to have to be more vigilant I guess or more so than I am. Because of my work uniform I tend to get moist down there fairly easy, I may have to start just changing underwear whenever that happens so as not to unbalance anything. That statement makes me feel so old, lol. I remember giggling at my aunt because she always keeps an extra pair in her purse 'just in case' she has an accident. Joke is on me I guess.

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I would wear only cotton undies, eat lots of yogurt with live, active cultures, and yes, wipe front to back and clean off all toys before and after use. Consider e en putting condoms on them! I use panty liners sometimes and change them every few hours.

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I only wear cotton undies (I can't stand any other kind) and don't even wear thongs. I have recently started eating yogut for breakfast at work. I'm super digilent about cleaning my toy after (and even before) because Jasper is all the time in my room and cat hair gets every were, so even if it's been in my drawer before use I clean it. I do sometimes sleep completely naked and obviously because Jasper shares the bed his fur is all over it, maybe I'll start making sure I always, always sleep with underwear on just in case his hair is causing issues down there.

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I'm sorry OG. I just realized that I am a MedScape member so that's why it shows up for me but not you. Sorry about that. I'll copy/paste.


Basically, it says that using probiotic treatments (like the pills you get OTC) and/or topical metronidazole gel a couple times a week (also OTC) can help stop BV from coming back, which would reduce doctor visits and needing oral antibiotics.


"The most common initial treatment for BV is one of the following:


7-day oral 500-mg metronidazole regimen;

5-day intravaginal 0.75% metronidazole gel (once daily at bedtime); or

7-day intravaginal 2% clindamycin cream (once daily at bedtime).[5,6]

These treatments generally show immediate symptomatic improvement (7-14 days after beginning treatment), with recurrence rates of 30% at approximately 2-3 months after treatment, and the risk for recurrence increases with time.[3]


Supplemental Treatments


Because of the high recurrence rates associated with BV, research to explore other, mostly supplemental, treatment options is underway. However, to date, insufficient large-scale studies have been completed to warrant any conclusive clinical recommendations.


Acidification. A bacterial biofilm has been shown to be present in the vaginal mucosa of patients with BV, but not in that of control patients. The bacterial biofilm is thought to facilitate the growth of infecting pathogens by increasing their adherence to the vaginal wall and creating a physical barrier against medications.[4] Therefore, acidification to destroy the biofilm has been considered as a potential method for reducing BV recurrence. Reichman and colleagues[7] looked at the effectiveness of applying topical boric acid to the vagina after nitroimidazole therapy (the class of drugs that includes metronidazole). Cure rates ranged from 88% to 92% after weeks 7 and 12, and 87%, 78%, and 65% after weeks 12, 16, and 28, respectively. By 36 weeks after treatment, a 50% rate of recurrence was noted. No adverse reactions were reported with the use of the boric acid.[7]


Probiotics. An inability to regenerate sufficient lactobacilli after treatment may be a cause of BV recurrence, and several researchers have looked into probiotic therapy as an adjunct to traditional antimicrobial treatment. Thulkar and associates[8] found that using 0.75% metronidazole gel in conjunction with probiotics (Ecoflora; Tablets India Ltd, Chennai, India) was associated with a 100% cure rate after 4 weeks, 75% cure rate after 8 weeks, and 62.5% cure rate 12 weeks after treatment (vs 75%, 50%, and 37.5%, respectively, using the gel alone).


Long-term metronidazole gel application. Sobel[3] found that applying topical metronidazole gel twice weekly for a period of 4-6 months after oral antibiotic therapy achieved moderate reductions in recurrence rates but was an expensive and bothersome process for the patient.


Long-term, high-dose metronidazole suppositories. Although no large long-term studies have been conducted, a study from Peru and reported by Sobel[3] showed that long-term administration of high-dose (500 mg) metronidazole vaginal suppositories was more effective than 0.75% metronidazole gel. However, it is important to note that the suppositories used in this study also contained nystatin and were aimed at reducing Candida albicans in mixed infections."

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Talk about a ruff night... I went to bed about 8:30 and woke up at 1. I instantly did not feel well, tummy rumbling and just a blah feeling. I ended up throwing up a few times during the night (I hate throwing up, yuck). It was like no mater what I did, what way I lay, I was just sick to my stomach and was having major chills. I was wearing thick pj botoms, a long sleeve shirt, no fan on, under my cover, and I was still shivering like I was wearing nothing. I ended up texting my boss at about 3:30 to let her know I wasn't going to be able to make it in. Tummy feels okay right now but I really don't want to eat considering just drinking water last night I threw that right back up.

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