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It really was. She is such a sweetheart. She was also telling me about how she use to (and still does) clean houses, especially for the elderly or new moms and that she made a pretty good living at it. She made the comment I could def do well at it given how I was as a housekeeper. Maybe.

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Yeah and that's also illegal Vic. Not an issue if you're a permanent resident perhaps - not a good idea if a criminal conviction for tax evasion would result in deportation however...


It may be, BUT, the tax man had their chunk of my other two jobs at the time. One has to eat and live.

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I couldn't imagine reporting $60 or so earned income for doing someone's gardening. Oh well.


Some things are not worth reporting because they make it impossible to do and basically make you work wages that are nothing more than servitude and or being the "working poor", no thanks.

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I can definitely understand your point, OG. You do have to be careful and follow all the rules in your case. It would be horrible if you had to go back to the US over something so stupid like not reporting $20 made from an odd job. Not worth it.

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